Embedded Interaction Research Group, Media Informatics, University of Munich, Germany
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Blockchain and Cryptocurrency in Human Computer Interaction: A Systematic Literature Review and Research Agenda00.342022
MindPhone: Mindful Reflection at Unlock Can Reduce Absentminded Smartphone Use00.342022
Designing Trustworthy User Interfaces for the Voluntary Carbon Market: A Randomized Online Experiment00.342022
Adapting visualizations and interfaces to the user00.342022
Exploiting Multiple EEG Data Domains with Adversarial Learning.00.342022
EMPiano: Electromyographic Pitch Control on the Piano Keyboard00.342021
Tailored Science Badges: Enabling New Forms of Research Interaction00.342021
Facilitating Bodily Insights Using Electromyography-Based Biofeedback during Physical Activity00.342021
Virtual Field Studies: Conducting Studies on Public Displays in Virtual Reality00.342020
Opportunities and Challenges of Text Input in Portable Virtual Reality00.342020
SpotlessMind - A Design Probe for Eliciting Attitudes towards Sharing Neurofeedback.00.342020
SAFER: Development and Evaluation of an IoT Device Risk Assessment Framework in a Multinational Organization00.342020
What does the Oscilloscope Say?: Comparing the Efficiency of In-Situ Visualisations during Circuit Analysis00.342020
Stressed by Design?: The Problems of Transferring Interaction Design from Workstations to Mobile Interfaces00.342019
Your skin resists: exploring electrodermal activity as workload indicator during manual assembly.10.342019
The digital cooking coach: using visual and auditory in-situ instructions to assist cognitively impaired during cooking00.342019
WindowWall: Towards Adaptive Buildings with Interactive Windows as Ubiquitous Displays00.342019
Proficiency-Aware Systems: Adapting To The User'S Skills And Expertise00.342018
Collaborative Interactive Learning.00.342018
Smart Kitchens for People with Cognitive Impairments: A Qualitative Study of Design Requirements00.342018
Look Inside: Understanding Thermal Flux Through Augmented Reality10.412018
Physical Computing - Flexible and Shape-Changing Interfaces.00.342017
Augmenting Human Intellect and Amplifying Perception and Cognition.80.632017
Towards Interaction Techniques for Social Media Data Exploration on Large High-Resolution Displays.00.342017
Robust Gaze Features for Enabling Language Proficiency Awareness.40.722017
Haptic, Auditory, or Visual?: Towards Optimal Error Feedback at Manual Assembly Workplaces.60.472016
Interactive worker assistance: comparing the effects of in-situ projection, head-mounted displays, tablet, and paper instructions.170.752016
Proxemic zones of exhibits and their manipulation using floor projection.20.582016
Multimedia Memory Cues for Augmenting Human Memory.40.432016
Reading-based Screenshot Summaries for Supporting Awareness of Desktop Activities.10.382016
MotionEAP - Ein System zur Effizienzsteigerung und Assistenz bei Produktionsprozessen in Unternehmen auf Basis von Bewegungserkennung und Projektion.00.342016
Memory Support through In-Home Display Deployment.00.342016
Investigation of Material Properties for Thermal Imaging-Based Interaction70.622015
Utilizing the Effects of Priming to Facilitate Text Comprehension10.362015
Interaction Techniques for Wall-Sized Screens00.342015
3d-Hudd - Developing A Prototyping Tool For 3d Head-Up Displays10.362015
Towards a Toolkit for the Rapid Creation of Smart Environments.30.392015
Towards a gamification of industrial production: a comparative study in sheltered work environments120.672015
Crowdfunding for Ubicomp Products: Interviews with Amanda Williams and Khai Truong.00.342015
Ucanvas: A Web Framework For Spontaneous Smartphone Interaction With Ubiquitous Displays40.402015
Large-scale assessment of mobile notifications522.212014
Interaction Beyond the Desktop.00.342014
NatCut: an interactive tangible editor for physical object fabrication50.462014
On the tip of my tongue: a non-invasive pressure-based tongue interface80.492014
Representing indoor location of objects on wearable computers with head-mounted displays50.572014
An augmented workplace for enabling user-defined tangibles80.572014
Perceiving layered information on 3D displays using binocular disparity110.942013
Insights into layout patterns of mobile user interfaces by an automatic analysis of android apps60.482013
Interaction Spaces: Interactive Spatial Areas to Control Smart Environments.00.342013
Experiencing interactivity in public spaces (eips)20.372013
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