Department of Information and Knowledge Engineering, University of Economics, Prague, W. Churchill Sq. 4, 130 67, Praha 3, Czech Republic
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OReCaP - Towards Ontology Reuse via Focused Categorization Power.00.342020
Ontologies Supporting Research-Related Information Foraging Using Knowledge Graphs - Literature Survey and Holistic Model Mapping.10.352020
Towards Higher-Order Owl00.342020
Kickstarting OntoUML Modeling from PURO Instance-Level Examples.00.342020
The Semantic Web - ISWC 2019 - 18th International Semantic Web Conference, Auckland, New Zealand, October 26-30, 2019, Proceedings, Part I.00.342019
Ontology visualization methods and tools: a survey of the state of the art.60.502018
Dolování z otevřených dat o rozpočtech a výdajích.00.342018
RdfRules Preview - Towards an Analytics Engine for Rule Mining in RDF Knowledge Graphs.00.342018
Pattern Alternatives for Referring to Multiple Indirectly Specified Objects.00.342017
The Ten-Year OntoFarm and its Fertilization within the Onto-Sphere.20.372017
Ontology Reuse Decision Support: Visualize the Ontology or its Usage?00.342017
Starting Ontology Development by Visually Modeling an Example Situation - A User Study.00.342016
Adapting ontologies to best-practice artifacts using transformation patterns: Method, implementation and use cases.00.342016
Categorization Power of Ontologies with Respect to Focus Classes.00.342016
Generating examples of paths summarizing RDF datasets.00.342016
Augmenting the Ontology Visualization Tool Recommender: Input Pre-Filling and Integration with the OOSP Ontological Benchmark Builder.00.342016
Modeling fiscal data with the Data Cube Vocabulary.40.642016
Towards Budget Comparative Analysis: the need for Fiscal Codelists as Linked Data.20.522016
The Linked Data Mining Challenge 2015.00.342016
Exploiting ontology matching to support reuse in PURO-started ontology development.00.342016
Facilitating Ontological Benchmark Construction Using Similarity Computation and Formal Concept Analysis.00.342016
Ontology Search by Categorization Power.10.372016
An ontological investigation over human relations in linked data.10.412016
Event Categories on the Semantic Web and Their Relationship/Object Distinction.10.392016
Towards a Deontic Cognitive Event Ontology.00.342016
OBM2OWL Patterns: Spotlight on OWL Modeling Versatility.20.412015
OOSP: Ontological Benchmarks Made on the Fly.40.532015
Procurement notice enrichment using product ontologies10.382015
Matchmaking Public Procurement Linked Open Data.00.342015
Dataset Summary Visualization with LODSight.130.702015
Discovering Issues in Datasets Using LODSight Visual Summaries.00.342015
PatOMat - Versatile Framework for Pattern-Based Ontology Transformation.10.372015
Roadmapping and Navigating in the Ontology Visualization Landscape.210.982014
What Can the Ontology Describe? Visualizing Local Coverage in PURO Modeler.10.352014
Linked data support for filing public contracts.70.612014
Exploiting Freebase to Obtain GoodRelations-Based Product Ontologies.10.442014
B-Annot: Supplying Background Model Annotations for Ontology Coherence Testing.20.422014
Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web20.362014
Typed Higher-Order Variant of SROIQ - Why Not?00.342014
Towards Automation of Ontology Analysis Reporting.10.412014
The Linked Data Mining Challenge 2014: Results and Experiences.10.382014
Linked Data Mining Challenge (LDMC) 2013 Summary.20.432013
Mapping structural design patterns in OWL to ontological background models60.732013
Semi-automated Structural Adaptation of Advanced E-Commerce Ontologies.20.402013
Towards a Benchmark for LOD-Enhanced Knowledge Discovery from Structured Data.80.692013
Suite of Tools for Pattern-Based Transformation of OWL Ontologies.00.342013
Towards Typed Higher-Order Description Logics.40.452013
Constructs Replacing and Complexity Downgrading via a Generic OWL Ontology Transformation Framework.10.372013
Checking and repairing ontological naming patterns using ORE and PatOMat.10.372013
Metamodeling-Based Coherence Checking of OWL Vocabulary Background Models.121.222013
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