Univ Antwerp, ANT OR Antwerp Operat Res Grp, B-2000 Antwerp, Belgium
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PILS: Exploring high-order neighborhoods by pattern mining and injection10.372021
A Multilevel Evaluation Method For Heuristics With An Application To The Vrptw10.362020
Pre-positioning of emergency supplies: does putting a price on human life help to save lives?20.672019
A Critical Analysis Of The "Improved Clarke And Wright Savings Algorithm"00.342019
Knowledge-guided local search for the vehicle routing problem.10.352019
Efficiently solving very large-scale routing problems.30.372019
Studying the influence of algorithmic parameters and instance characteristics on the performance of a multiobjective algorithm using the Promethee method00.342019
What makes a solution good? The generation of problem-specific knowledge for heuristics10.352019
Dance hit song prediction40.432019
Automated Design of Machine Learning and Search Algorithms [Guest Editorial].00.342018
Multi-objective optimisation models for the travelling salesman problem with horizontal cooperation.40.372018
A Biobjective Decision Model To Increase Security And Reduce Travel Costs In The Cash-In-Transit Sector30.382017
Editorial To The Special Cluster On Variable Neighborhood Search, Variants And Recent Applications20.422017
A Variable Neighborhood Search Algorithm To Generate Piano Fingerings For Polyphonic Sheet Music40.432017
A History of Metaheuristics.50.422017
A Metaheuristic For Security Budget Allocation In Utility Networks00.342017
A large neighbourhood metaheuristic for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem.50.422017
An algorithmic framework for generating optimal two-stratum experimental designs.00.342017
Special issue on "New trends in Variable Neighborhood Search".10.362017
Optimal design of large-scale screening experiments: a critical look at the coordinate-exchange algorithm40.462016
An iterated local search algorithm for water distribution network design optimisation00.342016
The selective vehicle routing problem in a collaborative environment.90.462016
A hybridised variable neighbourhood tabu search heuristic to increase security in a utility network10.372016
Efficient multi-product multi-BOM batch scheduling for a petrochemical blending plant with a shared pipeline network30.422016
Network repair crew scheduling and routing for emergency relief distribution problem.60.432016
Metaheuristics for the risk-constrained cash-in-transit vehicle routing problem.20.372015
Home care service planning. The case of Landelijke Thuiszorg.120.562015
Generating Fingerings for Polyphonic Piano Music with a Tabu Search Algorithm00.342015
The k-dissimilar vehicle routing problem.00.342015
Generating structured music for bagana using quality metrics based on Markov models80.502015
A decision model to allocate protective safety barriers and mitigate domino effects50.612015
Multi-objective microzone-based vehicle routing for courier companies: From tactical to operational planning.60.432015
Classification and Generation of Composer-Specific Music Using Global Feature Models and Variable Neighborhood Search40.522015
Guest Editorial to the Feature Cluster "EURO/INFORMS 2013 Conference".00.342015
A fast metaheuristic for the travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection.50.552015
Sampling the extrema from statistical models of music with variable neighbourhood search.40.692014
A memetic algorithm for the orienteering problem with hotel selection.130.692014
Progressive Multi-Objective Optimization10.372014
An iterated local search algorithm for the vehicle routing problem with backhauls.150.602014
Measuring and rewarding flexibility in collaborative distribution, including two-partner coalitions.70.512014
FuX, an Android app that generates counterpoint.00.342013
Composing fifth species counterpoint music with a variable neighborhood search algorithm80.502013
The travelling salesperson problem with hotel selection.130.682012
OR Practice---Supporting 3PL Decisions in the Automotive Industry by Generating Diverse Solutions to a Large-Scale Location-Routing Problem120.622009