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WPaxos: Wide Area Network Flexible Consensus20.362020
The Impact of Auto-Refactoring Code Smells on the Resource Utilization of Cloud Software00.342020
Energy-Efficient High-Throughput Data Transfers via Dynamic CPU Frequency and Core Scaling.00.342019
SMURF: Efficient and Scalable Metadata Access for Distributed Applications from Edge to the Cloud00.342019
Energy-aware data throughput optimization for next generation internet.00.342019
Cross-Layer Optimization of Big Data Transfer Throughput and Energy Consumption00.342019
High-Speed Transfer Optimization Based on Historical Analysis and Real-Time Tuning.60.472018
FastHLA: Energy-Efficient Mobile Data Transfer Optimization Based on Historical Log Analysis.00.342018
Big data transfer optimization through adaptive parameter tuning.40.432018
Data-Aware Approximate Workflow Scheduling.00.342018
A Two-Phase Dynamic Throughput Optimization Model for Big Data Transfers20.382018
Energy-Efficient Mobile Network I/O.00.342018
Energy-Efficient Mobile Network I/O Optimization at the Application Layer.00.342018
OneDataShare: A Vision for Cloud-hosted Data Transfer Scheduling and Optimization as a Service.00.342018
A Heuristic Approach to Protocol Tuning for High Performance Data Transfers.00.342017
Poster: Application-Layer Optimization of Performance vs Energy in Mobile Network I/O.00.342017
Energy-Performance Trade-offs in Mobile Data Transfers.00.342017
Application Level High Speed Transfer Optimization Based on Historical Analysis and Real-time Tuning.00.342017
Multileader WAN Paxos: Ruling the Archipelago with Fast Consensus.00.342017
Big data transfer optimization based on offline knowledge discovery and adaptive sampling20.382017
Efficient Distributed Coordination At Wan-Scale00.342017
Energy-Efficient Data Transfer Algorithms for HTTP-Based Services.00.342017
Data Transfer Optimization Based on Offline Knowledge Discovery and Adaptive Real-time Sampling.00.342017
Energy-Aware HTTP Data Transfers20.372016
HARP: predictive transfer optimization based on historical analysis and real-time probing.120.552016
Application-Level Optimization of Big Data Transfers Through Pipelining, Parallelism and Concurrency180.662016
Energy-aware data transfer algorithms90.512015
DLS: a cloud-hosted data caching and prefetching service for distributed metadata access.40.412015
Hysteresis-based optimization of data transfer throughput.60.472015
Energy-performance trade-offs in data transfer tuning at the end-systems50.422014
Locality and network-aware reduce task scheduling for data-intensive applications60.472014
Energy-Aware Data Transfer Tuning30.382014
StorkCloud: data transfer scheduling and optimization as a service.190.812013
Dynamic protocol tuning algorithms for high performance data transfers90.512013
Network-aware data caching and prefetching for cloud-hosted metadata retrieval10.362013
PhoneLab: A Large Programmable Smartphone Testbed442.272013
Modeling throughput sampling size for a cloud-hosted data scheduling and optimization service50.502013
Guest Editors' Introduction: Special Issue on Data-Intensive Computing in the Clouds00.342012
A Highly-Accurate and Low-Overhead Prediction Model for Transfer Throughput Optimization160.772012
How GridFTP Pipelining, Parallelism and Concurrency Work: A Guide for Optimizing Large Dataset Transfers140.682012
End-to-End Data-Flow Parallelism for Throughput Optimization in High-Speed Networks170.702012
DataCloud Introduction00.342011
A Data Throughput Prediction and Optimization Service for Widely Distributed Many-Task Computing160.822011
Prediction of Optimal Parallelism Level in Wide Area Data Transfers281.102011
A data-aware workflow scheduling algorithm for heterogeneous distributed systems20.372011
PetaShare: A reliable, efficient and transparent distributed storage management system00.342011
Error detection and error classification: failure awareness in data transfer scheduling00.342010
High-performance remote data access for remote visualization20.372010
Design, implementation and use of a simulation data archive for coastal science10.402010
Toward a Reliable Distributed Data Management System00.342010
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