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MICOP: Maximal information coefficient-based oscillation prediction to detect biological rhythms in proteomics data.00.342018
BriCA: A Modular Software Platform for Whole Brain Architecture.10.372016
A Generic Software Platform for Brain-inspired Cognitive Computing.40.892015
Particle Simulation of Oxidation Induced Band 3 Clustering in Human Erythrocytes.00.342015
Contribution of developmental changes in energy metabolism to excitation-contraction coupling of a ventricular cell: A simulation study00.342014
GEMBASSY: an EMBOSS associated software package for comprehensive genome analyses.10.372013
Mmmdb: Mouse Multiple Tissue Metabolome Database10.352012
Prediction of axillary lymph node metastasis in primary breast cancer patients using a decision tree-based model.70.592012
KBWS: an EMBOSS associated package for accessing bioinformatics web services.10.382011
Integrative Features Of The Yeast Phosphoproteome And Protein-Protein Interaction Map70.652011
Protein complex prediction via verifying and reconstructing the topology of domain-domain interactions.110.572010
G-language genome analysis environment with REST and SOAP web service interfaces.30.432010
emPAI Calc--for the estimation of protein abundance from large-scale identification data by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry.20.662010
Towards the systematic discovery of signal transduction networks using phosphorylation dynamics data.120.502010
Measure of synonymous codon usage diversity among genes in bacteria.30.402009
A web server for interactive and zoomable Chaos Game Representation images.20.422009
Can complex cellular processes be governed by simple linear rules?00.342009
Genome Projector: zoomable genome map with multiple views.160.942009
Network features and pathway analyses of a signal transduction cascade.20.392009
GeNESiS: gene network evolution simulation software.290.472008
Construction of a biological tissue model based on a single-cell model: a computer simulation of metabolic heterogeneity in the liver lobule.40.762008
Time-resolved metabolomics reveals metabolic modulation in rice foliage.50.412008
Comparative study of circadian oscillatory network models of Drosophila.00.342008
Aligning LC peaks by converting gradient retention times to retention index of peptides in proteomic experiments.00.342008
Comparison of metabolite production capability indices generated by network analysis methods.00.342008
Robust effects of Tsr-CheBp and CheA-CheYp affinity in bacterial chemotaxis.10.392007
Visualization of three-way comparisons of omics data.00.342007
eXpanda: An Integrated Platform for Network Analysis and Visualization.40.532007
Inferring rules of Escherichia coli translational efficiency using an artificial neural network.10.432007
Restauro-G: a rapid genome re-annotation system for comparative genomics.10.382007
Variation in the correlation of G + C composition with synonymous codon usage bias among bacteria.10.412007
Consideration On Contact Mechanism Of Ybacuo Bulk Superconductor With Deposited Metal Layer00.342007
SPLITS: A New Program for Predicting Split and Intron-Containing tRNA Genes at the Genome Level.20.472006
GPAC: Benchmarking the Sensitivity of Genome Informatics Analysis to Genome Annotation Completeness.10.362006
Parameter estimation for stiff equations of biosystems using radial basis function networks.280.762006
MathDAMP: a package for differential analysis of metabolite profiles.331.482006
HybGFS: a hybrid method for genome-fingerprint scanning.00.342006
Multiresolution analysis uncovers hidden conservation of properties in structurally and functionally similar proteins.00.342006
MEGU: Pathway Mapping Web-Service Based on KEGG and SVG.51.012006
GEM System: automatic prototyping of cell-wide metabolic pathway models from genomes.250.592006
An interaction knowledgebase for biomolecular modeling00.342006
KEGG-Based Pathway Visualization Tool for Complex Omics Data.121.282005
A microarray data-based semi-kinetic method for predicting quantitative dynamics of genetic networks.260.472005
Computational analysis suggests that alternative first exons are involved in tissue-specific transcription in rice (Oryza sativa).10.442005
A multi-algorithm, multi-timescale method for cell simulation.538.142004
Characterization of the splice sites in GT-AG and GC-AG introns in higher eukaryotes using full-length cDNAs.30.502004
Distributed cell biology simulations with e-cell system40.472004
A general computational model of mitochondrial metabolism in a whole organelle scale.40.962004
E-Cell 2: multi-platform E-Cell simulation system.302.692003
G-language Genome Analysis Environment: a workbench for nucleotide sequence data mining.191.462003
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