Dalian Univ Technol, Sch Comp Sci & Technol, Dalian, Peoples R China
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Heterogeneous information network embedding based on multiperspective metapath for question routing00.342022
Dependency multi-weight-view graphs for event detection with label co-occurrence00.342022
Global and local interaction matching model for knowledge-grounded response selection in retrieval-based chatbots00.342022
Multi-hop interactive attention based classification network for expert recommendation00.342022
Refining electronic medical records representation in manifold subspace00.342022
A multi-view network for real-time emotion recognition in conversations10.362022
Manifold biomedical text sentence embedding00.342022
Adversarial neural network with sentiment-aware attention for detecting adverse drug reactions00.342021
Deep learning with language models improves named entity recognition for PharmaCoNER00.342021
Biomedical named entity recognition using BERT in the machine reading comprehension framework10.362021
Co-Attentive Span Network with Multi-task learning for Biomedical Named Entity Recognition.00.342021
Identifying adverse drug reaction entities from social media with adversarial transfer learning model00.342021
Sentence representation with manifold learning for biomedical texts10.372021
Biomedical Cross-Sentence Relation Extraction Via Multihead Attention And Graph Convolutional Networks00.342021
Adversarial Transfer Network With Bilinear Attention For The Detection Of Adverse Drug Reactions From Social Media00.342021
Biomedical document triage using a hierarchical attention-based capsule network.00.342020
Attention Guided Capsule Networks for Chemical-Protein Interaction Extraction.20.362020
Cross2Self-attentive Bidirectional Recurrent Neural Network with BERT for Biomedical Semantic Text Similarity.00.342020
Drug Repositioning for SARS-CoV-2 Based on Graph Neural Network00.342020
Gated iterative capsule network for adverse drug reaction detection from social media00.342020
Star-BiLSTM-LAN for Document-level Mutation-Disease Relation Extraction from Biomedical Literature00.342020
Extracting biomedical relations via a multi-head attention based graph convolutional network.00.342020
Extracting Protein-Protein Interactions Affected by Mutations via Auxiliary Task and Domain Pre-trained Model10.352020
Disease Gene Prediction Based on Heterogeneous Probabilistic Hypergraph Ranking.00.342019
Adverse drug reaction detection via a multihop self-attention mechanism.00.342019
Detection of protein complexes from multiple protein interaction networks using graph embedding10.352019
An Attention-based BiLSTM-CRF Approach to Document-level Chemical Named Entity Recognition.231.102018
PC-SENE: A node embedding based method for protein complex detection00.342018
An effective neural model extracting document level chemical-induced disease relations from biomedical literature.50.412018
Identifying protein complexes based on node embeddings obtained from protein-protein interaction networks.00.342018
Hierarchical Recurrent Convolutional Neural Network For Chemical-Protein Relation Extraction From Biomedical Literature00.342018
Protein Complexes Detection Based on Global Network Representation Learning00.342018
A hybrid model based on neural networks for biomedical relation extraction.90.632018
SemaTyP: a knowledge graph based literature mining method for drug discovery.70.482018
A Multi-Task Learning Based Approach To Biomedical Entity Relation Extraction00.342018
An attention-based effective neural model for drug-drug interactions extraction.120.582017
Detecting Potential Adverse Drug Reactions Using Association Rules and Embedding Models.00.342017
Detecting Potential Adverse Drug Reactions from Health-Related Social Networks 00.342016
Biomedical event trigger detection by dependency-based word embedding30.482015
Predicting Best Answerers for New Questions: An Approach Leveraging Distributed Representations of Words in Community Question Answering70.442015
Decycling bubble sort graphs00.342015
Exploring Useful Features for Biomedical Event Trigger Detection.00.342013
Combining labeled and unlabeled data for biomédical event extraction00.342012
Identifying Protein Complexes from PPI Networks Using GO Semantic Similarity00.342011