Department of Mathematics, Beijing Institute of Technology, Beijing 100081, China
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Forbidden subgraphs for existences of (connected) 2-factors of a graph.00.342023
Two completely independent spanning trees of claw-free graphs00.342022
A note on 3-connected hourglass-free claw-free Hamilton-connected00.342022
Supereulerian line graphs00.342022
Hamiltonian Extendable Graphs00.342022
Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for 2-factor of connected graphs00.342022
Characterizing Forbidden Pairs for the Edge-Connectivity of a Connected Graph to Be Its Minimum Degree00.342022
Forbidden Subgraphs for Collapsible Graphs and Supereulerian Graphs00.342022
The Independence Number Conditions for 2-Factors of a Claw-Free Graph00.342022
Forbidden Pairs of Disconnected Graphs for Traceability of Block-Chains00.342022
Edge Degree Conditions for 2-Iterated Line Graphs to Be Traceable.00.342022
Characterizing forbidden pairs for relative length of longest paths and cycles00.342022
Strongly Spanning Trailable Graphs With Small Circumference And Hamilton-Connected Claw-Free Graphs00.342021
Forbidden Subgraphs For Supereulerian And Hamiltonian Graphs00.342021
Circumference Of A Graph And Its Distance Dominating Longest Cycles00.342021
2-connected Hamiltonian claw-free graphs involving degree sum of adjacent vertices00.342020
Forbidden subgraphs on Hamiltonian index00.342020
Forbidden pairs for the matching extendability of graphs with connectivity at least 2 or 300.342020
Forbidden Subgraphs for a Graph to Have a Hamiltonian Path Square00.342020
On sufficient degree conditions for traceability of claw-free graphs00.342020
A Note on Singular Edges and Hamiltonicity in Claw-Free Graphs with Locally Disconnected Vertices00.342020
The Local Structure of Claw-Free Graphs Without Induced Generalized Bulls.00.342019
On the independence number of traceable 2-connected claw-free graphs00.342019
Reciprocal degree distance and graph properties.00.342019
Forbidden Pairs for Equality of Connectivity and Edge-Connectivity of Graphs.00.342019
Number of vertices of degree three in spanning 3-trees in square graphs.00.342019
Spanning Trails in a 2-Connected Graph00.342019
Large Degree Vertices In Longest Cycles Of Graphs, Ii00.342019
Some results on the inverse sum indeg index of a graph.30.472018
Erratum to "Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trails" [Discrete Math. 340 (2017) 1012-1018].20.402018
Pairs of forbidden subgraphs and 2-connected supereulerian graphs.10.372018
Traceability on 2-connected line graphs.10.352018
Hamiltonian properties of 3-connected {claw, hourglass}-free graphs.10.412018
Characterization of forbidden subgraphs for the existence of even factors in a graph.00.342017
Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general sum-connectivity index.00.342017
Connected Even Factors in the Square of Essentially 2-Edge-connected Graph.00.342017
Forbidden set of induced subgraphs for 2-connected supereulerian graphs.00.342017
Forbidden pairs of disconnected graphs for traceability in connected graphs.00.342017
Forbidden pairs for spanning (closed) trails.40.602017
Minimum degree conditions for the Hamiltonicity of 3-connected claw-free graphs.30.422017
The Ryjáček closure and a forbidden subgraph.00.342016
Large degree vertices in longest cycles of graphs, I.10.362016
Extremal polyomino chains with respect to general Randić index20.422016
Hamiltonian Claw-Free Graphs and o-Heavy Graphs Involving Induced Cycles00.342016
Maximally edge-connected graphs and Zeroth-order general Randić index for α ≤ -1.30.442016
Closure and Hamilton-Connected Claw-Free Hourglass-Free Graphs00.342015
An Extension of the Chvátal-Erdős Theorem: Counting the Number of Maximum Independent Sets.00.342015
The Chvátal-Erdős Condition for a Graph to Have a Spanning Trail.20.412015
On Traceable Line Graphs00.342015
Hamiltonian claw-free graphs with locally disconnected vertices00.342015
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