Center for Language and Speech Processing|Johns Hopkins University
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CNNBiF - CNN-based Bigram Features for Named Entity Recognition.00.342021
Embedding-Based Speaker Adaptive Training Of Deep Neural Networks30.392017
McGan: Mean and Covariance Feature Matching GAN.160.632017
Dense Prediction on Sequences with Time-Dilated Convolutions for Speech Recognition.10.372016
Annealed Dropout Trained Maxout Networks For Improved Lvcsr10.392015
Data Augmentation For Deep Convolutional Neural Network Acoustic Modeling60.552015
Maximum likelihood nonlinear transformations based on deep neural networks00.342015
Evaluating Deep Scattering Spectra With Deep Neural Networks On Large Scale Spontaneous Speech Task10.352015
Detecting Audio-Visual Synchrony Using Deep Neural Networks40.412015
Multimodal Retrieval With Asymmetrically Weighted Truncated-SVD Canonical Correlation Analysis.10.352015
Deep Multimodal Learning For Audio-Visual Speech Recognition270.842015
Scattering vs. discrete cosine transform features in visual speech processing.00.342015
Random Maxout Features10.352015
Data Augmentation for Deep Neural Network Acoustic Modeling411.932014
Improving deep neural network acoustic modeling for audio corpus indexing under the IARPA babel program.30.422014
Reduction of acoustic model training time and required data passes via stochastic approaches to maximum likelihood and discriminative training00.342014
Annealed dropout training of deep networks180.732014
Regularized feature-space discriminative adaptation for robust ASR.00.342014
Deep Order Statistic Networks80.632014
A Difference of Convex Functions Approach to Large-Scale Log-Linear Model Estimation10.342013
Direct product based deep belief networks for automatic speech recognition.10.362013
Combining stochastic average gradient and Hessian-free optimization for sequence training of deep neural networks40.442013
State Of The Art Discriminative Training Of Subspace Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models In Big Training Corpora00.342013
Front-end feature transforms with context filtering for speaker adaptation10.362011
Sparse Maximum A Posteriori adaptation.30.412011
Discriminative training for full covariance models20.402011
Trends and advances in speech recognition20.502011
Refactoring acoustic models using variational density approximation30.512009
Refactoring Acoustic Models Using Variational Expectation-Maximization40.482009
A fast, accurate approximation to log likelihood of Gaussian mixture models00.342009
Acoustic Modeling Using Exponential Families20.412009
Compacting Discriminative Feature Space Transforms For Embedded Devices00.342009
Discriminative Estimation of Subspace Constrained Gaussian Mixture Models for Speech Recognition160.992007
Active learning with minimum expected error for spoken language understanding110.922005
Exploiting unlabeled data using multiple classifiers for improved natural language call-routing70.772005
Subspace constrained Gaussian mixture models for speech recognition.222.042005
Language Model Estimation For Optimizing End-To-End Performance Of A Natural Language Call Routing System50.562005
Improving end-to-end performance of call classification through data confusion reduction and model tolerance enhancement20.492005
Efficient likelihood computation in multi-stream HMM based audio-visual speech recognition10.392004
Stochastic gradient adaptation of front-end parameters10.352004
Task adaptation of acoustic and language models based on large quantities of data40.562004
Conditional maximum likelihood estimation for improving annotation performance of n-gram models incorporating stochastic finite state grammars20.482004
Segmental Minimum Bayes-Risk Decoding For Automatic Speech Recognition301.782004
Large vocabulary conversational speech recognition with a subspace constraint on inverse covariance matrices60.852003
Discriminative estimation of subspace precision and mean (SPAM) models80.842003
Toward domain-independent conversational speech recognition101.052003
Large vocabulary conversational speech recognition with the extended maximum likelihood linear transformation (EMLLT) model90.892002
Adaptation experiments on the SPINE database with the Extended Maximum Likelihood Linear Transformation (EMLLT) model10.362002
Confidence based lattice segmentation and minimum Bayes-risk decoding40.612001
Recent advances in speech recognition system for IBM DARPA communicator91.022001
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