Dipartimento di Scienze dell' Informazione, Università di Roma “La Sapienza”, Via Salaria 113, 00198 Roma, Italy
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String factorisations with maximum or minimum dimension00.342020
A simple linear time algorithm for the locally connected spanning tree problem on maximal planar chordal graphs00.342019
Some classes of graphs that are not PCGs.00.342019
Graphs that Are Not Pairwise Compatible: A New Proof Technique (Extended Abstract).00.342018
On variants of Vertex Geography on undirected graphs.00.342018
On dynamic threshold graphs and related classes.00.342018
A Locally Connected Spanning Tree Can Be Found in Polynomial Time on Simple Clique 3-Trees.00.342016
Fully Dynamically Maintaining Minimal Integral Separator for Threshold and Difference Graphs.00.342016
Dynamically Operating on Threshold Graphs and Related Classes (Extended Abstract).00.342015
Fast Flooding over Manhattan80.542013
Deciding the winner in k rounds for DISJOINT ARROWS, a new combinatorial partizan game00.342013
Optimal gossiping in geometric radio networks in the presence of dynamical faults20.362012
Information Spreading in Stationary Markovian Evolving Graphs411.422011
Reverse-free codes and permutations.00.342011
Information spreading in stationary Markovian evolving graphs491.852011
Flooding Time of Edge-Markovian Evolving Graphs351.402010
On Reverse-Free Codes and Permutations40.532010
Modelling Mobility: A Discrete Revolution.00.342010
Broadcasting in dynamic radio networks291.192009
Flooding time in edge-Markovian dynamic graphs612.772008
Minimum-Energy Broadcast and disk cover in grid wireless networks70.772008
Minimum-energy broadcast in random-grid ad-hoc networks: approximation and distributed algorithms50.482008
An equivalent version of the Caccetta-Häggkvist conjecture in an online load balancing problem10.362007
Spanning trees with many leaves in regular bipartite graphs00.342007
Communication in dynamic radio networks231.292007
On the bounded-hop MST problem on random Euclidean instances20.382007
Optimal gossiping in directed geometric radio networks in presence of dynamical faults30.402007
Minimum energy broadcast and disk cover in grid wireless networks20.362006
A distributed protocol for the bounded-hops converge-cast in ad-hoc networks20.402006
Experimental Analysis of Practically Efficient Algorithms for Bounded-Hop Accumulation in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks60.502005
Divide and conquer is almost optimal for the bounded-hop MST problem on random euclidean instances40.492005
The range assignment problem in non-homogeneous static ad-hoc networks100.482004
Efficient Algorithms for Low-Energy Bounded-Hop Broadcast in Ad-Hoc Wireless Networks170.742004
Distributed broadcast in radio networks of unknown topology682.442003
Optimal F-Reliable Protocols for the Do-All Problem on Single-Hop Wireless Networks120.682002
A better bound for locally thin set families30.452001
Delta-systems and qualitative (in)dependence20.592001
Compact Representations of the Intersection Structure of Families of Finite Sets10.412001
Distributed multi-broadcast in unknown radio networks161.152001
Round Robin Is Optimal for Fault-Tolerant Broadcasting on Wireless Networks341.482001
Self-Similarity Bounds for Locally Thin Set Families10.382001
Selective families, superimposed codes, and broadcasting on unknown radio networks1324.682001
On Computing Ad-hoc Selective Families150.902001
Logical definability of Y-tree and trellis systolic omega-languages10.362001
Distributed Broadcast in Wireless Networks with Unknown Topology10.362001
String Quartets in Binary61.262000
Systolic tree &ohgr;-languages: the operational and the logical view40.532000
A Linear-Time Algorithm for the Feasibility of Pebble Motion on Trees221.691999
A Logical Characterization of Systolic Languages10.441998
Testing and reconfiguration of VLSI linear arrays91.361998
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