Nat. Space Dev. Agency of Japan, Tokyo, Japan
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Calibration and Validation of Polarimetric ALOS2-PALSAR200.342022
Assessment of PALSAR-2 Compact Non-Circularity Using Amazonian Rainforests00.342020
Flood Detection in Built-Up Areas Using Interferometric Phase Statistics of PALSAR-2 Data00.342020
Effect of Faraday Rotation on <italic>L</italic>-Band Ocean Normalized Radar Cross Section and Wind Speed Detection00.342019
Flood Area Detection Using PALSAR-2 Amplitude and Coherence Data: The Case of the 2015 Heavy Rainfall in Japan00.342019
Early-Stage Deforestation Detection in the Tropics With L-band SAR.00.342018
Large-Area Land Use and Land Cover Classification With Quad, Compact, and Dual Polarization SAR Data by PALSAR-2.10.352018
The Global Mangrove Watch - A New 2010 Global Baseline of Mangrove Extent.00.342018
Polarimetric Calibration for a Ground-Based Radar, and Comparison of the Polarimetric Parameters with Air-Borne SAR Obtained from a Forest.00.342017
Recent Advances in Synthetic Aperture Radar Remote Sensing - Systems, Data Processing, and Applications.20.372017
An Autocorrelation-Based Radio Frequency Interference Detection and Removal Method in Azimuth-Frequency Domain for SAR Image.30.512017
In-Situ Measurement of Soil Permittivity at Various Depths for the Calibration and Validation of Low-Frequency SAR Soil Moisture Models by Using GPR.30.572017
Detection Of Wind Fields From Palsar-200.342016
Alos-2 Operation Status00.342016
Meso- And Submeso-Scale Ocean Front Detection Using Sar And Optical Data00.342016
Pi-SAR-L2 Observation of the Landslide Caused by Typhoon Wipha on Izu Oshima Island.00.342016
Guest Editorial Foreword to the Special Issue on Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR): New Techniques, Missions and Applications.00.342016
Analysis of Coastal Sedimentation Impact to Jakarta Giant Sea Wall Using PSI ALOS PALSAR.10.362016
Mapping Regional Inundation with Spaceborne L-Band SAR100.742015
Accuracy improvement by residue and amplitude based local co-registration method for ALOS-2/PALSAR-2 DInSAR00.342015
Calibration And Validation Of Polarimetric Alos210.362015
Multitemporal Fluctuations in L-Band Backscatter From a Japanese Forest20.442015
Alos-Next/Tandem-L: A Highly Innovative Sar Mission For Global Observation Of Dynamic Processes On The Earth'S Surface00.342015
COSMO-SkyMed and ALOS-1/2 X and L band multi-frequency results in satellite disaster monitoring10.482015
Mapping Aboveground Biomass in Northern Japanese Forests Using the ALOS PRISM Digital Surface Model10.362015
Calibration of Aboveground Forest Carbon Stock Models for Major Tropical Forests in Central Sumatra Using Airborne LiDAR and Field Measurement Data20.512015
Correlation Between L-Band Sar Polarimetric Parameters And Lidar Metrics Over A Forested Area00.342015
Evaluation Of Compact Polarimetry And Along Track Interferometry As Experimental Mode Of Palsar-200.342015
Alos-2 First Year Operation Result10.482015
Comparative Assessment of Supervised Classifiers for Land Use–Land Cover Classification in a Tropical Region Using Time-Series PALSAR Mosaic Data70.672014
ALOS-2 science program50.652013
Deorientation Effect Investigation for Model-Based Decomposition Over Oriented Built-Up Areas.250.922013
Dinsar technique for retrieving the volume of volcanic materials erupted by Merapi volcano.00.342012
Analysis of Urban Areas Affected by the 2011 Off the Pacific Coast of Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami With L-Band SAR Full-Polarimetric Mode.181.212012
Long-Term Consecutive DInSAR for Volume Change Estimation of Land Deformation51.042012
Calculation of trees height using PRISM-DSM00.342012
Update calibration results of prism and AVNIR-2 onboard ALOS ‘Daichi’20.722012
Assessment of ALOS PALSAR 50 m Orthorectified FBD Data for Regional Land Cover Classification by Support Vector Machines.120.782011
Model-based polarimetric SAR calibration method using forest and surface scattering targets.181.182011
On The Use Of Support Vector Machines For Land Cover Analysis With L-Band Sar Data10.362010
Mapping Tropical Forest Using Alos Palsar 50m Resolution Data With Multiscale Glcm Analysis20.372010
An Evaluation of the ALOS PALSAR L-Band Backscatter—Above Ground Biomass Relationship Queensland, Australia: Impacts of Surface Moisture Condition and Vegetation Structure482.812010
Simultaneous observation data of GB-SAR/PiSAR to detect flooding in an urban area30.442010
Ortho-Rectification and Slope Correction of SAR Data Using DEM and Its Accuracy Evaluation191.752010
Generating Large-Scale High-Quality SAR Mosaic Datasets: Application to PALSAR Data for Global Monitoring241.582010
Flood disaster monitoring with ALOS/PALSAR observation00.342009
Foreword to the Special Issue on Calibration and Validation of ALOS Sensors (PALSAR, AVNIR-2, and PRISM) and Their Use for Bio- and Geophysical Parameter Retrievals00.342009
The PALSAR Polarimetric Mode for Sea Oil Slick Observation231.332009
PALSAR Radiometric and Geometric Calibration1048.102009
An L-Band Ocean Geophysical Model Function Derived From PALSAR252.912009
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