Hong Kong Univ Sci & Tech, Dept Comp Sci & Engn, Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Energy inefficiency diagnosis for Android applications: a literature review00.342023
Will Dependency Conflicts Affect My Program's Semantics?00.342022
Realizing Emotional Interactions to Learn User Experience and Guide Energy Optimization for Mobile Architectures00.342022
APER: Evolution-Aware Runtime Permission Misuse Detection for Android Apps00.342022
ÐArcher: detecting on-chain-off-chain synchronization bugs in decentralized applications00.342021
To What Extent Do Dnn-Based Image Classification Models Make Unreliable Inferences?00.342021
An exploratory study of autopilot software bugs in unmanned aerial vehicles10.352021
Hero: On the Chaos When PATH Meets Modules00.342021
Demystifying “bad” error messages in data science libraries00.342021
Self-Attention Networks for Code Search10.352021
Speeding Up Data Manipulation Tasks with Alternative Implementations: An Exploratory Study00.342021
Why Do Developers Remove Lambda Expressions in Java?00.342021
Automatic Web Testing using Curiosity-Driven Reinforcement Learning10.362021
Characterizing and Detecting Configuration Compatibility Issues in Android Apps00.342021
Understanding and Facilitating the Co-Evolution of Production and Test Code00.342021
Characterizing Transaction-Reverting Statements in Ethereum Smart Contracts30.402021
Boosting automated program repair with bug-inducing commits.00.342020
MockSniffer: characterizing and recommending mocking decisions for unit tests20.362020
Understanding and Detecting Fragmentation-Induced Compatibility Issues for Android Apps30.392020
EvalDNN: a toolbox for evaluating deep neural network models00.342020
Watchman: monitoring dependency conflicts for Python library ecosystem10.352020
Understanding Performance Concerns in the API Documentation of Data Science Libraries00.342020
Industry practice of Javascript dynamic analysis on WeChat mini-programs10.352020
An Exploratory Study of Bugs in Extended Reality Applications on the Web00.342020
How Do Python Framework APIs Evolve? An Exploratory Study10.352020
Exposing library API misuses via mutation analysis30.372019
Exploring and exploiting the correlations between bug-inducing and bug-fixing commits.50.402019
Characterizing and Detecting Inefficient Image Displaying Issues in Android Apps20.352019
Pivot: learning API-device correlations to facilitate Android compatibility issue detection60.482019
Detecting and Diagnosing Energy Issues for Mobile Applications.20.342019
DroidLeaks: a comprehensive database of resource leaks in Android apps30.382019
How Do API Selections Affect the Runtime Performance of Data Analytics Tasks?10.342019
A tale of two cities: how WebView induces bugs to Android applications.50.442018
Understanding and detecting callback compatibility issues for Android applications.100.512018
OASIS: prioritizing static analysis warnings for Android apps based on app user reviews50.392017
CyanDroid: stable and effective energy inefficiency diagnosis for Android apps.60.442017
DroidLeaks: Benchmarking Resource Leak Bugs for Android Applications.10.352016
Taming Android fragmentation: characterizing and detecting compatibility issues for Android apps.531.452016
CSNIPPEX: automated synthesis of compilable code snippets from Q&A sites.40.392016
Understanding and detecting wake lock misuses for Android applications.230.612016
CUSTODES: automatic spreadsheet cell clustering and smell detection using strong and weak features.160.562016
E-greenDroid: effective energy inefficiency analysis for android applications.20.362016
A survey on dependability improvement techniques for pervasive computing systems.60.392015
Diagnosing Energy Efficiency and Performance for Mobile Internetware Applications110.532015
Characterizing and detecting performance bugs for smartphone applications1102.482014
Verifying self-adaptive applications suffering uncertainty110.512014
Scaling Up Symbolic Analysis by Removing Z-Equivalent States30.372014
CHECKERDROID : Automated Quality Assurance for Smartphone Applications.30.392014
User Guided Automation for Testing Mobile Apps140.552014
GreenDroid: Automated Diagnosis of Energy Inefficiency for Smartphone Applications501.122014
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