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Ontology-Based Process Modelling - Will we live to see it? (Extended Abstract).00.342021
Menschliche Faktoren in Workflow-Management-Systemen.00.342021
Interfaces for Explanations in Human-AI Interaction: Proposing a Design Evaluation Approach00.342021
Ontology-Based Process Modelling - Will We Live to See It?00.342021
Machine Learning-Based Enterprise Modeling Assistance - Approach and Potentials.00.342021
Zur Messung des Einflusses von "Augmented Reality" auf die individuelle Produktivität bei Montagearbeiten.00.342020
State of the art "Smart Factories" - Inhalte und Entwicklung der Workshopserie.00.342020
Welche Effekte hat IT-Unterstützung im Innovationsmanagement? - Eine strukturierte Meta-Analyse.00.342020
A Lightweight Framework for Multi-device Integration and Multi-sensor Fusion to Explore Driver Distraction.00.342019
IT-unterstützte Datenerfassung zur Ableitung persönlicher Produktivitätsfaktoren - eine systematische Literaturanalyse.00.342019
The Research Group Business Information Systems at the University of Rostock .00.342019
Understanding Data-driven Service Ecosystems in the Automotive Domain.00.342019
Digital Services Based on Vehicle Usage Data - The Underlying Vehicle Data Value Chain.00.342019
Comparison of Different Requirements for Digital Workplace Health Promotion.00.342019
Smart Collaboration - Mitarbeiter-zentrierte Informationssysteme in der Produktentstehung.00.342019
Business process model patterns: state-of-the-art, research classification and taxonomy00.342019
Towards Combining Automatic Measurements with Self-Assessments for Personal Stress Management00.342019
Stress-Sensitive IT-Systems at Work: Insights from an Empirical Investigation.00.342019
The Data Perspective of Sensor-enabled Personal Work Support Systems.00.342018
IT-supported Stress Management: Mediating between Sensor Data and Individual Appraisal.00.342018
A Research Agenda for Vehicle Information Systems.00.342018
Towards Context-Aware Assistance for Smart Self-Management of Knowledge Workers.00.342018
Datenbrillengestützte Checklisten in der Fahrzeugmontage - Eine empirische Untersuchung.00.342017
Towards a Framework for Assistance Systems to Support Work Processes in Smart Factories.00.342017
Towards Automated Process Model Annotation with Activity Taxonomies: Use Cases and State of the Art.00.342017
Challenges of smart business process management: An introduction to the special issue.60.422017
Automated Process Model Annotation Support: Building Blocks and Parameters.00.342017
Towards A Method for Developing Reference Enterprise Architectures.00.342017
Business Processes Modelling Assistance by Recommender Functionalities: A First Evaluation from Potential Users.00.342017
Supporting breast cancer decisions using formalized guidelines and experts decision patterns: initial prototype and evaluation.00.342017
Auf dem Weg zum stresssensitiven Prozessmanagement.00.342017
Workshop zum Stand, den Herausforderungen und Impulsen des Geschäftsprozessmanagements (ZuGPM 2017).00.342017
Quantified Vehicles - Novel Services for Vehicle Lifecycle Data.00.342017
IT-Support in Workplace Health Promotion: Mobile Apps on the Rise.00.342017
A Taxonomy and Catalog of Business Process Model Patterns00.342017
State-of-the-art of Business Process Compliance Approaches: A Survey (Extended Abstract).00.342016
Data Model Development for Process Modeling Recommender Systems.10.372016
Towards a Flexible Solution in Knowledge-Based Service Organizations: Capability as a Service.10.372016
Visual Language and Ontology Based Analysis: Using OWL for Relation Discovery and Query in 4EM.00.342016
State-of-the-art of Business Process Compliance Approaches: A Survey.00.342016
The Value of Enterprise Modelling: Towards a Service-centric Perspective.30.382016
SPARQL Query Builders: Overview and Comparison.00.342016
Requirements Catalog for Business Process Modeling Recommender Systems.60.732015
Towards the Automated Annotation of Process Models80.452015
Untersuchung der Anforderungen an Compliance-Management-Systeme in der Lebensmittelbranche.00.342015
Lebensmittelindustrie 4.0 – Cyber-physische Produktionssysteme zur sicheren und unverfälschbaren Datenverarbeitung00.342015
Managing Internal Control: Designing a Wiki-based Information System for Continuous Process Assurance00.342015
State-of-the-Art of Business Process Compliance Approaches.70.442014
Semantic Process Modeling - Design and Implementation of an Ontology-based Representation of Business Processes.180.692009
Semantische Ereignisgesteuerte Prozessketten10.382006