Virginia Tech, Grado Dept Ind & Syst Engn 0118, Blacksburg, VA 24061 USA
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A Complementary Column Generation Approach For The Graph Equipartition Problem00.342020
A Mathematical Modelling And Optimization Approach For A Maritime Facility Location Transshipment Problem00.342018
Single-commodity flow-based formulations and accelerated benders algorithms for the high-multiplicity asymmetric traveling salesman problem and its extensions.00.342018
A Novel Model and Decomposition Approach for the Integrated Airline Fleet Assignment, Aircraft Routing, and Crew Pairing Problem10.342017
A Column Generation Mathematical Model For A Teaching Assistant Workload Assignment Problem00.342017
On the numerical solution of the quadratic eigenvalue complementarity problem20.372016
On Throughput Region for Primary and Secondary Networks With Node-Level Cooperation.20.372016
A Scheduling Algorithm for MIMO DoF Allocation in Multi-hop Networks60.512016
A Mobile Platform for Wireless Charging and Data Collection in Sensor Networks160.702015
On an enumerative algorithm for solving eigenvalue complementarity problems120.652014
Distributed optimal load shedding for disaster recovery in smart electric power grids: a second-order approach10.372014
On the Solution of the Inverse Eigenvalue Complementarity Problem10.362014
Minimizing conditional-value-at-risk for stochastic scheduling problems110.602014
Ideal representations of lexicographic orderings and base-2 expansions of integer variables.30.432013
An Integrated Approach for Airline Flight Selection and Timing, Fleet Assignment, and Aircraft Routing90.522013
A benders decomposition approach for an integrated airline schedule design and fleet assignment problem with flight retiming, schedule balance, and demand recapture.10.362013
Aggregate-level demand management in evacuation planning.151.022013
Siting and Sizing of Facilities under Probabilistic Demands.10.362013
Configuration of airspace sectors for balancing air traffic controller workload.20.382013
On traveling path and related problems for a mobile station in a rechargeable sensor network411.272013
Enhancing RLT-based relaxations for polynomial programming problems via a new class of v-semidefinite cuts70.582012
Reduced RLT representations for nonconvex polynomial programming problems130.602012
Higher-level RLT or disjunctive cuts based on a partial enumeration strategy for 0-1 mixed-integer programs.20.372012
Optimal Power Allocation in Multi-Relay MIMO Cooperative Networks: Theory and Algorithms.200.962012
Minimizing the maximum network flow: models and algorithms with resource synergy considerations.00.342012
Network interdiction to minimize the maximum probability of evasion with synergy between applied resources.30.442012
Distributed cross-layer optimization in wireless networks: A second-order approach150.682012
A scenario generation-based lower bounding approach for stochastic scheduling problems.00.342012
Combined bound-grid-factor constraints for enhancing RLT relaxations for polynomial programs40.412011
Flexible aircraft fleeting and routing at <Emphasis Type="Italic">TunisAir</Emphasis>70.462011
Selecting Optimal Alternatives and Risk Reduction Strategies in Decision Trees10.372011
New formulation for the high multiplicity asymmetric traveling salesman problem with application to the Chesapeake problem60.472011
Exact approaches for integrated aircraft fleeting and routing at TunisAir100.482011
A Dynamic Network Interdiction Problem120.592010
A fractional programming approach for retail category price optimization100.692010
Cooperative Communications in Multi-hop Wireless Networks: Joint Flow Routing and Relay Node Assignment682.082010
Integrated Airline Schedule Design and Fleet Assignment: Polyhedral Analysis and Benders' Decomposition Approach170.622010
Algorithmic expedients for the Prize Collecting Steiner Tree Problem70.482010
Models and algorithms for the scheduling of a doubles tennis training tournament50.472010
A mixed-integer mathematical modeling approach to exam timetabling80.472010
Complementary column generation and bounding approaches for set partitioning formulations130.622009
Joint vehicle assembly-routing problems: An integrated modeling and optimization approach40.472009
Solutions and optimality criteria for nonconvex constrained global optimization problems with connections between canonical and Lagrangian duality231.572009
On path selection and rate allocation for video in wireless mesh networks431.672009
Two-stage workforce planning under demand fluctuations and uncertainty201.002009
Optimal power allocation for achieving perfect secrecy capacity in MIMO wire-tap channels90.662009
On performance optimization for multi-carrier MIMO ad hoc networks40.442009
Routing and Power Allocation for MIMO-Based Ad Hoc Networks with Dirty Paper Coding30.432008
Higher-order cover cuts from zero-one knapsack constraints augmented by two-sided bounding inequalities30.402008
Cross-Layer Optimization for Data Rate Utility Problem in UWB-based Ad Hoc Networks70.572008
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