School of Computer Science and Technology,Harbin Institute of Technology,Harbin,China
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Enhancing discoveries of molecular QTL studies with small sample size using summary statistic imputation00.342022
Deep Representation Debiasing via Mutual Information Minimization and Maximization (Student Abstract).00.342022
Identifying Drug-Target Interactions Based On Graph Convolutional Network And Deep Neural Network30.402021
A Novel Method For Predicting Cell Abundance Based On Single-Cell Rna-Seq Data00.342021
Prediction and collection of protein-metabolite interactions10.352021
Integrating Multi-Network Topology For Gene Function Prediction Using Deep Neural Networks30.392021
Sc2disease: A Manually Curated Database Of Single-Cell Transcriptome For Human Diseases10.352021
An end-to-end heterogeneous graph representation learning-based framework for drug-target interaction prediction10.352021
A Pipeline For Rna-Seq Based Eqtl Analysis With Automated Quality Control Procedures00.342021
Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning via Adaptive Policy Transfer00.342020
Identifying Emerging Phenomenon in Long Temporal Phenotyping Experiments.00.342020
A learning-based method for drug-target interaction prediction based on feature representation learning and deep neural network.10.352020
Efficient Deep Reinforcement Learning through Policy Transfer00.342020
Combining Sequence And Network Information To Enhance Protein-Protein Interaction Prediction00.342020
Automatic Term Name Generation for Gene Ontology - Task and Dataset.00.342020
Mining Relationships among Multiple Entities in Biological Networks.00.342020
Deeplgp: A Novel Deep Learning Method For Prioritizing Lncrna Target Genes20.382020
Prioritizing candidate diseases-related metabolites based on literature and functional similarity.00.342019
TS-GOEA: a web tool for tissue-specific gene set enrichment analysis based on gene ontology.00.342019
Integrating Multi-Network Topology via Deep Semi-supervised Node Embedding00.342019
Towards Gene Function Prediction via Multi-Networks Representation Learning00.342019
Combining Gene Ontology with Deep Neural Networks to Enhance the Clustering of Single Cell RNA-Seq Data00.342019
Predicting disease-related phenotypes using an integrated phenotype similarity measurement based on HPO.00.342019
LncDisAP: a computation model for LncRNA-disease association prediction based on multiple biological datasets20.362019
A learning-based framework for miRNA-disease association identification using neural networks.40.402019
Improving the measurement of semantic similarity by combining gene ontology and co-functional network: a random walk based approach.60.492018
Tsgoe: A Web Tool For Tissue-Specific Gene Ontology Enrichment00.342018
Deep Feature Learning of Multi-Network Topology for Node Classification.00.342018
Predicting candidate disease-related lncRNAs based on network random walk00.342018
Identifying Representative Network Motifs for Inferring Higher-order Structure of Biological Networks00.342018
Identifying term relations cross different gene ontology categories.70.612017
A Novel Method To Measure The Semantic Similarity Of Hpo Terms80.642017
Investigations on factors influencing HPO-based semantic similarity calculation.10.362017
Measuring Phenotype Semantic Similarity Using Human Phenotype Ontology10.372016
Joint detection of copy number variations in parent-offspring trios.30.492016
Extending gene ontology with gene association networks.130.662016
Analyzing Factors Involved In The Hpo-Based Semantic Similarity Calculation00.342016
Measuring semantic similarities by combining gene ontology annotations and gene co-function networks.170.712015
Lncrna2target: A Database For Differentially Expressed Genes After Lncrna Knockdown Or Overexpression180.822015
A web tool for measuring gene semantic similarities by combining gene ontology and gene co-function networks00.342015
An integrative approach for measuring semantic similarities using gene ontology.90.572014
Towards integrative gene functional similarity measurement.180.672014
Identifying cross-category relations in gene ontology and constructing genome-specific term association networks.130.542013