Department of Computer Science Education, Korea University, 1, 5-ka, Anam-dong, Seongbuk-ku, Seoul 136-701, South Korea. <rfc822></rfc822>
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Fine-Grained I/O Traffic Control Middleware for I/O Fairness in Virtualized System00.342022
Partial migration technique for GPGPU tasks to Prevent GPU Memory Starvation in RPC-based GPU Virtualization.00.342020
Intelligent Resource Management Schemes For Systems, Services, And Applications Of Cloud Computing Based On Artificial Intelligence00.342019
SafeDB: Spark Acceleration on FPGA Clouds with Enclaved Data Processing and Bitstream Protection00.342019
Implementation of Low-Latency Message Delivery for Serverless Based Workflow00.342019
A Scheduler Considering Characteristics of VM for Mitigation of Unstable Performance00.342018
Byzantine-resilient dual gossip membership management in clouds.10.362018
Mitigation technique for performance degradation of virtual machine owing to GPU pass-through in fog computing.20.422018
An Intelligent Residual Resource Monitoring Scheme In Cloud Computing Environments10.362018
Evaluation of P2P and cloud computing as platform for exhaustive key search on block ciphers.10.362018
A Distributed Snapshot Protocol for Efficient Artificial Intelligence Computation in Cloud Computing Environments.10.362018
Detecting Sybil Attacks in Cloud Computing Environments Based on Fail-Stop Signature.00.342017
An Efficient and Energy-Aware Cloud Consolidation Algorithm for Multimedia Big Data Applications.60.502017
A slave ants based ant colony optimization algorithm for task scheduling in cloud computing environments80.502017
Sensor Coverage Problem in Sparse MANET Environments.00.342016
Task Classification Based Energy-Aware Consolidation in Clouds.60.472016
GPSF: General-Purpose Scheduling Framework for Container Based on Cloud Environment.00.342016
Dynamic group‐based fault tolerance technique for reliable resource management in mobile cloud computing40.412016
An Efficient String Searching Algorithm Based On Occurrence Frequency And Pattern Of Vowels And Consonants In A Pattern00.342015
Unstructured deadlock detection technique with scalability and complexity-efficiency in clouds10.372014
An Estimation-Based Task Load Balancing Scheduling in Spot Clouds.20.372014
Gossip Membership Management with Social Graphs for Byzantine Fault Tolerance in Clouds.00.342014
Fault tolerance and QoS scheduling using CAN in mobile social cloud computing110.492014
A Workflow Scheduling Technique to Consider Task Processing Rate in Spot Instance-Based Cloud10.352014
A Workflow Scheduling Technique Using Genetic Algorithm in Spot Instance-Based Cloud.50.672014
Estimated Interval-Based Checkpointing (EIC) on Spot Instances in Cloud Computing.30.372014
Mobility-aware balanced scheduling algorithm in mobile Grid based on mobile agent.30.382014
A scheduling algorithm with dynamic properties in mobile grid30.372014
Scalable and leaderless Byzantine consensus in cloud computing environments90.512014
Task Balanced Workflow Scheduling Technique considering Task Processing Rate in Spot Market.20.362014
VM Migration for Fault Tolerance in Spot Instance Based Cloud Computing.40.392013
Performance evaluation of many-core systems: case study with TILEPro6400.342013
An unstructured termination detection algorithm using gossip in cloud computing environments20.362013
A Termination Detection Technique Using Gossip in Cloud Computing Environments.00.342012
A gossip-based mutual exclusion algorithm for cloud environments20.372012
Pipelined CPU Design With FPGA in Teaching Computer Architecture.80.842012
Resource allocation techniques based on availability and movement reliability for mobile cloud computing121.032012
Using virtual platform in embedded system education70.592012
FRASystem: fault tolerant system using agents in distributed computing systems20.392011
Replication and Checkpoint Schemes for Task-Fault Tolerance in Campus-Wide Mobile Grid.20.372011
Markov Chain Based Monitoring Service for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Cloud Computing200.782011
An efficient checkpointing scheme using price history of spot instances in cloud computing environment150.732011
Group-based Scheduling Algorithm for Fault Tolerance in Mobile Grid60.462010
Monitoring service using markov chain model in mobile grid environment10.352010
Mobile Grid System Based on Mobile Agent.10.352010
An effective job replication technique based on reliability and performance in mobile grids60.432010
Performance Evaluation of Scheduling Mechanism with Checkpoint Sharing and Task Duplication in P2P-Based PC Grid Computing10.392009
Balanced Scheduling Algorithm Considering Availability in Mobile Grid100.672009
Development of Grid Service Based Molecular Docking Application00.342008
Dynamic Service Scheduling for Workflow Applications in Service Oriented Grid00.342007
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