Department of Intelligence Science and Technology, Graduate School of Informatics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan
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Integrated Learning of Robot Motion and Sentences: Real-Time Prediction of Grasping Motion and Attention based on Language Instructions00.342022
Contact-Rich Manipulation of a Flexible Object based on Deep Predictive Learning using Vision and Tactility.00.342022
Leveraging Motor Babbling for Efficient Robot Learning00.342021
How To Select And Use Tools? : Active Perception Of Target Objects Using Multimodal Deep Learning00.342021
In-air Knotting of Rope using Dual-Arm Robot based on Deep Learning00.342021
Paradoxical sensory reactivity induced by functional disconnection in a robot model of neurodevelopmental disorder00.342021
Wiping 3D-objects using Deep Learning Model based on Image/Force/Joint Information.00.342020
Sensorimotor Input as a Language Generalisation Tool: A Neurorobotics Model for Generation and Generalisation of Noun-Verb Combinations with Sensorimotor Inputs.10.392019
Editorial: Machine Learning Methods for High-Level Cognitive Capabilities in Robotics00.342019
Real-time Liquid Pouring Motion Generation - End-to-End Sensorimotor Coordination for Unknown Liquid Dynamics Trained with Deep Neural Networks.00.342019
Discontinuous Stabilizing Control of Skid-Steering Mobile Robot (SSMR)10.392019
Weakly-Supervised Deep Recurrent Neural Networks for Basic Dance Step Generation00.342019
Disentanglement in conceptual space during sensorimotor interaction00.342019
Encoding Longer-term Contextual Sensorimotor Information in a Predictive Coding Model00.342018
Deep 3d Pose Dictionary: 3d Human Pose Estimation From Single Rgb Image Using Deep Convolutional Neural Network10.352018
Encoding Longer-term Contextual Multi-modal Information in a Predictive Coding Model.00.342018
Motion Switching With Sensory and Instruction Signals by Designing Dynamical Systems Using Deep Neural Network.10.482018
Dynamic motion learning for multi-DOF flexible-joint robots using active-passive motor babbling through deep learning.20.362017
Four-Part Harmonization: Comparison of a Bayesian Network and a Recurrent Neural Network.00.342017
Tool-body assimilation model considering grasping motion through deep learning.40.422017
Visual motor integration of robot's drawing behavior using recurrent neural network.40.402016
Body Model Transition By Tool Grasping During Motor Babbling Using Deep Learning And Rnn00.342016
Dynamical Linking Of Positive And Negative Sentences To Goal-Oriented Robot Behavior By Hierarchical Rnn20.392016
Acquisition of viewpoint representation in imitative learning from own sensory-motor experiences20.402015
Predictive learning with uncertainty estimation for modeling infants' cognitive development with caregivers: A neurorobotics experiment00.342015
Symbol Emergence in Robotics: A Survey190.872015
Audio-visual speech recognition using deep learning271.132015
Efficient Motor Babbling Using Variance Predictions from a Recurrent Neural Network.10.352015
The interaction between a robot and multiple people based on spatially mapping of friendliness and motion parameters.20.372014
Multimodal integration learning of robot behavior using deep neural networks.381.422014
Learning to generate proactive and reactive behavior using a dynamic neural network model with time-varying variance prediction mechanism.30.382014
Applying intrinsic motivation for visuomotor learning of robot arm motion00.342014
Multimodal Integration Learning Of Object Manipulation Behaviors Using Deep Neural Networks20.402013
Automatic chord recognition based on probabilistic integration of acoustic features, bass sounds, and chord transition00.342012
Initialization-robust multipitch estimation based on latent harmonic allocation using overtone corpus.00.342012
A GMM sound source model for blind speech separation in under-determined conditions20.412012
Improvement of audio-visual score following in robot ensemble with human guitarist.40.392012
Sound sources selection system by using onomatopoeic querries from multiple sound sources10.372012
Automatic Allocation Of Training Data For Speech Understanding Based On Multiple Model Combinations00.342012
Fast And Simple Iterative Algorithm Of Lp-Norm Minimization For Under-Determined Speech Separation00.342011
Robot with two ears listens to more than two simultaneous utterances by exploiting harmonic structures00.342011
Polyphonic audio-to-score alignment based on Bayesian Latent Harmonic Allocation Hidden Markov Model50.632011
Incremental Bayesian Audio-to-Score Alignment with Flexible Harmonic Structure Models.30.412011
Bayesian Extension Of Music For Sound Source Localization And Tracking00.342011
Use of a Sparse Structure to Improve Learning Performance of Recurrent Neural Networks.10.352011
Real-time audio-to-score alignment using particle filter for coplayer music robots160.722011
Classification of Known and Unknown Environmental Sounds Based on Self-Organized Space Using a Recurrent Neural Network.10.362011
Towards Written Text Recognition Based on Handwriting Experiences Using a Recurrent Neural Network.00.342011
Improvement in listening capability for humanoid robot HRP-240.462010
Music-ensemble robot that is capable of playing the theremin while listening to the accompanied music30.422010
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