Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing, China
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Dynamic Training Data Dropout for Robust Deep Face Recognition00.342022
A universal approach for integrating super large-scale single-cell transcriptomes by exploring gene rankings00.342022
Adaptive Label Noise Cleaning with Meta-Supervision for Deep Face Recognition.00.342021
Orthogonality Loss: Learning Discriminative Representations for Face Recognition60.422021
Triple-GAN - Progressive Face Aging with Triple Translation Loss.00.342020
Subvoxel Vascular Imaging of the Midbrain Using USPIO-Enhanced MRI.20.432020
Identity-Aware CycleGAN for Face Photo-Sketch Synthesis and Recognition60.442020
FGAN: Fan-Shaped GAN for Racial Transformation00.342020
Global-Local GCN: Large-Scale Label Noise Cleansing for Face Recognition00.342020
LWFD - A Simple Light-Weight Network for Face Detection.00.342019
Racial Faces in the Wild: Reducing Racial Bias by Information Maximization Adaptation Network190.922019
Unsupervised adaptive hashing based on feature clustering.20.362019
APA: Adaptive Pose Alignment for Pose-Invariant Face Recognition.20.352019
Unequal-Training For Deep Face Recognition With Long-Tailed Noisy Data70.442019
Unsupervised Face Normalization With Extreme Pose And Expression In The Wild50.412019
Compressive Binary Patterns: Designing a Robust Binary Face Descriptor with Random-Field Eigenfilters.30.372019
Mixed High-Order Attention Network for Person Re-Identification210.692019
Unsupervised Domain Adaptation by regularizing Softmax Activation00.342018
Computer Vision Based and FPRank Based Tag Recommendation for Social Popularity Enhancement00.342018
Task Specific Networks for Identity and Face Variation10.342018
Face Feature Extraction: A Complete Review.20.372018
Facial landmark localization by enhanced convolutional neural network.40.452018
Racial Faces in-the-Wild: Reducing Racial Bias by Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation.40.392018
Face Recognition via Collaborative Representation: Its Discriminant Nature and Superposed Representation.140.482018
Deep Unsupervised Domain Adaptation for Face Recognition50.452018
Local Subclass Constraint For Facial Expression Recognition In The Wild00.342018
From one to many: Pose-Aware Metric Learning for single-sample face recognition.30.372018
Deep Transfer Network with 3D Morphable Models for Face Recognition10.342018
A Tag Recommendation System for Popularity Boosting.00.342017
Efficient Segmentation of a Breast in B-Mode Ultrasound Tomography Using Three-Dimensional GrabCut (GC3D).20.452017
Lighting-aware face frontalization for unconstrained face recognition.80.442017
Facial Expression Intensity Estimation Based on CNN Features and RankBoost00.342017
Supervised hashing with extreme learning machine00.342017
Fine-grained face verification: FGLFW database, baselines, and human-DCMN partnership.00.342017
Compressing Fisher Vector for Robust Face Recognition.30.382017
Cross-Age LFW: A Database for Studying Cross-Age Face Recognition in Unconstrained Environments.80.432017
Become Popular in SNS: Tag Recommendation using FolkPopularityRank to Enhance Social Popularity.00.342017
Deep transfer network for face recognition using 3D synthesized face00.342017
Age Estimation Guided Convolutional Neural Network for Age-Invariant Face Recognition60.412017
Deep Correlation Feature Learning for Face Verification in the Wild.20.392017
Deep Probabilities For Age Estimation00.342017
Distortion Minimization Hashing.00.342017
FolkPopularityRank: Tag Recommendation for Enhancing Social Popularity using Text Tags in Content Sharing Services.40.652017
PCA-LDANet: A Simple Feature Learning Method for Image Classification10.362017
Locally Rejected Metric Learning Based False Positives Filtering for Face Detection.00.342016
Learning Facial Point Response For Alignment By Purely Convolutional Network00.342016
Constrained Spectral Clustering on Face Annotation System.00.342016
Pose Aided Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Face Alignment.00.342016
Multimodal Learning For Image Popularity Prediction On Social Media10.352016
Saliency Region Detection via Graph Model and Statistical Learning.00.342016
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