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The third AI summer: AAAI Robert S. Engelmore Memorial Lecture00.342022
MIND - A Tool for Mental Health Screening and Support of Therapy to Improve Clinical and Research Outcomes.00.342020
SemEval-2020 Task 7: Assessing Humor in Edited News Headlines00.342020
Stimulating Creativity With Funlines: A Case Study Of Humor Generation In Headlines00.342020
Inferring Nighttime Satellite Imagery From Human Mobility00.342020
Detecting Low Self-Esteem in Youths from Web Search Data00.342019
Does Reciprocal Gratefulness in Twitter Predict Neighborhood Safety?: Comparing 911 Calls Where Users Reside or Use Social Media.00.342018
Analyzing Uncivil Speech Provocation and Implicit Topics in Online Political News.00.342018
Discovering Political Slang in Readers' Comments.00.342018
Predicting Acute Kidney Injury At Hospital Re-Entry Using High-Dimensional Electronic Health Record Data00.342018
Conditional Term Equivalent Symmetry Breaking for SAT.00.342017
Deploying nEmesis: Preventing Foodborne Illness by Data Mining Social Media.70.712017
Twitter911: A Cautionary Tale.00.342017
Precise Localization of Homes and Activities: Detecting Drinking-While-Tweeting Patterns in Communities.60.532016
Home Location Inference from Sparse and Noisy Data: Models and Applications.70.392016
Inferring Fine-grained Details on User Activities and Home Location from Social Media: Detecting Drinking-While-Tweeting Patterns in Communities.50.492016
Technical Perspective: Combining logic and probability.00.342016
Toward Caching Symmetrical Subtheories for Weighted Model Counting.20.382016
Tackling Mental Health By Integrating Unobtrusive Multimodal Sensing60.522015
Lifted Symmetry Detection and Breaking for MAP Inference40.442015
Job-related discourse on social media.00.342015
Monitoring adolescent alcohol use via multimodal analysis in social multimedia50.522015
Learning and reasoning with action-related places for robust mobile manipulation70.532014
Inferring Home Location from User's Photo Collections based on Visual Content and Mobility Patterns60.422014
Modeling the impact of lifestyle on health at scale241.292013
nEmesis: Which Restaurants Should You Avoid Today?160.782013
Reasoning Under the Principle of Maximum Entropy for Modal Logics K45, KD45, and S5.10.382013
Real-time crowd labeling for deployable activity recognition572.132013
A Markov logic framework for recognizing complex events from multimodal data100.512013
Towards understanding global spread of disease from everyday interpersonal interactions100.642013
A General Framework for Recognizing Complex Events in Markov Logic.20.352013
Modeling the interplay of people's location, interactions, and social ties10.352013
A Bayesian Approach to Tackling Hard Computational Problems542.932013
Combining subjective probabilities and data in training markov logic networks70.552012
Predicting Disease Transmission from Geo-Tagged Micro-Blog Data.572.382012
Slice Normalized Dynamic Markov Logic Networks.60.422012
Modeling Spread of Disease from Social Interactions.625.402012
Interactive activity recognition and prompting to assist people with cognitive disabilities90.572012
Plan Recognition (Dagstuhl Seminar 11141).40.492011
Constraint propagation for efficient inference in Markov logic40.422011
When Did You Start Doing that Thing that You Do? Interactive Activity Recognition and Prompting.50.612011
AI Theory and Practice: A Discussion on Hard Challenges and Opportunities Ahead10.362010
Image Annotation Within the Context of Personal Photo Collections Using Hierarchical Event and Scene Models331.412009
Activity recognition using the velocity histories of tracked keypoints2426.572009
Informing the design of an automated wayfinding system for individuals with cognitive impairments121.042009
Customizing directions in an automated wayfinding system for individuals with cognitive impairment100.642009
Mining GPS traces and visual words for event classification150.672008
Integrating Sensing and Cueing for More Effective Activity Reminders151.062008
The state of SAT211.122007
SAT encodings of state-space reachability problems in numeric domains150.822007
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