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BinFPE: accurate floating-point exception detection for GPU applications00.342022
Automata and Computability Education via Jove00.342021
ArcherGear: data race equivalencing for expeditious HPC debugging10.372020
Rigorous Estimation of Floating-Point Round-off Errors with Symbolic Taylor Expansions.330.992019
Multi-level analysis of compiler induced variability and performance tradeoffs.00.342018
An Operational Semantic Basis for Building an OpenMP Data Race Checker10.362018
Moving the Needle on Rigorous Floating-Point Precision Tuning.00.342017
An Operational Semantic Basis for OpenMP Race Analysis.00.342017
FLiT: Cross-platform floating-point result-consistency tester and workload20.382017
Report of the HPC Correctness Summit, Jan 25-26, 2017, Washington, DC.00.342017
Rigorous floating-point mixed-precision tuning.201.072017
Portable inter-workgroup barrier synchronisation for GPUs.50.432016
A Parameterized Floating-Point Formalizaton in HOL Light40.402015
Achieving Formal Parallel Program Debugging by Incentivizing CS/HPC Collaborative Tool Development00.342015
Towards Providing Low-Overhead Data Race Detection for Large OpenMP Applications50.502014
Practical symbolic race checking of GPU programs120.622014
Towards Formal Approaches to System Resilience310.982013
Towards shared memory consistency models for GPUs70.542013
Hybrid approach for data-flow analysis of MPI programs80.532013
Abstract: MAPPED: Predictive Dynamic Analysis Tool for MPI Applications00.342012
GKLEE: concolic verification and test generation for GPUs592.302012
A sound reduction of persistent-sets for deadlock detection in MPI applications20.372012
Formal Methods for Surviving the Jungle of Heterogeneous Parallelism00.342012
Formal Analysis of Message Passing - (Invited Talk)00.342011
Practical parallel and concurrent programming90.642011
Bug-Assist: assisting fault localization in ANSI-C programs120.622011
Large Scale Verification of MPI Programs Using Lamport Clocks with Lazy Update90.592011
Formal analysis of MPI-based parallel programs351.332011
Computer Aided Verification - 23rd International Conference, CAV 2011, Snowbird, UT, USA, July 14-20, 2011. Proceedings557.132011
Top ten ways to make formal methods for HPC practical10.372010
Efficient methods for formally verifying safety properties of hierarchical cache coherence protocols100.522010
Scalable verification of MPI programs10.362010
Scalable SMT-based verification of GPU kernel functions602.582010
Precise dynamic analysis for slack elasticity: adding buffering without adding bugs60.462010
Distributed dynamic partial order reduction10.352010
Formal methods applied to high-performance computing software design: a case study of MPI one-sided communication-based locking20.372010
Reduced Execution Semantics of MPI: From Theory to Practice90.642009
MCC: A runtime verification tool for MCAPI user applications120.672009
Static-Analysis Assisted Dynamic Verification of MPI Waitany Programs (Poster Abstract)20.392009
Some resources for teaching concurrency10.392009
Formal verification of practical MPI programs452.142009
Proceedings of the 7th Workshop on Parallel and Distributed Systems: Testing, Analysis, and Debugging, PADTAD 2009, Chicago, Illinois, USA, July 19-20, 200990.762009
ISP Tool Update: Scalable MPI Verification.10.362009
Automatic Discovery of Transition Symmetry in Multithreaded Programs Using Dynamic Analysis150.622009
Practical Formal Verification of MPI and Thread Programs10.372009
Dynamic Verification Of Multicore Communication Applications In Mcapi10.362009
Sound and Efficient Dynamic Verification of MPI Programs with Probe Non-determinism40.512009
Review computation engineering: applied automata theory and logic00.342008
Formal specification of the MPI-2.0 standard in TLA+90.622008
Scheduling considerations for building dynamic verification tools for MPI70.602008
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