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An Event-B Formal Model For A System Reconfiguration Pattern And Its Instantiation: Application To Web Services Compensation00.342021
Event-B Refinement for Continuous Behaviours Approximation00.342021
Event-B Hybridation: A Proof and Refinement-based Framework for Modelling Hybrid Systems00.342021
Realisability of Control-State Choreographies00.342021
Formally Verified Architecture Patterns of Hybrid Systems Using Proof and Refinement with Event-B.00.342020
An Event-B Based Generic Framework for Hybrid Systems Formal Modelling.00.342020
Event-B-Supported Choreography-Defined Communicating Systems - Correctness and Completeness.00.342020
Embedding Approximation in Event-B - Safe Hybrid System Design Using Proof and Refinement.00.342020
Formal design of scalable conversation protocols using Event‐B: Validation, experiments, and benchmarks00.342020
Handling B models in the PERF integrated verification framework: Formalised and certified embedding00.342020
Modelling Hybrid Train Speed Controller using Proof and Refinement00.342019
Handling Refinement of Continuous Behaviors: A Proof Based Approach with Event-B00.342019
A Refinement Based Method for Developing Distributed Protocols00.342019
Certified Embedding of B Models in an Integrated Verification Framework00.342019
On the Importance of Explicit Domain Modelling in Refinement-Based Modelling Design. Experiments with Event-B.00.342018
A formal model for plastic human computer interfaces.10.382018
A scalable model based approach for data model evolution: Application to space missions data models.00.342018
Hybrid Systems and Event-B: A Formal Approach to Signalised Left-Turn Assist.20.382018
Incremental Construction of Realizable Choreographies.10.362018
Handling Reparation in Incremental Construction of Realizable Conversation Protocols.00.342018
Proof-Based Approach to Hybrid Systems Development: Dynamic Logic and Event-B.00.342018
B-PERFect - Applying the PERF Approach to B Based System Developments.00.342017
The landing gear case study: challenges and experiments.00.342017
Automating the Evolution of Data Models for Space Missions. A Model-Based Approach.10.352017
Models and data engineering.10.352017
Implicit and explicit semantics integration in proof based developments of discrete systems (NII Shonan Meeting 2016-16).00.342016
Annotation of Engineering Models by References to Domain Ontologies.20.422016
Handling Continuous Functions in Hybrid Systems Reconfigurations: A Formal Event-B Development.10.402016
Introduction to the ABZ 2014 special issue.00.342016
A System Substitution Mechanism for Hybrid Systems in Event-B.10.402016
Stepwise Formal Modeling and Verification of Self-Adaptive Systems with Event-B. The Automatic Rover Protection Case Study00.342016
Correct Instantiation of a System Reconfiguration Pattern: A Proof and Refinement-Based Approach60.652016
Towards correct Evolution of Conversation Protocols.10.372016
Strengthening MDE and Formal Design Models by References to Domain Ontologies. A Model Annotation Based Approach.30.522016
Ontoql: An Alternative To Semantic Web Query Languages00.342015
Refinement and Proof Based Development of Systems Characterized by Continuous Functions.30.492015
Formal Verification of Runtime Compensation of Web Service Compositions: A Refinement and Proof Based Proposal with Event-B50.562015
Formal Verification of Plastic User Interfaces Exploiting Domain Ontologies40.442015
Modélisation formelle d'IHM multimodales en sortie avec B Événementiel. Approche par généralisation et instanciation.00.342015
A formal model for output multimodal HCI - An Event-B formalization.00.342015
Requirements Driven Data Warehouse Design: We Can Go Further.60.442014
Formal Modelling of Output Multi-Modal HCI in Event-B: Modalities and Media Allocation.00.342014
On Implicit and Explicit Semantics: Integration Issues in Proof-Based Development of Systems - Version to Read.10.352014
Be careful when designing semantic databases: Data and concepts redundancy00.342013
Stepwise Development of Formal Models for Web Services Compositions: Modelling and Property Verification.50.422013
Persistent Meta-Modeling Systems as Heterogeneous Model Repositories.00.342013
New Trends in Databases and Information Systems: Contributions from ADBIS 2013.00.342013
BeMoRe: a Repository for Handling Models Behaviors.10.362013
It is Time to propose a Complete Methodology for Designing Semantic Databases.00.342013
Extending Ontology-Based Databases with Behavioral Semantics.30.422012
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