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Universal Dependencies for Multilingual Open Information Extraction.00.342021
The JeuxDeMots Project (Invited Talk).00.342021
DEFT 2020 - Extraction d'information fine dans les données cliniques - terminologies spécialisées et graphes de connaissance (Fine-grained Information Extraction in Clinical Data - Dedicated Terminologies and Knowledge Graphs ).00.342020
Ontology Building and Enhancement using a Lexical Semantic Network.00.342019
Inférence des relations sémantiques dans un réseau lexico-sémantique multilingue (Inferring semantic relations in a multilingual lexical semantic network).00.342019
Using a Lexical Semantic Network for the Ontology Building.00.342019
Utilisation d'une base de connaissances de spécialité et de sens commun pour la simplification de comptes-rendus radiologiques (Radiological text simplification using a general knowledge base).00.342018
JeuxDeLiens - Word Embeddings and Path-Based Similarity for Entity Linking using the French JeuxDeMots Lexical Semantic Network.00.342018
Ontolex JeuxDeMots and Its Alignment to the Linguistic Linked Open Data Cloud.00.342017
Type Theories and Lexical Networks: using Serious Games as the basis for Multi-Sorted Typed Systems.00.342017
Ambiguss, a game for building a Sense Annotated Corpus for French.00.342017
Towards the Automatic Detection of Nutritional Incompatibilities Based on Recipe Titles.00.342017
Mixing Crowdsourcing and Graph Propagation to Build a Sentiment Lexicon: Feelings Are Contagious.00.342016
Patrons sémantiques pour l'extraction de relations entre termes - Application aux comptes rendus radiologiques (Here the title in English).00.342016
Construire un lexique de sentiments par crowdsourcing et propagation (Building a sentiment lexicon through crowdsourcing and spreading)[In French].00.342016
Semantic Relation Extraction with Semantic Patterns Experiment on Radiology Reports.00.342016
Collecting and Evaluating Lexical Polarity with A Game With a Purpose.30.392015
Software Understanding: Automatic Classification Of Software Identifiers00.342015
Vous aimez ?...ou pas ? LikeIt, un jeu pour construire une ressource lexicale de polarité.00.342015
Augmentation d'index par propagation sur un réseau lexical Application aux comptes rendus de radiologie.00.342015
Medical imaging report indexing: enrichment of index through an algorithm of spreading over a lexico-semantic network.00.342015
Annotations and inference of relations in a lexical semantic network : Applied to radiology (Annotations et inférences de relations dans un réseau lexico-sémantique: application à la radiologie) [in French]00.342014
Spreading Relation Annotations in a Lexical Semantic Network Applied to Radiology10.402014
Vectorisation paramétrée des données textuelles.00.342014
About Inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network.30.422014
Inferring Relations And Annotations In Semantic Network: Application To Radiology00.342014
Crowdsourcing Word-Color Associations.10.432014
Colors of People (Les couleurs des gens) [in French]00.342014
Propa-L: a semantic filtering service from a lexical network created using Games With A Purpose.10.392014
Relation Inference in Lexical Networks ... with Refinements.10.372014
Inductive and deductive inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network (Inférences déductives et réconciliation dans un réseau lexico-sémantique) [in French])00.342013
Inferencia y reconciliación en la red léxica y semántica basada en la técnica crowdsourced.00.342013
Inductive and deductive inferences in a Crowdsourced Lexical-Semantic Network.20.412013
Évaluation et consolidation d'un réseau lexical via un outil pour retrouver le mot sur le bout de la langue00.342012
A new dynamic approach for lexical networks evaluation.20.502012
Computing trees of named word usages from a crowdsourced lexical network40.562010
Automatic Extraction of a WordNet-Like Identifier Network from Software291.152010
Similarity between term senses in a lexical network.10.482009
Using natural language to improve the generation of model transformation in software design00.342009
Multiscale Visual Analysis of Lexical Networks70.932009
Evolutionary Basic Notions for a Thematic Representation of General Knowledge00.342008
Metamodel Matching for Automatic Model Transformation Generation481.812008
Lexical Functions for Ants Based Semantic Analysis30.402007
Enrichissement d'ontologies dans le secteur de l'eau douce en environnement Internet distribué et multilingue00.342006
Conceptual Vector Learning - Comparing Bootstrapping from a Thesaurus or Induction by Emergence.00.342006
Estimation automatique de la distribution des sens de termes00.342005
Mixing Semantic Networks and Conceptual Vectors: The Case of Hyperonymy20.362003
Guessing Hierarchies and Symbols for Word Meanings through Hyperonyms and Conceptual Vectors10.362002
Antonymy and conceptual vectors60.592002
UNL Lexical Selection with Conceptual Vectors.20.372002
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