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Biomedical image segmentation based on full-Resolution network00.342022
Superpixel-Based Noise-Robust Sparse Unmixing of Hyperspectral Image00.342022
Glioma Segmentation-Oriented Multi-Modal MR Image Fusion With Adversarial Learning00.342022
Label graph learning for multi-label image recognition with cross-modal fusion00.342022
Emotion recognition from EEG based on multi-task learning with capsule network and attention mechanism10.352022
A Coarse-to-Fine Method Based on Saliency Map for Solar Cell Interior Defect Measurement00.342022
SF-Net: A Multi-Task Model for Brain Tumor Segmentation in Multimodal MRI via Image Fusion00.342022
Transformer-Based End-to-End Anatomical and Functional Image Fusion00.342022
Multi-channel EEG-based emotion recognition in the presence of noisy labels00.342022
SOM-Net: Unrolling the Subspace-Based Optimization for Solving Full-Wave Inverse Scattering Problems.00.342022
Multimodal MRI Volumetric Data Fusion With Convolutional Neural Networks00.342022
Multi-focus image fusion with deep residual learning and focus property detection00.342022
A Rail Surface Defect Detection Method Based on Pyramid Feature and Lightweight Convolutional Neural Network00.342022
Multiregion Scale-Aware Network for Building Extraction From High-Resolution Remote Sensing Images00.342022
A survey on AI for storage00.342022
MATR: Multimodal Medical Image Fusion via Multiscale Adaptive Transformer00.342022
TSDLPP: A Novel Two-Stage Deep Learning Framework For Prognosis Prediction Based on Whole Slide Histopathological Images00.342022
Prediction Of Arterial Blood Pressure Waveforms From Photoplethysmogram Signals Via Fully Convolutional Neural Networks00.342021
Recent Advances in Sparse Representation Based Medical Image Fusion00.342021
PulseGAN: Learning to generate realistic pulse waveforms in remote photoplethysmography20.372021
Emotion Recognition From Multi-Channel EEG via Deep Forest40.392021
Triple-Input-Unsupervised Neural Networks For Deformable Image Registration00.342021
Multiscale Feature Interactive Network for Multifocus Image Fusion00.342021
Semi-Hic: A Novel Semi-Supervised Deep Learning Method For Histopathological Image Classification10.352021
Multi-focus image fusion: A Survey of the state of the art50.392020
Fast Graph Convolution Network Based Multi-label Image Recognition via Cross-modal Fusion20.382020
Celiac disease diagnosis from videocapsule endoscopy images with residual learning and deep feature extraction.00.342020
Multi-channel EEG-based emotion recognition via a multi-level features guided capsule network.50.432020
Sparse unmixing of hyperspectral data with bandwise model.10.402020
Content Sifting Storage: Achieving Fast Read for Large-scale Image Dataset Analysis00.342020
Zero-Shot Learning Based on Deep Weighted Attribute Prediction20.362020
Multilevel Structure Extraction-Based Multi-Sensor Data Fusion00.342020
Exploring the feasibility of seamless remote heart rate measurement using multiple synchronized cameras00.342020
Label-Attended Hashing for Multi-Label Image Retrieval10.352020
A Practical Pet/Ct Data Visualization Method With Dual-Threshold Pet Colorization And Image Fusion00.342020
Deep Self-Taught Graph Embedding Hashing With Pseudo Labels For Image Retrieval00.342020
IFCNN: A general image fusion framework based on convolutional neural network.240.652020
Medical Image Fusion via Convolutional Sparsity Based Morphological Component Analysis.60.402019
A Framework for Image Dark Data Assessment.00.342019
Video Super-Resolution Using Non-Simultaneous Fully Recurrent Convolutional Network.20.352019
Green Fluorescent Protein and Phase-Contrast Image Fusion via Generative Adversarial Networks.00.342019
Medical Image Fusion With Parameter-Adaptive Pulse Coupled Neural Network in Nonsubsampled Shearlet Transform Domain.130.512019
Video-Based Heart Rate Measurement: Recent Advances and Future Prospects30.432019
A multi-scale data fusion framework for bone age assessment with convolutional neural networks.10.352019
Bone Age Assessment with X-Ray Images Based on Contourlet Motivated Deep Convolutional Networks00.342018
Deep learning for pixel-level image fusion: Recent advances and future prospects.380.932018
Position-independent gesture recognition using sEMG signals via canonical correlation analysis.20.382018
Hyperspectral Unmixing with Bandwise Generalized Bilinear Model.10.352018
Infrared And Visible Image Fusion With Convolutional Neural Networks110.542018
Multi-focus image fusion with a deep convolutional neural network.941.922017
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