Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering and the Coordinated Science Laboratory, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, IL, USA
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Dynamic Tomography Reconstruction by Projection-Domain Separable Modeling00.342022
Model selection with covariance matching based non-negative lasso00.342020
Transform Learning for Magnetic Resonance Image Reconstruction: From Model-Based Learning to Building Neural Networks50.382020
GAN-based Projector for Faster Recovery in Compressed Sensing with Convergence Guarantees.00.342019
Learning Filter Bank Sparsifying Transforms.20.352019
Multichannel Sparse Blind Deconvolution On The Sphere00.342019
VIDOSAT: High-dimensional Sparsifying Transform Learning for Online Video Denoising.60.412019
Bounding Multivariate Trigonometric Polynomials.00.342019
The Power of Complementary Regularizers: Image Recovery via Transform Learning and Low-Rank Modeling.10.342018
Global Geometry of Multichannel Sparse Blind Deconvolution on the Sphere.40.372018
Near-Optimal Compressed Sensing of a Class of Sparse Low-Rank Matrices Via Sparse Power Factorization.40.392018
Blind Gain and Phase Calibration via Sparse Spectral Methods50.392017
Blind Recovery of Sparse Signals from Subsampled Convolution.291.052017
Identifiability and Stability in Blind Deconvolution under Minimal Assumptions50.462017
Identifiability in Bilinear Inverse Problems With Applications to Subspace or Sparsity-Constrained Blind Gain and Phase Calibration.80.452017
Optimal sample complexity for stable matrix recovery00.342016
Dimensionality Reduction for Nonlinear Regression with Two Predictor Vectors.00.342016
Range-space based identification of parametric linear systems00.342016
Structured Overcomplete Sparsifying Transform Learning with Convergence Guarantees and Applications471.272015
FRIST - Flipping and Rotation Invariant Sparsifying Transform Learning and Applications50.392015
Identifiability in Blind Deconvolution under Minimal Assumptions.10.352015
Identifiability in Blind Deconvolution with Subspace or Sparsity Constraints130.702015
Online Sparsifying Transform Learning - Part I: Algorithms180.722015
Efficient Blind Compressed Sensing Using Sparsifying Transforms with Convergence Guarantees and Application to Magnetic Resonance Imaging160.562015
Improving M-SBL for Joint Sparse Recovery using a Subspace Penalty.50.422015
Optimal Sample Complexity for Blind Gain and Phase Calibration70.432015
Online Sparsifying Transform Learning - Part II: Convergence Analysis80.462015
Data-Driven Learning of a Union of Sparsifying Transforms Model for Blind Compressed Sensing150.682015
Model-Based Iterative Tomographic Reconstruction With Adaptive Sparsifying Transforms90.492014
Learning overcomplete sparsifying transforms with block cosparsity50.442014
Tomographic reconstruction with adaptive sparsifying transforms130.652014
Doubly sparse transform learning with convergence guarantees20.422014
Online sparsifying transform learning for signal processing20.382014
Motion adaptive patch-based low-rank approach for compressed sensing cardiac cine MRI.00.342014
Sparsifying transform learning for Compressed Sensing MRI210.842013
Learning doubly sparse transforms for images.250.852013
Learning overcomplete sparsifying transforms for signal processing.180.702013
Learning Sparsifying Transforms231.042013
Subspace penalized sparse learning for joint sparse recovery00.342013
Near Optimal Compressed Sensing of Sparse Rank-One Matrices via Sparse Power Factorization.241.112013
Corrections to "ADMiRA: Atomic Decomposition for Minimum Rank Approximation".00.342013
Closed-form solutions within sparsifying transform learning220.802013
Oblique pursuits for compressed sensing with random anisotropic measurements00.342013
Oblique Pursuits for Compressed Sensing60.502012
Learning sparsifying transforms for image processing.20.392012
Learning doubly sparse transforms for image representation70.482012
Generic Feasibility of Perfect Reconstruction With Short FIR Filters in Multichannel Systems00.342011
Compressive diffuse optical tomography: noniterative exact reconstruction using joint sparsity.170.902011
Highly undersampled MRI using adaptive sparse representations00.342011
Guest Editorial Compressive Sensing for Biomedical Imaging70.512011
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