Division of Bioengineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore
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Revisiting convolutional neural network on graphs with polynomial approximations of Laplace-Beltrami spectral filtering00.342021
Spatio-temporal correlates of gene expression and cortical morphology across lifespan and aging00.342021
A review on neuroimaging studies of genetic and environmental influences on early brain development.00.342019
Reversible data hiding scheme in multiple encrypted images based on code division multiplexing00.342019
Convolutional Neural Network on Semi-Regular Triangulated Meshes and its Application to Brain Image Data.00.342019
Improving mass-univariate analysis of neuroimaging data by modelling important unknown covariates: Application to Epigenome-Wide Association Studies.00.342018
Multiscale Frame-Based Kernels for Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping.00.342018
Trade-off of cerebello-cortical and cortico-cortical functional networks for planning in 6-year-old children.10.352018
Large Deformation Multiresolution Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping for Multiresolution Cortical Surfaces: A Coarse-to-Fine Approach.20.362016
A Comprehensive Analysis of Connectivity and Aging Over the Adult Life Span.00.342016
Spectral Laplace-Beltrami wavelets with applications in medical images.10.352015
Multiresolution Diffeomorphic Mapping for Cortical Surfaces.00.342015
Geodesic regression on orientation distribution functions with its application to an aging study.40.422014
Diffeomorphic metric mapping and probabilistic atlas generation of hybrid diffusion imaging based on BFOR signal basis.00.342013
Bayesian Atlas Estimation from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging (HARDI).00.342013
Diffeomorphic metric mapping of hybrid diffusion imaging based on BFOR signal basis.10.352013
Structural connectivity asymmetry in the neonatal brain.140.592013
Morphology and microstructure of subcortical structures at birth: A large-scale Asian neonatal neuroimaging study.50.452013
Bayesian Estimation of White Matter Atlas from High Angular Resolution Diffusion Imaging.10.362013
Diffeomorphic metric mapping of high angular resolution diffusion imaging based on Riemannian structure of orientation distribution functions.170.742012
Birth weight and gestation influence striatal morphology and motor response in normal six-year-old boys.00.342012
Multi-stage segmentation of white matter hyperintensity, cortical and lacunar infarcts.80.572012
Principal component based diffeomorphic surface mapping.110.532012
Diffeomorphic Metric Mapping of 00.342011
Robust automatic rodent brain extraction using 3-D pulse-coupled neural networks (PCNN).70.512011
Large deformation diffeomorphic metric mapping of orientation distribution functions.50.412011
Whole brain diffeomorphic metric mapping via integration of sulcal and gyral curves, cortical surfaces, and images.210.812011
Locally Linear Diffeomorphic Metric Embedding (LLDME) for surface-based anatomical shape modeling.50.442011
A multi-resolution scheme for distortion-minimizing mapping between human subcortical structures based on geodesic construction on Riemannian manifolds.80.492011
Approximations of the diffeomorphic metric and their applications in shape learning.40.452011
Multi-manifold diffeomorphic metric mapping for aligning cortical hemispheric surfaces.190.722010
Hippocampal-cortical structural connectivity disruptions in schizophrenia: an integrated perspective from hippocampal shape, cortical thickness, and integrity of white matter bundles.30.462010
Quantitative evaluation of LDDMM, FreeSurfer, and CARET for cortical surface mapping.130.532010
Atlas generation for subcortical and ventricular structures with its applications in shape analysis.130.562010
APOE related hippocampal shape alteration in geriatric depression.50.482009
Spatial and temporal reproducibility-based ranking of the independent components of BOLD fMRI data.30.412009
Combined analyses of thalamic volume, shape and white matter integrity in first-episode schizophrenia.40.602009
Time sequence diffeomorphic metric mapping and parallel transport track time-dependent shape changes.231.282009
Neuroanatomical asymmetry patterns in individuals with schizophrenia and their non-psychotic siblings.40.422009
Regional shape abnormalities in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease.261.352009
The emerging discipline of Computational Functional Anatomy220.842009
Intrinsic and extrinsic analysis in computational anatomy130.862008
Multi-structure network shape analysis via normal surface momentum maps.381.362008
Large Deformation Diffeomorphic Metric Curve Mapping.642.202008
Transport of Relational Structures in Groups of Diffeomorphisms.231.512008
Parallel transport in diffeomorphisms distinguishes the time-dependent pattern of hippocampal surface deformation due to healthy aging and the dementia of the Alzheimer's type332.102008
Diffeomorphic metric surface mapping in subregion of the superior temporal gyrus.361.962007
Combining anatomical manifold information via diffeomorphic metric mappings for studying cortical thinning of the cingulate gyrus in schizophrenia.150.942007
Cortical hemisphere registration via large deformation diffeomorphic metric curve mapping.160.762007
Estimating linear cortical magnification in human primary visual cortex via dynamic programming.151.192006
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