school of computer science university of manchester
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Automated prediction of visual complexity of web pages: Tools and evaluations00.342021
"Keep It Simple!": An Eye-Tracking Study For Exploring Complexity And Distinguishability Of Web Pages For People With Autism00.342021
Session details - Special session to be announced - Evaluation.00.342020
EyeCrowdata: Towards a Web-based Crowdsourcing Platform for Web-related Eye-Tracking Data00.342020
“The Best of Both Worlds!”: Integration of Web Page and Eye Tracking Data Driven Approaches for Automatic AOI Detection00.342020
Autism detection based on eye movement sequences on the web: a scanpath trend analysis approach00.342020
Eye-tracking Data Analyser (EDA): Web Application and Evaluation00.342020
The Effect of Context on Small Screen and Wearable Device Users’ Performance - A Systematic Review00.342020
The case for 'health related impairments and disabilities'00.342020
Tables on the web accessible?: unfortunately not!10.352020
Proceedings of the CHI'19 Workshop: Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction.00.342019
Web accessibility in Turkey: awareness, understanding and practices of user experience professionals20.432019
Addressing the Challenges of Situationally-Induced Impairments and Disabilities in Mobile Interaction.00.342019
Web Users With Autism: Eye Tracking Evidence For Differences20.422019
Traffic Analysis In A Smart City00.342019
Ability and Context Based Adaptive System: A Proposal for Machine Learning Approach.00.342019
Combining Trending Scan Paths with Arousal to Model Visual Behaviour on the Web: A Case Study of Neurotypical People vs People with Autism.00.342019
Engineering web-based interactive systems: trend analysis in eye tracking scanpaths with a tolerance.00.342017
Web Sayfasi Tasariminin Kullanicilarin Ilgi Dagilimi Uzerindeki Etkileri: Goz Izleme Calismasi(The Effects of Web Page Design on Distribution of Users' Interests: An Eye Tracking Study).00.342017
Discovering Visual Elements Of Web Pages And Their Roles: Users' Perception00.342017
Twisting Web Pages for Saving Energy.00.342017
Do Web Users with Autism Experience Barriers When Searching for Information Within Web Pages?00.342017
Assets 2015: remembering Lisbon!00.342016
Eye tracking scanpath analysis on web pages: how many users?90.522016
Scanpath Trend Analysis on Web Pages: Clustering Eye Tracking Scanpaths.50.672016
Trends in Eye Tracking Scanpaths: Segmentation Effect?00.342016
Group vs Individual Web Accessibility Evaluations: Effects with Novice Evaluators.00.342016
Patterns in Eyetracking Scanpaths and the Affecting Factors.50.552015
DOM block clustering for enhanced sampling and evaluation10.352015
\"Old habits die hard!\": eyetracking based experiential transcoding: a study with mobile users30.412015
26th ACM International Conference on Hypertext and Social Media00.342015
Exploring perceptions of web accessibility: a survey approach00.342015
Web Sayfalarının Enerji Tasarrufu için Dönüştürülmesi.00.342015
W4A camp report: \"2012 edition\"00.342013
Heuristic role detection of visual elements of web pages00.342013
Vision Based Page Segmentation Algorithm: Extended and Perceived Success90.542013
Third mobile accessibility workshop10.362013
Understanding Eye Tracking Data for Re-engineering Web Pages10.352013
Anlaysis of algorithms to identify patterns in eye-tracking scanpaths00.342013
Erratum: Heuristic Role Detection of Visual Elements of Web Pages.00.342013
Controlled Experimentation in Naturalistic Mobile Settings.00.342013
Experiential transcoding: an EyeTracking approach120.642013
Understanding web accessibility and its drivers110.812012
Special Issue ASSETS 201100.342012
Is accessibility conformance an elusive property? A study of validity and reliability of WCAG 2.0141.112012
How Do People Use Their Mobile Phones?: A Field Study of Small Device Users40.452011
Mobile device impairment... similar problems, similar solutions?70.492011
Barriers common to mobile and disabled web users160.852011
Web accessibility guideline aggregation for older users and its validation50.512011
The Expertise Effect on Web Accessibility Evaluation Methods.120.742011
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