Department of Information Technology, Uppsala University, SE-75105 Uppsala, Sweden and Department of Aeronautics and Systems Integration, FOI, The Swedish Defense Research Agency, SE-16490 Stockho ...
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Nonlinear and linearised primal and dual initial boundary value problems: When are they bounded? How are they connected?10.382022
Spectral properties of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations00.342021
Stability Of Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Schemes For Wave Propagation When The Coefficient Matrices Have Jumps00.342021
Learning to differentiate00.342021
Trace preserving quantum dynamics using a novel reparametrization-neutral summation-by-parts difference operator00.342021
Neural network enhanced computations on coarse grids00.342021
On conservation and dual consistency for summation-by-parts based approximations of parabolic problems.00.342020
The Relation Between Primal and Dual Boundary Conditions for Hyperbolic Systems of Equations10.352020
Eigenvalue Analysis for Summation-by-Parts Finite Difference Time Discretizations.00.342020
Stable and Accurate Filtering Procedures.00.342020
Properties of Runge-Kutta-Summation-By-Parts methods00.342020
Multigrid Schemes for High Order Discretizations of Hyperbolic Problems.00.342020
The Number of Boundary Conditions for Initial Boundary Value Problems.00.342020
GPU-acceleration of A High Order Finite Difference Code Using Curvilinear Coordinates00.342020
A dual consistent summation-by-parts formulation for the linearized incompressible Navier-Stokes equations posed on deforming domains.00.342019
Accuracy of Stable, High-order Finite Difference Methods for Hyperbolic Systems with Non-smooth Wave Speeds.00.342019
Dual Time-Stepping Using Second Derivatives.00.342019
Encapsulated high order difference operators on curvilinear non-conforming grids.10.382019
On Stochastic Investigation of Flow Problems Using the Viscous Burgers' Equation as an Example.00.342019
Correction to: On Stochastic Investigation of Flow Problems Using the Viscous Burgers' Equation as an Example.00.342019
Level Set Methods for Stochastic Discontinuity Detection in Nonlinear Problems.00.342019
Energy stable boundary conditions for the nonlinear incompressible Navier-Stokes equations.30.392019
On the convergence rates of energy-stable finite-difference schemes.50.522019
On Long Time Error Bounds for the Wave Equation on Second Order Form.00.342018
A Stable Domain Decomposition Technique for Advection-Diffusion Problems.00.342018
A new multigrid formulation for high order finite difference methods on summation-by-parts form.10.352018
Summation-by-Parts Operators for Non-Simply Connected Domains.00.342018
On pseudo-spectral time discretizations in summation-by-parts form.00.342018
Corrigendum to "On the relation between conservation and dual consistency for summation-by-parts schemes" [J. Comput. Phys. 344 (2017) 437-439].00.342018
Finite difference schemes with transferable interfaces for parabolic problems.00.342018
A Roadmap to Well Posed and Stable Problems in Computational Physics.110.642017
Corrigendum to "A stable and conservative interface treatment of arbitrary spatial accuracy" [J. Comput. Phys. 148 (1999) 341-365].00.342017
Exact non-reflecting boundary conditions revisited : well-posedness and stability10.392017
On conservation and stability properties for summation-by-parts schemes.50.402017
Summation-by-Parts operators with minimal dispersion error for coarse grid flow calculations.20.382017
Simulation of Wave Propagation Along Fluid-Filled Cracks Using High-Order Summation-by-Parts Operators and Implicit-Explicit Time Stepping.10.352017
Corrigendum to "Summation by parts operators for finite difference approximations of second derivatives" [J. Comput. Phys. 199 (2004) 503-540].00.342017
Energy stable and high-order-accurate finite difference methods on staggered grids.30.392017
Constructing non-reflecting boundary conditions using summation-by-parts in time.00.342017
Coupling Requirements for Multiphysics Problems Posed on Two Domains.20.372017
Error Boundedness of Discontinuous Galerkin Spectral Element Approximations of Hyperbolic Problems.40.412017
On the relation between conservation and dual consistency for summation-by-parts schemes.10.372017
Hyperbolic systems of equations posed on erroneous curved domains10.372016
Energy Stable Model Reduction of Neurons by Nonnegative Discrete Empirical Interpolation.10.382016
A well-posed and stable stochastic Galerkin formulation of the incompressible Navier-Stokes equations with random data.10.352016
Fully discrete energy stable high order finite difference methods for hyperbolic problems in deforming domains00.342015
Uniformly Best Wavenumber Approximations by Spatial Central Difference Operators60.472015
A new high order energy and enstrophy conserving Arakawa-like Jacobian differential operator50.482015
A stochastic Galerkin method for the Euler equations with Roe variable transformation50.482014
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