UNSW Asia, Queenstown, Singapore 248922
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MetaCache-GPU - Ultra-Fast Metagenomic Classification.00.342021
cuDTW++: Ultra-Fast Dynamic Time Warping on CUDA-Enabled GPUs00.342020
Efficient Parallel Sort on AVX-512-Based Multi-Core and Many-Core Architectures00.342019
XLCS - A New Bit-Parallel Longest Common Subsequence Algorithm on Xeon Phi Clusters.00.342019
LightSpMV: Faster CUDA-Compatible Sparse Matrix-Vector Multiplication Using Compressed Sparse Rows.10.352018
parSRA: A framework for the parallel execution of short read aligners on compute clusters.10.392018
MetaCache: Context-aware classification of metagenomic reads using minhashing.40.542017
CLOVE: classification of genomic fusions into structural variation events.00.342017
PUNAS: A Parallel Ungapped-Alignment-Featured Seed Verification Algorithm for Next-Generation Sequencing Read Alignment10.352017
SWhybrid: A Hybrid-Parallel Framework for Large-Scale Protein Sequence Database Search30.402017
S-Aligner: Ultrascalable Read Mapping on Sunway Taihu Light.00.342017
Speed and accuracy improvement of higher-order epistasis detection on CUDA-enabled GPUs.20.402017
rapidGSEA: Speeding up gene set enrichment analysis on multi-core CPUs and CUDA-enabled GPUs.10.352016
Parallel Pairwise Epistasis Detection on Heterogeneous Computing Architectures70.582016
Bit-parallel approximate pattern matching: Kepler GPU versus Xeon Phi20.372016
ParDRe: Faster Parallel Duplicated Reads Removal Tool for Sequencing Studies.30.422016
Combining GPU and FPGA technology for efficient exhaustive interaction analysis in GWAS00.342016
SNVSniffer: an integrated caller for germline and somatic single-nucleotide and indel mutations.00.342016
MSAProbs-MPI: Parallel Multiple Sequence Aligner for Distributed-Memory Systems.00.342016
CUDA-enabled hierarchical ward clustering of protein structures based on the nearest neighbour chain algorithm10.382016
Ultra-Fast Detection of Higher-Order Epistatic Interactions on GPUs.00.342016
Parallel and Space-efficient Construction of Burrows-Wheeler Transform and Suffix Array for Big Genome Data40.402016
Parallel algorithms for large-scale biological sequence alignment on Xeon-Phi based clusters.70.442016
Scalable Clustering by Iterative Partitioning and Point Attractor Representation.70.432016
Large-scale genome-wide association studies on a GPU cluster using a CUDA-accelerated PGAS programming model60.542015
SNVSniffer: An integrated caller for germline and somatic SNVs based on Bayesian models00.342015
High-speed exhaustive 3-locus interaction epistasis analysis on FPGAs70.502015
Accelerating large-scale biological database search on Xeon Phi-based neo-heterogeneous architectures50.442015
GSWABE: faster GPU-accelerated sequence alignment with optimal alignment retrieval for short DNA sequences130.652015
Accelerating Bioinformatics Applications via Emerging Parallel Computing Systems.00.342015
Efficient and Accurate OTU Clustering with GPU-based Sequence Alignment and Dynamic Dendrogram Cutting10.362015
Parallelizing Epistasis Detection in GWAS on FPGA and GPU-Accelerated Computing Systems90.662015
LightSpMV: Faster CSR-based sparse matrix-vector multiplication on CUDA-enabled GPUs130.602015
SWAPHI-LS: Smith-Waterman Algorithm on Xeon Phi coprocessors for Long DNA Sequences220.872014
FPGA-based Acceleration of Detecting Statistical Epistasis in GWAS.90.652014
CUSHAW2-GPU: Empowering Faster Gapped Short-Read Alignment Using GPU Computing190.912014
GEM: an elastic and translation-invariant similarity measure with automatic trend adjustment.00.342014
Hybrid CPU/GPU Acceleration of Detection of 2-SNP Epistatic Interactions in GWAS.70.642014
Fast dendrogram-based OTU clustering using sequence embedding10.362014
SWAPHI: Smith-waterman protein database search on Xeon Phi coprocessors281.132014
SparseHC: A Memory-efficient Online Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm.60.462014
Bit-Parallel Approximate Pattern Matching on the Xeon Phi Coprocessor20.382014
CUDA-Accelerated Alignment of Subsequences in Streamed Time Series Data30.392014
UPC++ for bioinformatics: A case study using genome-wide association studies70.532014
CUDASW++ 3.0: accelerating Smith-Waterman protein database search by coupling CPU and GPU SIMD instructions.792.572013
A hybrid short read mapping accelerator.231.062013
Reconfigurable Accelerator for the Word-Matching Stage of BLASTN70.462013
CUSHAW: a CUDA compatible short read aligner to large genomes based on the Burrows-Wheeler transform.503.072012
Accelerating short read mapping on an FPGA (abstract only)40.432012
Evaluation of GPU-based Seed Generation for Computational Genomics Using Burrows-Wheeler Transform20.392012
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