Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge
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Modifying Transactional Databases to Hide Sensitive Association Rules00.342022
Recommendations And Cross-Selling: Pricing Strategies When Personalizing Firms Cross-Sell00.342021
Hiding Sensitive Information When Sharing Distributed Transactional Data10.352020
Hiding Sensitive Itemsets in Shared Transactional Databases - Minimizing the Number of Items Removed.00.342019
Know when to run: recommendations in crowdsourcing contests10.372018
How High Should We Go? Determining Reservation Values to Negotiate Successfully for Composite Software Services00.342017
Privacy and big data: scalable approaches to sanitize large transactional databases for sharing30.362016
Investigating Effects of Competing Tasks on Crowdsourcing Contest Platforms.10.342016
Composing offer Sets to Maximize Expected payoffs.00.342016
Competitive Bundling in Information Markets: A Seller-Side Analysis.20.372016
Who's Next? Scheduling Personalization Services with Variable Service Times.10.362015
Making Task Recommendations in Crowdsourcing Contests00.342015
Recommendations Using Information from Multiple Association Rules: A Probabilistic Approach40.422015
Digression and value concatenation to enable privacy-preserving regression00.342014
Selling vs. Profiling: Optimizing the Offer Set in Web-Based Personalization.00.342014
Coordinating One-to-many Concurrent Negotiation for Service Provision.00.342013
Class-Restricted Clustering and Microperturbation for Data Privacy100.532013
How Do Advertisers Compete in Sponsored Search Auctions? Evidence from the Digital Camera Industry00.342013
Using tree-decomposable structures to approximate belief networks30.902013
Postrelease Testing And Software Release Policy For Enterprise-Level Systems120.552012
Multihoming Behavior Of Users In Social Networking Web Sites: A Theoretical Model90.492011
Accelerated Learning of User Profiles10.352011
Protecting Privacy Against Regression Attacks in Predictive Data Mining.10.392011
Protecting Privacy Against Record Linkage Disclosure: A Bounded Swapping Approach for Numeric Data120.532011
Speed Matters: The Role of Free Software Offer in Software Diffusion231.332010
Data Clustering and Micro-perturbation for Privacy-Preserving Data Sharing and Analysis.40.402010
Resource Allocation Policies for Personalization in Content Delivery Sites100.602010
No Free Lunch: Price Premium for Privacy Seal-Bearing Vendors160.632010
Do Recommender Systems Always Benefit Firms by Reducing Consumer Search Effort?00.342009
Against Classification Attacks: A Decision Tree Pruning Approach to Privacy Protection in Data Mining100.662009
Strategic Learning In Recommendation Systems.00.342009
Impact of the Union and Difference Operations on the Quality of Information Products50.462009
A Framework for Reconciling Attribute Values from Multiple Data Sources110.642007
Improving Linkage of Web Pages30.382007
Minimizing Information Loss and Preserving Privacy250.872007
A Tree-Based Data Perturbation Approach for Privacy-Preserving Data Mining260.982006
Privacy Protection in Data Mining: A Perturbation Approach for Categorical Data220.912006
Online Privacy at a Premium10.522006
Maximizing Accuracy of Shared Databases when Concealing Sensitive Patterns501.572005
Staffing Software Maintenance and Support Projects30.392005
Lying on the Web: Implications for Expert Systems Redesign110.602005
A Data Perturbation Approach to Privacy Protection in Data Mining20.372004
Assessing Data Quality for Information Products: Impact of Selection, Projection, and Cartesian Product441.392004
Reconciling Attribute Values from Multiple Data Sources00.342004
The Role of the Management Sciences in Research on Personalization827.022003
Assessing Information Quality for the Composite Relational Operation Join150.992002
A distance-based approach to entity reconciliation in heterogeneous databases391.902002
Bayesian Models for Early Warning of Bank Failures.402.432001
Proceedings of the International Conference on Information Systems, ICIS 2001, December 16-19, 2001, New Orleans, Louisiana, USA7717.672001
Incentives and mechanisms for intra-organizational knowledge sharing20.392000
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