Univ Calif Berkeley, Dept Civil & Environm Engn, Syst Engn, Berkeley, CA 94720 USA
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On the approximability of Time Disjoint Walks00.342022
The Lord of the Ring Road: A Review and Evaluation of Autonomous Control Policies for Traffic in a Ring Road00.342022
Deploying Traffic Smoothing Cruise Controllers Learned from Trajectory Data.00.342022
Modeling Multilane Traffic with Moving Obstacles by Nonlocal Balance Laws*00.342022
Reinforcement Learning Versus PDE Backstepping and PI Control for Congested Freeway Traffic00.342022
Solving N-Player Dynamic Routing Games with Congestion: A Mean-Field Approach.00.342022
Reachability Analysis for FollowerStopper: Safety Analysis and Experimental Results00.342021
BISTRO: Berkeley Integrated System for Transportation Optimization00.342020
Block Simplex Signal Recovery: Methods, Trade-Offs, and an Application to Routing00.342020
Hamilton-Jacobi Formulation for State-Constrained Optimal Control and Zero-Sum Game Problems.00.342020
Emergent Complexity and Zero-shot Transfer via Unsupervised Environment Design00.342020
Zero-Shot Autonomous Vehicle Policy Transfer: From Simulation to Real-World via Adversarial Learning00.342019
Time-Continuous Instantaneous and Past Memory Routing on Traffic Networks: A Mathematical Analysis on the Basis of the Link-Delay Model.00.342019
Simulation to scaled city: zero-shot policy transfer for traffic control via autonomous vehicles.10.352019
Deep Truck - A deep neural network model for longitudinal dynamics of heavy duty trucks.00.342019
A Decision Support System for Evaluating the Impacts of Routing Applications on Urban Mobility00.342018
On Social Optimal Routing Under Selfish Learning.00.342018
Variance Reduction for Policy Gradient with Action-Dependent Factorized Baselines.120.552018
A unified software framework for solving traffic assignment problems.00.342018
Information Patterns in the Modeling and Design of Mobility Management Services.10.382018
Stability and implementation of a cycle-based max pressure controller for signalized traffic networks.00.342018
Discrete-Time System Optimal Dynamic Traffic Assignment SO-DTA with Partial Control for Physical Queuing Networks10.382018
Building-in-Briefcase: A Rapidly-Deployable Environmental Sensor Suite for the Smart Building.20.392018
Occupancy Detection via Environmental Sensing.50.642018
Benchmarks for reinforcement learning in mixed-autonomy traffic.00.342018
Regularity and Lyapunov Stabilization of Weak Entropy Solutions to Scalar Conservation Laws.50.492017
Learnability Of Edge Cost Functions In Routing Games00.342017
Estimation of Performance Metrics at Signalized Intersections Using Loop Detector Data and Probe Travel Times.00.342017
Multi-Lane Reduction: A Stochastic Single-Lane Model For Lane Changing00.342017
MOBILITY21: Strategic Investments for Transportation Infrastructure & Technology.00.342017
Framework For Control And Deep Reinforcement Learning In Traffic00.342017
Flow: Architecture and Benchmarking for Reinforcement Learning in Traffic Control.30.392017
Traffic state estimation method with efficient data fusion based on the Aw-Rascle-Zhang model00.342017
Traffic state estimation on highway: A comprehensive survey.201.362017
Optimizing The Diamond Lane: A More Tractable Carpool Problem And Algorithms00.342016
Scalable Linear Causal Inference for Irregularly Sampled Time Series with Long Range Dependencies.00.342016
ZUbers against ZLyfts Apocalypse: An Analysis Framework for DoS Attacks on Mobility-As-A-Service Systems20.362016
Multimodal Impact Analysis of an Airside Catastrophic Event: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash.00.342016
Improving Disruption Management With Multimodal Collaborative Decision-Making: A Case Study of the Asiana Crash and Lessons Learned.00.342016
Filter Comparison For Estimation On Discretized Pdes Modeling Traffic: Ensemble Kalman Filter And Minimax Filter00.342016
Guest Editorial Special Section on Control and Automation From the 2015 International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS).00.342016
Negative externalities of GPS-enabled routing applications: A game theoretical approach40.592016
On Learning How Players Learn: Estimation of Learning Dynamics in the Routing Game.50.452016
Distributed Optimization for Shared State Systems: Applications to Decentralized Freeway Control via Subnetwork Splitting20.362015
Approximate bilevel programming via pareto optimization for imputation and control of optimization and equilibrium models00.342015
State Estimation for Polyhedral Hybrid Systems and Applications to the Godunov Scheme for Highway Traffic Estimation40.432015
Convergence of heterogeneous distributed learning in stochastic routing games.30.422015
Solving The User Equilibrium Departure Time Problem At An Off-Ramp With Incentive Compatible Cost Functions00.342015
Modeling and estimation of the humans' effect on the CO2 dynamics inside a conference room00.342015
Control of 2 × 2 linear hyperbolic systems: Backstepping-based trajectory generation and PI-based tracking00.342015
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