Institute of Geography, GIScience Group, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany
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Analysing The Impact Of Large Data Imports In Openstreetmap00.342021
Entwicklung eines Regressionsmodells für die Vollständigkeitsanalyse des globalen OpenStreetMap- Datenbestands an Nahverkehrs-Busstrecken / Development of a Regression Model for the Analysis of Local Bus Route Data Completeness on OpenStreetMap.00.342021
An exploratory analysis of usability of Flickr tags for land use/land cover attribution.00.342019
Ohsome - eine Plattform zur Analyse raumzeitlicher Entwicklungen von OpenStreetMap-Daten für intrinsische QualitätsbewertungenOhsome - An OpenStreetMap History Analytics Platform for Intrinsic Quality Assessments.00.342018
Towards the Statistical Analysis and Visualization of Places (Short Paper).00.342018
Towards Using the Potential of OpenStreetMap History for Disaster Activation Monitoring.00.342018
Einsatz von OpenStreetMap-Daten zur Erstellung von Landnutzungsprodukten am Beispiel von OSM Landuse Landcover.00.342017
Towards using Volunteered Geographic Information to monitor post-disaster recovery in tourist destinations.00.342017
Partizipative Methoden zur Erfassung und Verarbeitung von Geoinformationen.00.342017
Exploring The Geographical Context For Quality Assessment Of Vgi In Flood Management Domain10.372017
A Framework of Quality Assessment Methods for Crowdsourced Geographic Information: a Systematic Literature Review.00.342017
GIS-Werkzeuge zur Verbesserung der barrierefreien Routenplanung aus dem Projekt CAP4Access.00.342016
Entscheidungsunterstützung im Hochwassermanagement - Integration von Kritischer Infrastruktur und Notfallrouting auf der Basis freier Geodaten.00.342016
Leveraging OpenStreetMap to Support Flood Risk Management in Municipalities: A Prototype Decision Support System.10.342016
MayaArch3D - webbasierte archäologische 3D-Visualisierung und Analyse.00.342016
A Conceptual Quality Framework for Volunteered Geographic Information80.582015
Road-based travel recommendation using geo-tagged images331.072015
Exploring the Geographical Relations Between Social Media and Flood Phenomena to Improve Situational Awareness - A Study About the River Elbe Flood in June 2013.50.492014
Fine-resolution population mapping using OpenStreetMap points-of-interest291.462014
Estimation of Building Types on OpenStreetMap Based on Urban Morphology Analysis.40.422014
TeleAgro+: analysis framework for agricultural telematics data10.362014
Identifying elements at risk from OpenStreetMap: The case of flooding.50.662014
Explorative public transport flow analysis from uncertain social media data40.512014
Does the spatiotemporal distribution of tweets match the spatiotemporal distribution of flood phenomena? A study about the River Elbe Flood in June 2013.90.532014
Toward mapping land-use patterns from volunteered geographic information331.492013
The use of Volunteered Geographic Information (VGI) and Crowdsourcing in Disaster Management: a Systematic Literature Review.180.862013
Publish/Subscribe System Based on Event Calculus to Support Real-Time Multi-Agent Evacuation Simulation.00.342013
Processing crowd sourced sensor data: from data acquisition to application10.362013
Towards Defining a Framework for the Automatic Derivation of 3D CityGML Models from Volunteered Geographic Information.181.352012 - A Lab for Spatial Exploration of Historical Data.00.342012
Formal definition of a user-adaptive and length-optimal routing graph for complex indoor environments180.892011
Interoperable integration of high precision 3D laser data and large scale geoanalysis in a SDI for Sutra inscriptions in Sichuan (China).00.342011
Geoprozessîerung in Erneuerbaren Energien.00.342010
Generating web-based 3D City Models from OpenStreetMap: The current situation in Germany584.372010
Towards interoperable atmospheric (air flow) models in Spatial Data Infrastructures using OGC Web Services - state of the art and research questions.00.342009
Interoperable processing of digital elevation models in grid infrastructures70.792009
Towards Standards-Based Processing of Digital Elevation Models for Grid Computing through Web Processing Service (WPS)100.802008
TGML: extending GML by temporal constructs - a proposal for a spatiotemporal framework in XML60.742001