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Improving financial bankruptcy prediction in a highly imbalanced class distribution using oversampling and ensemble learning: a case from the Spanish market00.342020
Parametric action pre-selection for MCTS in real-time strategy games.00.342020
Data mining of deck archetypes in Hearthstone.00.342020
Improving the Performance of MCTS-Based µRTS Agents Through Move Pruning.00.342020
Cost-sensitive ensemble methods for bankruptcy prediction in a highly imbalanced data distribution: a real case from the Spanish market.00.342020
Identifying Botnets by Analysing Twitter Traffic during the Super Bowl.00.342020
Testing Hybrid Computational Intelligence Algorithms for General Game Playing.00.342020
Checking the Difficulty of Evolutionary-Generated Maps in a N-Body Inspired Mobile Game.00.342020
A bibliometric study of the research area of videogames using database.00.342019
Detection and mitigation of DoS attacks in SDN. An experimental approach00.342019
Applying Ant Colony optimization for Service Function Chaining in a 5G Network00.342019
Beating uncertainty in racing bot evolution through enhanced exploration and pole position selection00.342019
Forecasting Business Failure in Highly Imbalanced Distribution based on Delay Line Reservoir.00.342018
Applying Genetic Algorithms for the Improvement of an Autonomous Fuzzy Driver for Simulated Car Racing.00.342018
The Evolutionary Race: Improving the Process of Evaluating Car Controllers in Racing Simulators10.362018
Evolving a TORCS Modular Fuzzy Driver Using Genetic Algorithms.30.412018
Driving in TORCS Using Modular Fuzzy Controllers.40.442017
Optimización de la humanidad de bots de Unreal Tournament 2004 mediante algoritmos evolutivos (Humanness optimization of Unreal Tournament 2004 bots by means of evolutionary algorithms).00.342017
Optimising Humanness: Designing the Best Human-Like Bot for Unreal Tournament 2004.00.342017
Self-organized criticality in code repositories.00.342017
Studying the effect of population size in distributed evolutionary algorithms on heterogeneous clusters.40.392016
Comparing Heterogeneous and Homogeneous Flocking Strategies for the Ghost Team in the Game of Ms. Pac-Man10.362016
The Believability Gene in Virtual Bots.00.342016
Simulation Approach for Optimal Maintenance Intervals Estimation of Electronic Devices.00.342016
There Can Be only One: Evolving RTS Bots via Joust Selection.20.412016
Modelling a Human-Like Bot in a First Person Shooter Game20.352015
There is Noisy Lunch: A Study of Noise in Evolutionary Optimization Problems.40.402015
A novel representation of genomic sequences for taxonomic clustering and visualization by means of self-organizing maps.10.342015
An Overview on the Termination Conditions in the Evolution of Game Bots.00.342015
Towards automatic StarCraft strategy generation using genetic programming80.572015
KANTS: A Stigmergic Ant Algorithm for Cluster Analysis and Swarm Art.40.452014
MUSES: a corporate user-centric system which applies computational intelligence methods50.442014
Evolving Evil: optimizing flocking strategies through genetic algorithms for the ghost team in the game of Ms. Pac-Man.00.342014
A Methodology to Develop Service Oriented Evolutionary Algorithms.00.342014
An Object-Oriented Library in JavaScript to Build Modular and Flexible Cross-Platform Evolutionary Algorithms.00.342014
Co-Evolutionary Optimization of Autonomous Agents in a Real-Time Strategy Game.50.432014
Studying and Tackling Noisy Fitness in Evolutionary Design of Game Characters.00.342014
A methodology for designing emergent literary backstories on non-player characters using genetic algorithms00.342014
Creating autonomous agents for playing Super Mario Bros game by means of evolutionary finite state machines.20.412014
Going a Step Beyond the Black and White Lists for URL Accesses in the Enterprise by Means of Categorical Classifiers20.372014
Designing competitive bots for a real time strategy game using genetic programming.10.362014
Enforcing corporate security policies via computational intelligence techniques20.362014
Assessing different architectures for evolutionary algorithms in javascript.00.342014
Tree Depth Influence in Genetic Programming for Generation of Competitive Agents for RTS Games.50.462014
A network analysis of the 2010 FIFA world cup champion team play.61.002013
Influence Of Selective Pressure On Quality Of Solutions And Speed Of Evolutionary Mastermind00.342013
Complex systems in sports: Introduction to the special issue.00.342013
Complex systems in sports: Introduction to the special issue.00.342013
Developing services in a service oriented architecture for evolutionary algorithms00.342013
Pareto-based multi-colony multi-objective ant colony optimization algorithms: an island model proposal80.482013
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