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Network construction/restoration problems: cycles and complexity00.342022
Tree Optimization Based Heuristics And Metaheuristics In Network Construction Problems10.352021
Location Problems With Continuous Demand And Unreliable Facilities: Applications Of Families Of Incremental Voronoi Diagrams00.342021
Multi-depot traveling salesmen location problems on networks with special structure00.342020
Improved complexity results for the robust mean absolute deviation problem on networks with linear vertex weights.00.342018
The L(j, k)-Edge-Labeling Problem on Graphs.00.342018
Lateness Minimization In Pairwise Connectivity Restoration Problems10.352018
L(2, 1)-Labeling of Kneser graphs and coloring squares of Kneser graphs.10.362017
Minimizing the makespan in multiserver network restoration problems.00.342017
Labeling Dot-Cartesian and Dot-Lexicographic Product Graphs with a Condition at Distance Two.00.342016
Network construction problems with due dates.70.592015
The Robust Set Covering Problem with interval data.80.612013
Approximation algorithm for the on-line multi-customer two-level supply chain scheduling problem50.442013
Batching and delivery in semi-online distribution systems20.372013
Emergency path restoration problems.90.652012
Semi-online two-level supply chain scheduling problems100.532012
Exact and heuristic algorithms for the interval data robust assignment problem70.452011
Robust univariate spline models for interpolating interval data10.382011
Minmax regret bottleneck problems with solution-induced interval uncertainty structure30.422010
On-line integrated production–distribution scheduling problems with capacitated deliveries180.752010
Nash equilibria in competitive project scheduling40.472010
Explicit Reformulations for Robust Optimization Problems with General Uncertainty Sets140.852008
The uncapacitated facility location problem with demand-dependent setup and service costs and customer-choice allocation10.362007
On-line supply chain scheduling problems with preemption220.992007
The minmax regret permutation flow-shop problem with two jobs90.592006
The routing open-shop problem on a network: Complexity and approximation90.702006
The competitive salesman problem on a network: a worst-case approach10.422006
Complexity of minimizing the total flow time with interval data and minmax regret criterion351.672006
The Minmax Relative Regret Median Problem on Networks40.422005
Facility location problems with uncertainty on the plane190.762005
The m-machine flowshop problem with unit-time operations and intree precedence constraints10.782005
On the complexity of minmax regret linear programming251.292005
A 6/5-approximation algorithm for the two-machine routing open-shop problem on a two-node network40.492005
Computing and minimizing the relative regret in combinatorial optimization with interval data150.802005
Minmax regret linear resource allocation problems50.832004
Interval data minmax regret network optimization problems682.942004
An improved algorithm for the minmax regret median problem on a tree241.272003
Complexity of robust single facility location problems on networks with uncertain edge lengths151.042003
Parallel NC-algorithms for multifacility location problems with mutual communication and their applications00.342002
Minmax p-Traveling Salesmen Location Problems on a Tree120.772002
On the complexity of a class of combinatorial optimization problems with uncertainty877.582001
Minmax regret solutions for minimax optimization problems with uncertainty473.412000
Algorithms for the robust 1-center problem on a tree362.222000
Minmax Regret Median Location on a Network Under Uncertainty351.972000
A Simple Heuristic for M-Machine Flow-Shop and its Applications in Routing-Scheduling Problems140.941999
Algorithms for path medi-centers of a tree190.821999
Parallel Complexity of Additive Location Problems00.341999
The plant location problem with demand-dependent setup costs and centralized allocation60.591998
Location problems with grouped structure of demand: Complexity and algorithms10.361998
(P-1)/(P+1)-Approximate Algorithms For P-Traveling Salesmen Problems On A Tree With Minmax Objective50.801997
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