Bernstein Ctr Computat Neurosci, D-37073 Gottingen, Germany
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No Need for Landmarks: An Embodied Neural Controller for Robust Insect-Like Navigation Behaviors00.342022
WISARD: Weight Informing Soft Artificial Robotic Dermis00.342022
Tactile Sensing of the Rigid-Soft Electromagnetic Feet of the iCrawl Robot for Pipe Size Classification00.342022
Continuous Online Adaptation of Bioinspired Adaptive Neuroendocrine Control for Autonomous Walking Robots00.342022
GRAB: GRAdient-Based Shape-Adaptive Locomotion Control00.342022
Exploiting Friction Anisotropy for Soft Robot Locomotion00.342022
Versatile modular neural locomotion control with fast learning00.342022
Generic Mechanism for Waveform Regulation and Synchronization of Oscillators: An Application for Robot Behavior Diversity Generation00.342022
Editorial: Biological and Robotic Inter-Limb Coordination00.342022
Learning-Based Multifunctional Elbow Exoskeleton Control00.342022
Generic Neural Locomotion Control Framework for Legged Robots00.342021
A Variable Soft Finger Exoskeleton for Quantifying Fatigue-induced Mechanical Impedance00.342021
The SMOOTH-Robot: A Modular, Interactive Service Robot00.342021
Online sensorimotor learning and adaptation for inverse dynamics control00.342021
Online sensorimotor learning and adaptation for inverse dynamics control00.342021
A Compliant Leg Structure for Terrestrial and Aquatic Walking Robots00.342021
Distributed-force-feedback-based reflex with online learning for adaptive quadruped motor control00.342021
Insect-Inspired Robots: Bridging Biological and Artificial Systems00.342021
Modular Neural Control For Gait Adaptation And Obstacle Avoidance Of A Tailless Gecko Robot00.342021
Adaptive parallel reflex- and decoupled CPG-based control for complex bipedal locomotion.00.342020
Virtual Motoneuron Activation for Goal-directed Locomotion of a Hexapod Robot00.342020
Closed-loop dynamic computations for adaptive behavior (articles based on SAB2018 conference)00.342020
Error-Based Learning Mechanism for Fast Online Adaptation in Robot Motor Control.10.362020
SMOOTH Robot: Design for a Novel Modular Welfare Robot00.342020
Neural Control With An Artificial Hormone System For Energy-Efficient Compliant Terrain Locomotion And Adaptation Of Walking Robots00.342019
A Fast Online Frequency Adaptation Mechanism for CPG-Based Robot Motion Control00.342019
A neuroplasticity-inspired neural circuit for acoustic navigation with obstacle avoidance that learns smooth motion paths00.342019
Neural Control for Gait Generation and Adaptation of a Gecko Robot00.342019
Modular Neural Mechanisms for Gait Phase Tracking, Prediction, and Selection in Personalizable Knee-Ankle-Foot-Orthoses.00.342018
A dung beetle-inspired robotic model and its distributed sensor-driven control for walking and ball rolling00.342018
Online Gait Adaptation of a Hexapod Robot Using an Improved Artificial Hormone Mechanism.00.342018
Cylindrical Terrain Classification Using a Compliant Robot Foot with a Flexible Tactile-Array Sensor for Legged Robots.00.342018
Bio-inspired design and movement generation of dung beetle-like legs00.342018
Neural Control and Synaptic Plasticity for Adaptive Obstacle Avoidance of Autonomous Drones.00.342018
Towards Crossmodal Learning for Smooth Multimodal Attention Orientation.00.342018
Editorial: Neural Computation in Embodied Closed-Loop Systems for the Generation of Complex Behavior: From Biology to Technology.00.342018
A Neural Circuit for Acoustic Navigation Combining Heterosynaptic and Non-synaptic Plasticity That Learns Stable Trajectories.10.362017
A Neurocomputational Model of Goal-Directed Navigation in Insect-Inspired Artificial Agents.10.362017
An Adaptive Neural Mechanism for Acoustic Motion Perception with Varying Sparsity.00.342017
Adaptive and Energy Efficient Walking in a Hexapod Robot Under Neuromechanical Control and Sensorimotor Learning.120.732016
A robot leg with compliant tarsus and its neural control for efficient and adaptive locomotion on complex terrains20.432016
A Generic Approach to Self-localization and Mapping of Mobile Robots Without Using a Kinematic Model00.342015
Synaptic plasticity in a recurrent neural network for versatile and adaptive behaviors of a walking robot.80.532015
A neural path integration mechanism for adaptive vector navigation in autonomous agents20.372015
Biologically-inspired adaptive obstacle negotiation behavior of hexapod robots.70.472014
Virtual agonist-antagonist mechanisms produce biological muscle-like functions: An application for robot joint control.00.342014
Reservoir-based online adaptive forward models with neural control for complex locomotion in a hexapod robot30.402014
Multiple Decoupled CPGs with Local Sensory Feedback for Adaptive Locomotion Behaviors of Bio-inspired Walking Robots.70.562014
Adaptive Landmark-Based Navigation System Using Learning Techniques.20.382014
Stability analysis of a hexapod robot driven by distributed nonlinear oscillators with a phase modulation mechanism60.652013
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