Department of Computer Science and Advanced Information Technology Research Center (AITrc), Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (KAIST), Korea
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Authenticated Key Agreement Scheme With User Anonymity and Untraceability for 5G-Enabled Softwarized Industrial Cyber-Physical Systems00.342022
Wsn-Slap: Secure And Lightweight Mutual Authentication Protocol For Wireless Sensor Networks10.352021
AI-Enabled Blockchain-Based Access Control for Malicious Attacks Detection and Mitigation in IoE20.372021
Identifying Customer Interest from Surveillance Camera Based on Deep Learning00.342020
An Automatic Shoplifting Detection From Surveillance Videos (Student Abstract)00.342020
New Hybrid Method for Isogeny-Based Cryptosystems Using Edwards Curves00.342018
Efficient Isogeny Computations on Twisted Edwards Curves.10.362018
Event Detection in Wireless Sensor Networks: Survey and Challenges.50.422013
Fabrication of hybrid nanoparticle/CNT nanocomposite by self-assembly method via ionic interaction.00.342011
An Expanded Patching Technique using Four Types of Streams for True VoD Services00.342009
An Efficient Signature Scheme With Fast Online Signing00.342009
Weaknesses in an anonymous authentication scheme for roaming service in global mobility networks381.372009
Weakness in a RSA-based password authenticated key exchange protocol30.442008
Efficient Flexible Batch Signing Techniques for Imbalanced Communication Applications20.492008
New Hardware Architecture for Multiplication over GF(2m) and Comparisons with Normal and Polynomial Basis Multipliers for Elliptic Curve Cryptography00.342008
Secure Route Discovery Protocol For Ad Hoc Networks10.372007
Efficient evaluation of linear path expressions on large-scale heterogeneous XML documents using information retrieval techniques40.572006
Enhanced Exhaustive Search Attack On Randomized Bsd Type Countermeasure00.342006
Partial Key Exposure Attacks on Unbalanced RSA with the CRT*This work was supported by Kangnam University Research Grant in 2005. This work was also supported in part by Grant R08-2003-000-11029-0 from the Basic Research Program of the Korea Research Foundation.00.342006
Enhanced Exhaustive Search Attack on Randomized BSD Type Countermeasure*A preliminary version of this paper was presented at ACNS 2004 [9].00.342006
Partial Key Exposure Attacks On Unbalanced Rsa With The Crt00.342006
A Group Key Management Architecture for Mobile Ad-hoc Wireless Networks150.762005
An efficient public key cryptosystem with a privacy enhanced double decryption mechanism40.452005
A non-redundant and efficient architecture for karatsuba-ofman algorithm50.492005
Security analysis and improvement of the efficient password-based authentication protocol50.522005
Efficient evaluation of partial match queries for XML documents using information retrieval techniques70.472005
New architecture for multiplication in GF(2m) and comparisons with normal and polynomial basis multipliers for elliptic curve cryptography10.362005
An online face recognition system using multiple compressed images over the internet10.362005
Efficient linear array for multiplication over NIST recommended binary fields00.342005
A note on the factorization method of Niederreiter10.372005
On The Linear Complexity Of Some Generalized Cyclotomic Sequences80.972004
Speeding Up Point Multiplication on Hyperelliptic Curves with Efficiently-Computable Endomorphisms120.702002
An Improved Method of Multiplication on Certain Elliptic Curves00.342002
A Practical Approach Defeating Blackmailing40.532002
Optimal Extension Fields for XTR10.352002
An Alternate Decomposition of an Integer for Faster Point Multiplication on Certain Elliptic Curves161.002002