Beijing Normal Univ, Coll Informat Sci & Technol, Beijing 100088, Peoples R China
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TBM-Mounted Seismic Ahead-Prospecting for Fast Detecting Anomalous Geology Ahead of Tunnel Face00.342021
Physical Layer Security Performance Analysis of the Time Reversal Transmission System00.342020
An Effective Dual-Fisheye Lens Stitching Method Based on Feature Points.00.342019
Stochastic Day-ahead Scheduling of Integrated Energy Distribution Network with Identifying Redundant Gas Network Constraints10.352019
Large-scale prediction of ADAR-mediated effective human A-to-I RNA editing.00.342019
View synthesis based on spatio-temporal continuity00.342019
Automated Anomaly Detection Assisted by Discrimination Model for Time Series00.342019
Performance Analysis of Time Reversal Communication Systems.00.342019
Euler Elastica regularized Logistic Regression for whole-brain decoding of fMRI data.10.352018
A web-based virtual laboratory for SHRIMP.00.342018
SHRIMPDB: a new geoanalytical database for U-Th-Pb geochronological data from SHRIMP measurements.00.342018
DT-3DResNet-LSTM: An Architecture for Temporal Activity Recognition in Videos.20.432018
A multi-uncertainty-set based two-stage robust optimization to defender-attacker-defender model for power system protection.20.372018
Satellite resource description and search based on hybrid granularity00.342018
<Emphasis Type="Italic">bioSyntax</Emphasis>: syntax highlighting for computational biology10.362018
A SLAM with simultaneous construction of 2D and 3D maps based on Rao-Blackwellized particle filters00.342018
Anomaly Detection in the Web Logs Using Unsupervised Algorithm.00.342018
Remotely Monitoring Ecosystem Water Use Efficiency of Grassland and Cropland in China's Arid and Semi-Arid Regions with MODIS Data.00.342017
Signal Processing Of Ultrasonic Testing Of Hardened Layer Depth Based On Wavelet Transform Theory00.342017
A Text Clustering Algorithm to Detect Basic Level Categories in Texts.00.342017
Multi-modal discriminative dictionary learning for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment.40.442017
BioQueue: a novel pipeline framework to accelerate bioinformatics analysis.10.362017
Gender Differences In Dynamic Functional Connectivity Based On Resting-State Fmri00.342017
Multi-feature kernel discriminant dictionary learning for face recognition.100.442017
Behavior-Based Collective Classification in Sparsely Labeled Networks.00.342017
Impacts of Working Memory Training on Brain Network Topology.00.342017
Micromachined Patch Antenna Array Design And Optimization By Using Artificial Neural Network00.342017
WeiboFinder: A Topic-Based Chinese Word Finding and Learning System.00.342017
Power-Aware Resource Reconfiguration Using Genetic Algorithm in Cloud Computing.00.342016
Real-time virtual view synthesis using light field.00.342016
Spatio-temporal information for human action recognition.00.342016
Real-time ballistocardiographic artifact reduction using the k-teager energy operator detector and multi-channel referenced adaptive noise cancelling.00.342016
Study On The Inventory Management Of Company E Auto Parts Based On Storage Theory00.342016
A real-time method to reduce ballistocardiogram artifacts from EEG during fMRI based on optimal basis sets (OBS).10.352016
Multi-modality sparse representation-based classification for Alzheimer's disease and mild cognitive impairment180.632015
Dynamic Allocation of Virtual Resources Based on Genetic Algorithm in the Cloud.00.342015
Interaction of multiple networks modulated by the working memory training based on real-time fMRI00.342015
Cortical activities of single-trial P300 amplitudes modulated by memory load using simultaneous EEG-fMRI00.342015
A two-step super-Gaussian independent component analysis approach for fMRI data.10.352015
Discriminative analysis of non-linear brain connectivity for leukoaraiosis with resting-state fMRI00.342015
A web-based virtual laboratory for electron probe microanalysis.00.342015
Comparative study of two sparse multinomial logistic regression models in decoding visual stimuli from brain activity of fMRI00.342014
A Novel HCI System Based on Real-Time fMRI Using Motor Imagery Interaction.10.382013
An Improved Fast Marching Method And Its Application In Alzheimer'S Disease00.342013
Spatio-temporal pattern analysis of single-trial EEG signals recorded during visual object recognition.00.342011
Optimization of image preprocessing for diffusion tensor magnetic resonance imaging00.342010
Exploration of Event-Evoked Oscillatory Activities during a Cognitive Task00.342008
A spatiotemporal approach to N170 detection with application to brain-computer interfaces10.372008
Time variant causality model applied in brain connectivity network based on event related potential00.342006
Time-Frequency analysis of EEG based on event related cognitive task20.722006
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