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Security Against Honorific Adversaries: Efficient MPC with Server-aided Public Verifiability.00.342022
Fortified Multi-Party Computation: Taking Advantage of Simple Secure Hardware Modules.00.342021
Environmentally Friendly Composable Multi-party Computation in the Plain Model from Standard (Timed) Assumptions00.342021
A New Security Notion for PKC in the Standard Model: Weaker, Simpler, and Still Realizing Secure Channels.00.342021
ConTra Corona - Contact Tracing against the Coronavirus by Bridging the Centralized-Decentralized Divide for Stronger Privacy.00.342021
On the Composability of Statistically Secure Random Oblivious Transfer.00.342020
SES-14 - Sichere und zuverlässliche Systeme - Datensouveränität.00.342020
Constructing Secure Multi-Party Computation with Identifiable Abort.00.342020
Your Money or Your Life - Modeling and Analyzing the Security of Electronic Payment in the UC Framework.00.342019
Karlsruher Thesen zur Digitalen Souveränität Europas.00.342018
Towards Efficient Software Protection Obeying Kerckhoffs's Principle using Tamper-proof Hardware.00.342018
Sicherheit auf festem Fundament.00.342018
Fortified Universal Composability: Taking Advantage of Simple Secure Hardware Modules.00.342018
Concurrently Composable Security With Shielded Super-polynomial Simulators.30.372017
Oblivious Voting: Hiding Votes from the Voting Machine in Bingo Voting.00.342016
Towards Realising Oblivious Voting.00.342016
Universally Composable (Non-Interactive) Two-Party Computation from Untrusted Reusable Hardware Tokens.00.342016
From Stateful Hardware to Resettable Hardware Using Symmetric Assumptions.20.362016
Synchronous Universally Composable Computer Networks.10.372015
Closing the Gap: A Universal Privacy Framework for Outsourced Data.20.392015
Weakening The Isolation Assumption Of Tamper-Proof Hardware Tokens00.342015
Daten verschlüsselt speichern und verarbeiten in der Cloud.00.342015
Universally Composable Firewall Architectures Using Trusted Hardware20.382014
A Provably Privacy Preserving Video Surveillance Architecture for an Assisted Living Community.10.362014
Wireless Key Exchange Using Frequency Impairments00.342014
General Statistically Secure Computation with Bounded-Resettable Hardware Tokens.50.392014
Defining Privacy Based on Distributions of Privacy Breaches.00.342013
Lossy Codes and a New Variant of the Learning-With-Errors Problem.170.652013
Das Kryptologikum.00.342013
Structural Composition Attacks on Anonymized Data.00.342013
Implementing resettable UC-Functionalities with untrusted tamper-proof hardware-tokens100.432013
Polynomial Runtime and Composability90.502013
Universally composable oblivious transfer from lossy encryption and the mceliece assumptions30.372012
Oblivious Transfer Based on the McEliece Assumptions.00.342012
David & Goliath Oblivious Affine Function Evaluation - Asymptotically Optimal Building Blocks for Universally Composable Two-Party Computation from a Single Untrusted Stateful Tamper-Proof Hardware Token.00.342012
IND-CCA secure cryptography based on a variant of the LPN problem100.482012
Statistically secure linear-rate dimension extension for oblivious affine function evaluation20.372012
Software Security In Virtualized Infrastructures - The Smart Meter Example00.342011
Towards secure cloud computing through a separation of duties.00.342011
Basing Obfuscation on Simple Tamper-Proof Hardware Assumptions.60.422011
Social key exchange network - from ad-hoc key exchange to a dense key network.00.342011
Unconditional and composable security using a single stateful tamper-proof hardware token120.612011
Kastel - An Application-Driven Center Of Excellence For It Security00.342011
Completeness theorems with constructive proofs for finite deterministic 2-party functions130.532011
Methods to Secure Services in an Untrusted Environment00.342011
Efficient reductions for non-signaling cryptographic primitives20.362011
Universally Composable Incoercibility100.582010
Vulnerabilities of wireless key exchange based on channel reciprocity120.702010
Completeness Theorems with Constructive Proofs for Finite Deterministic 2-Party Functions (full version).10.362010
Bingo Voting - Sichere Wahlen mit Wahlcomputern.10.372009
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