Unilever Centre for Molecular Science Informatics, Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Lensfield Road, Cambridge. CB2 1EW, UK.
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Can human experts predict solubility better than computers?00.342017
Are the Sublimation Thermodynamics of Organic Molecules Predictable?10.372016
Predicting targets of compounds against neurological diseases using cheminformatic methodology.00.342015
Verifying the fully “Laplacianised” posterior Naïve Bayesian approach and more30.422015
A note on utilising binary features as ligand descriptors.00.342015
The Parzen Window method: In terms of two vectors and one matrix00.342015
Uniting Cheminformatics and Chemical Theory To Predict the Intrinsic Aqueous Solubility of Crystalline Druglike Molecules.50.472014
Erratum for "In Silico Target Predictions: Defining a Benchmarking Data Set and Comparison of Performance of the Multiclass Naı̈ve Bayes and Parzen-Rosenblatt Window".00.342014
From sequence to enzyme mechanism using multi-label machine learning.50.362014
The natural history of biocatalytic mechanisms.00.342014
PFClust: an optimised implementation of a parameter-free clustering algorithm.10.362014
In Silico Target Predictions: Defining a Benchmarking Data Set and Comparison of Performance of the Multiclass Naïve Bayes and Parzen-Rosenblatt Window.230.812013
4273π: bioinformatics education on low cost ARM hardware.50.342013
Full "Laplacianised" posterior naive Bayesian algorithm.90.502013
Predicting the protein targets for athletic performance-enhancing substances.40.402013
PFClust: a novel parameter free clustering algorithm.100.462013
Winnow based identification of potent hERG inhibitors in silico: comparative assessment on different datasets.10.392012
Predicting the mechanism of phospholipidosis.100.562012
Is EC class predictable from reaction mechanism?60.432012
Classifying Molecules Using a Sparse Probabilistic Kernel Binary Classifier.70.552011
A machine learning approach to predicting protein–ligand binding affinity with applications to molecular docking401.542010
Quantitative Comparison Of Catalytic Mechanisms And Overall Reactions In Convergently Evolved Enzymes: Implications For Classification Of Enzyme Function50.582010
Why Are Some Properties More Difficult To Predict than Others? A Study of QSPR Models of Solubility, Melting Point, and Log P.120.642008
Ligand-Target Prediction Using Winnow and Naive Bayesian Algorithms and the Implications of Overall Performance Statistics.271.332008
How To Winnow Actives from Inactives: Introducing Molecular Orthogonal Sparse Bigrams (MOSBs) and Multiclass Winnow.30.612008
Random Forest Models To Predict Aqueous Solubility.281.872007
Scoring functions and enrichment: a case study on Hsp90.170.622007
Macie (Mechanism, Annotation And Classification In Enzymes): Novel Tools For Searching Catalytic Mechanisms191.132007
Support vector inductive logic programming outperforms the naive Bayes classifier and inductive logic programming for the classification of bioactive chemical compounds.110.762007
Melting Point Prediction Employing -Nearest Neighbor Algorithms and Genetic Parameter Optimization.281.742006
Classifying the world anti-doping agency’s 2005 prohibited list using the chemistry development kit fingerprint30.412006
Chemoinformatics-Based Classification of Prohibited Substances Employed for Doping in Sport.100.642006
Chemistry in bioinformatics.30.612005
Communication and re-use of chemical information in bioscience.71.122005
MACiE: a database of enzyme reaction mechanisms110.832005
Evaluation of a knowledge-based potential of mean force for scoring docked protein-ligand complexes50.562001
The Relationship between the Sequence Identities of Alpha Helical Proteins in the PDB and the Molecular Similarities of Their Ligands70.952001
SATIS: Atom Typing from Chemical Connectivity30.711999
BLEEP - potential of mean force describing protein-ligand interactions: I. Generating potential.304.261999
BLEEP - potential of mean force describing protein-ligand interactions: II. Calculation of binding energies and comparison with experimental data171.591999
Gaussian multipoles in practice: electrostatic energies for intermolecular potentials81.531994