Department of Computational Intelligence and Systems Science|Tokyo Institute of Technology
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Inferring Neuronal Couplings From Spiking Data Using a Systematic Procedure With a Statistical Criterion00.342020
Macroscopic Analysis of Vector Approximate Message Passing in a Model Mismatch Setting00.342020
High-dimensional structure learning of binary pairwise Markov networks: A comparative numerical study.00.342019
Semi-Analytic Resampling in Lasso00.342019
Replicated Vector Approximate Message Passing For Resampling Problem.00.342019
Accelerating Cross-Validation in Multinomial Logistic Regression with $\ell_1$-Regularization.00.342018
Counting the number of metastable states in the modularity landscape: Algorithmic detectability limit of greedy algorithms in community detection.00.342018
Objective and efficient inference for couplings in neuronal networks00.342018
Statistical mechanical analysis of sparse linear regression as a variable selection problem.00.342018
Cross validation in LASSO and its acceleration.50.812016
Detectability thresholds of general modular graphs.00.342016
Sampling approach to sparse approximation problem: determining degrees of freedom by simulated annealing.10.392016
Comparative analysis of model assessment in community detection.00.342016
Statistical mechanics analysis of thresholding 1-bit compressed sensing00.342016
Analysis of regularized LS reconstruction and random matrix ensembles in compressed sensing150.872016
Cross-validation model assessment for modular networks.00.342016
Approximate cross-validation formula for Bayesian linear regression00.342016
Detectability of the spectral method for sparse graph partitioning10.362015
Online compressed sensing00.342015
Limitations in the spectral method for graph partitioning: detectability threshold and localization of eigenvectors.70.532015
Dimensionality reduction based on an overcomplete basis.00.342015
Signal recovery using expectation consistent approximation for linear observations140.792014
Origin of the computational hardness for learning with binary synapses.30.472014
Phase transitions and sample complexity in Bayes-optimal matrix factorization.190.802014
Bayesian signal reconstruction for 1-bit compressed sensing.90.642014
Statistical Mechanics Approach To Sparse Noise Denoising10.362013
Reconstruction algorithm in compressed sensing based on maximum a posteriori estimation.00.342013
Sample complexity of Bayesian optimal dictionary learning30.452013
Statistical mechanics approach to 1-bit compressed sensing00.342013
Entropy landscape of solutions in the binary perceptron problem20.382013
Statistical Mechanics of Dictionary Learning00.342012
Typical l1-recovery limit of sparse vectors represented by concatenations of random orthogonal matrices00.342012
Sparse-matrix-based compressed sensing for spectrum sensing in Flexible Wireless System00.342012
A Mean-field Approach for an Intercarrier Interference Canceller for OFDM00.342012
Analysis of sparse representations using bi-orthogonal dictionaries10.362012
A study of the universal threshold in the ℓ1 recovery by statistical mechanics00.342012
Statistical Mechanical Analysis of Semantic Orientations on Lexical Network.00.342012
A study of the universal threshold in the L1 recovery by statistical mechanics00.342012
Compressed sensing with sparse, structured matrices40.492012
A signal recovery algorithm for sparse matrix based compressed sensing30.542011
Spectral Analysis Of Random Sparse Matrices10.362011
Statistical mechanical analysis of a typical reconstruction limit of compressed sensing70.592010
Statistical Mechanical Assessment of a Reconstruction Limit of Compressed Sensing: Toward Theoretical Analysis of Correlated Signals30.382010
Statistical mechanical analysis of compressed sensing utilizing correlated compression matrix60.562010
Decoding Algorithm of Low-density Parity-check Codes based on Bowman-Levin Approximation00.342009
Statistical Mechanical Analysis Of The Kronecker Channel Model For Multiple-Input Multiple-Output Wireless Communication80.652009
How Could The Replica Method Improve Accuracy Of Performance Assessment Of Channel Coding?20.392008
An Integral Formula For Large Random Rectangular Matrices And Its Application To Analysis Of Linear Vector Channels00.342008
Statistical Mechanical Analysis Of The Linear Vector Channel In Digital Communication80.552007
Statistical Mechanics of Communication and Computation00.342006
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