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Data Analytics, Innovation, and Firm Productivity00.342020
Data Analytics Supports Decentralized Innovation.00.342019
The Impact of E-Visits on Visit Frequencies and Patient Health: Evidence from Primary Care10.372018
Are All Spillovers Created Equal? A Network Perspective on Information Technology Labor Movements.00.342018
Built to learn: how work practices affect employee learning during healthcare information technology implementation00.342018
Data Skills and Value of Social Media: Evidence from Large-Sample Firm Value Analysis30.412015
How Do Data Skills Affect Firm Productivity: Evidence from Process-driven vs. Innovation-driven Practices10.362015
Job Hopping, Information Technology Spillovers, and Productivity Growth171.012014
Are All Spillovers Created Equal? A Network Perspective on IT Labor Movements.10.362014
It Implementation Contract Design: Analytical And Experimental Investigation Of It Value, Learning, And Contract Structure80.502013
Information Technology and Trademarks: Implications for Product Variety80.612012
The Productivity Of Information Technology Investments: New Evidence From It Labor Data411.662012
Measuring Product Type With Dynamics of Online Product Review Variance.60.512012
The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Innovation and Productivity521.762012
Strength in Numbers: How does data-driven decision-making affect firm performance?375.552011
The Price and Quantity of IT-Related Intangible Capital.00.342011
Determinants and Outcomes of Internet Banking Adoption351.122011
The Effects of Organizational Factors on Healthcare IT Adoption Costs: Evidence from New York Nursing Homes20.372010
Price effects in online product reviews: an analytical model and empirical analysis561.672010
Job Hopping, Knowledge Spillovers, and Regional returns to Information Technology Investments.50.502010
How offshoring affects IT workers100.592010
Now IT's Personal: Offshoring and the Shifting Skill Composition of the U.S. Information Technology Workforce00.342010
The Extroverted Firm: How External Information Practices Affect Productivity.40.792008
Self-Selection And Information Role Of Online Product Reviews23416.462008
Customized Bundle Pricing for Information Goods: A Nonlinear Mixed-Integer Programming Approach291.622008
Customer Efficiency, Channel Usage, and Firm Performance in Retail Banking271.132007
When Online Reviews Meet Hyperdifferentiation: A Study of Craft Beer Industry20416.732006
Bundling with Customer Self-Selection: A Simple Approach to Bundling Low-Marginal-Cost Goods403.842005
Learning in ERP Contracting: A Principal-Agent Analysis50.702004
Poaching and the Misappropriation of Information: Transaction Risks of Information Exchange302.112004
Information Technology and Product Variety: Evidence from Panel Data20.472004
Vendor Screening in Information Technology Contracting With a Pilot Project.121.042004
Costly Bidding in Online Markets for IT Services586.042003
The Economics of Telecommuting: Theory and Evidence00.342003
Price Dispersion and Differentiation in Online Travel: An Empirical Investigation.12721.332002
Investment in Enterprise Resource Planning: Business Impact and Productivity Measures25710.612002
Do Better Customers Utilize Electronic Distribution Channels? The Case of PC Banking.424.382002
Measuring Switching Costs and the Determinants of Customer Retention in Internet-Enabled Businesses: A Study of the Online Brokerage Industry20212.022002
Brand Awareness and Price Dispersion in Electronic Markets10.412001
Transaction Costs and Market Efficiency00.342001
Switching cost and brand loyalty in electronic markets: evidence from on-line retail brokers106.562000
Information Technology and Firm Boundaries: Evidence From Panel Data987.761999
Vendor screening in IT contracting with a pilot project10.351999
Beyond the Productivity Paradox: Computers are the Catalyst for Bigger Changes225.331998
Intangible assets: how the interaction of computers and organizational structure affects stock market valuations323.631998
Information technology and internal firm organization: an exploratory analysis645.991997
Productivity, business profitability, and consumer surplus: three different measures of information technology value54639.691996
The Three Faces of IT Value: Theory and Evidence407.771994
Is Information Systems Spending Productive? New Evidence and New Results5626.311993