Univ. of Bologna, Bologna, Itlay
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Team bisimilarity, and its associated modal logic, for BPP nets00.342021
Causal Semantics For Bpp Nets With Silent Moves00.342021
Verification of finite-state machines: A distributed approach.10.362018
CCS(25, 12) is Turing-complete.00.342017
Foundations of Security Analysis and Design V: FOSAD 2007/2008/2009 Tutorial Lectures130.912016
On intransitive non-interference in some models of concurrency50.462011
An Operational Petri Net Semantics for A2CCS.10.352011
A Process Calculus for Expressing Finite Place/Transition Petri Nets30.412010
On the Decidability of Non Interference over Unbounded Petri Nets90.532010
Towards Information Flow Properties for Distributed Systems20.362009
On the Relationship between π-Calculus and Finite Place/Transition Petri Nets20.392009
Computational Methods in Systems Biology, 7th International Conference, CMSB 2009, Bologna, Italy, August 31-September 1, 2009. Proceedings191.312009
Distributed semantics for the π-calculus based on Petri nets with inhibitor arcs110.592009
pi@: A pi-Based Process Calculus for the Implementation of Compartmentalised Bio-inspired Calculi10.362008
Petri Net Security Checker: Structural Non-interference at Work160.692008
On the expressive power of global and local priority in process calculi70.492007
Obituary, Nadia Busi (1968-2007).00.342007
A Formalization of Credit and Responsibility Within the GNDC Schema50.422006
Choreography and orchestration conformance for system design694.972006
Supporting Secure Coordination in SecSpaces160.692006
Formal Methods for Open Object-Based Distributed Systems, 8th IFIP WG 6.1 International Conference, FMOODS 2006, Bologna, Italy, June 14-16, 2006, Proceedings195.092006
On the Expressiveness of Probabilistic and Prioritized Data-retrieval in Linda10.382005
Theoretical foundations of security analysis and design II00.342005
Choreography and orchestration: a synergic approach for system design815.052005
Analysing Password Protocol Security Against Off-line Dictionary Attacks311.152005
Reasoning about interaction patterns in choreography171.882005
Approximating Imperfect Cryptography in a Formal Model10.362004
A process-algebraic approach for the analysis of probabilistic noninterference441.552004
Preface: Proceedings of the MEFISTO Project 2003, Formal Methods for Security and Time00.342004
Combining Partitions in SecSpaces00.342004
Security Issues in the Tuple-Space Coordination Model80.522004
Positive Non-interference in Elementary and Trace Nets120.742004
A simple framework for real-time cryptographic protocol analysis with compositional proof rules270.992004
Towards a formal treatment of secrecy against computational adversaries20.372004
Automated analysis of timed security: a case study on web privacy80.572004
On securing real-time speech transmission over the internet: an experimental study00.342003
A formal approach for checking security properties in SecSpaces20.402003
A simple language for real-time cryptographic protocol analysis261.202003
Compositional Verification of Integrity for Digital Stream Signature Protocols50.432003
Formal Anaylsis of Some Timed Security Properties in Wireless Protocols40.422003
Process Algebraic Frameworks for the Specification and Analysis of Cryptographic Protocols20.392003
SecSpaces: a Data-driven Coordination Model for Environments Open to Untrusted Agent∗80.572003
Two formal approaches for approximating noninterference properties70.482002
Deciding and axiomatizing weak ST bisimulation for a process algebra with recursion and action refinement200.992002
Unified specification and performance evaluation using stochastic process algebras30.372002
The theory of interactive generalized semi-Markov processes572.532002
Classification of security properties - (Part II: Network security)210.762002
Corrigendum to ``A tutorial on EMPA: a theory of concurrent processes with nondeterminism, priorities, probabilities and time'' - [TCS 202 (1998) 1-54]00.342001
Techniques for Security Checking: Non-Interference vs Control Flow Analysis40.412001
Vertical implementation110.642001
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