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Energy-Efficient Trajectory Optimization for Aerial Video Surveillance under QoS Constraints00.342022
Joint Parallel Offloading and Load Balancing for Cooperative-MEC Systems With Delay Constraints10.352022
RIRL: A Recurrent Imitation and Reinforcement Learning Method for Long-Horizon Robotic Tasks00.342022
Energy-Efficient Federated Learning With Intelligent Reflecting Surface10.352022
Resource Allocation and Computation Offloading in a Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Network00.342022
TagSense: Robust Wheat Moisture and Temperature Sensing Using a Passive RFID Tag00.342022
Pre-Trained Models for Non-Intrusive Appliance Load Monitoring10.362022
RFID Tag Localization With a Sparse Tag Array10.352022
Robust Massive MIMO Localization Using Neural ODE in Adversarial Environments00.342022
Adversarial Deep Learning for Indoor Localization With Channel State Information Tensors00.342022
Threat of Adversarial Attacks on DL-Based IoT Device Identification00.342022
Transformer for Nonintrusive Load Monitoring: Complexity Reduction and Transferability00.342022
RFID-based 3D human pose tracking: A subject generalization approach10.352022
Smartphone Sonar-Based Contact-Free Respiration Rate Monitoring00.342021
Adversarial Attacks on Deep Learning-based Floor Classification and Indoor Localization00.342021
Adversarial Attacks to Solar Power Forecast00.342021
Online Distributed Offloading and Computing Resource Management With Energy Harvesting for Heterogeneous MEC-Enabled IoT40.382021
An Introduction to the Federated Learning Standard.00.342021
Resource Allocation for Millimeter-Wave Train-Ground Communications in High-Speed Railway Scenarios00.342021
Dynamic Spectrum Interaction of UAV Flight Formation Communication With Priority: A Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach60.402020
Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Indoor Localization with CSI Images.130.832020
Fine-Grained Classification of Internet Video Traffic From QoS Perspective Using Fractal Spectrum10.352020
Delay-aware Cellular Traffic Scheduling with Deep Reinforcement Learning.00.342020
Data augmentation with conditional GAN for automatic modulation classification40.432020
Fingerprinting-based Indoor and Outdoor Localization with LoRa and Deep Learning.00.342020
Privacy Protection and Intrusion Avoidance for Cloudlet-Based Medical Data Sharing00.342020
Indoor Radio Map Construction and Localization With Deep Gaussian Processes00.342020
Editorial: Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems: Computing, Networking and Services00.342020
Ensemble Learning for Load Forecasting.00.342020
Distributed Online Energy Management in Interconnected Microgrids.00.342020
Unsupervised Drowsy Driving Detection With RFID30.392020
A Survey of Energy Management in Interconnected Multi-microgrids00.342019
TCP-Drinc: Smart Congestion Control Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning.10.342019
Unsupervised Detection of Apnea Using Commodity RFID Tags With a Recurrent Variational Autoencoder.00.342019
Deep Reinforcement Learning-Based Mode Selection and Resource Management for Green Fog Radio Access Networks.120.502019
On Remote Temperature Sensing Using Commercial Uhf Rfid Tags00.342019
Joint Power And Channel Resource Optimization In Soft Multi-View Video Delivery00.342019
LASSO & LSTM Integrated Temporal Model for Short-term Solar Intensity Forecasting00.342019
Editorial: Future Wireless Internet Technology and its Applications.00.342018
Optimized Computation Offloading Performance in Virtual Edge Computing Systems Via Deep Reinforcement Learning441.032018
DeepMap: Deep Gaussian Process for Indoor Radio Map Construction and Location Estimation00.342018
Solar Power Generation Forecasting With a LASSO-Based Approach.10.412018
RF Sensing in the Internet of Things: A General Deep Learning Framework.110.602018
Application of Machine Learning in Wireless Networks: Key Techniques and Open Issues.341.062018
Joint Frame Design, Resource Allocation and User Association for Massive MIMO Heterogeneous Networks With Wireless Backhaul.50.422018
Pure-Exploration Bandits for Channel Selection in Mission-Critical Wireless Communications.00.342018
TensorBeat: Tensor Decomposition for Monitoring Multi-Person Breathing Beats with Commodity WiFi.250.952017
A Special Section in IEEE Access: Cooperative and Intelligent Sensing.20.372017
Sonarbeat: Sonar Phase for Breathing Beat Monitoring with Smartphones30.512017
Guest Editorial: Video Over Future Networks.00.342017
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