McMaster Univ, Dept Elect & Comp Engn, Hamilton, ON L8S 4K1, Canada
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Effective Similarity Search on Heterogeneous Networks: A Meta-Path Free Approach10.352022
ST-MAML : A stochastic-task based method for task-heterogeneous meta-learning.00.342022
Facilitating Staging-Based Unstructured Mesh Processing To Support Hybrid In-Situ Workflows00.342021
Object Reconstruction Based On Attentive Recurrent Network From Single And Multiple Images00.342021
Compressed Sensing Method for Health Monitoring of Pipelines Based on Guided Wave Inspection00.342020
A Damage Localization Method With Multimodal Lamb Wave Based on Adaptive Polynomial Chirplet Transform00.342020
An-Aided Secure Beamforming In Swipt-Aware Mobile Edge Computing Systems With Cognitive Radio00.342020
EMAT Design for Defect Inspection in Pipe-like Structure Using Helical Lamb Wave.00.342020
Staging Based Task Execution for Data-driven, In-Situ Scientific Workflows00.342020
Multifrequency Identification And Exploitation In Lamb Wave Inspection00.342019
Sparse modified marginal fisher analysis for facial expression recognition00.342019
Priority-Aware Bulk Data Transfer in Low-power IoT Networks.00.342019
Multimodal Lamb Wave Identification Using Combination of Instantaneous Frequency with EMD00.342019
Towards a Smart, Internet-Scale Cache Service for Data Intensive Scientific Applications10.362019
Breast Cancer Detection Based On Merging Four Modes Mri Using Convolutional Neural Networks00.342019
Comparative Analysis of Requirement Change Management Challenges Between in-House and Global Software Development: Findings of Literature and Industry Survey00.342019
An Improved Multi-Source Data Fusion Method Based on the Belief Entropy and Divergence Measure.10.352019
A Source Counting Method Using Acoustic Vector Sensor Based on Sparse Modeling of DOA Histogram.20.392019
Apple detection during different growth stages in orchards using the improved YOLO-V3 model.220.912019
Insulator Segmentation for Power Line Inspection Based on Modified Conditional Generative Adversarial Network00.342019
Detection of Apple Lesions in Orchards Based on Deep Learning Methods of CycleGAN and YOLOV3-Dense.10.372019
Non-time-Sharing Full-Duplex SWIPT Relay System with Energy Access Point.00.342019
A framework for shopfloor material delivery based on real-time manufacturing big data00.342019
Secure and green SWIPT in energy harvesting cognitive radio network with robust AN-aided beamforming00.342019
Formalising Process Assessment and Capability Determination - An Ontology Approach.00.342019
Evaluation of top-down mass spectral identification with homologous protein sequences.10.372018
Mission evaluation: expert evaluation system for large-scale combat tasks of the weapon system of systems.00.342018
Emotion Recognition Research Based on Integration of Facial Expression and Voice.00.342018
A New Leakage-Based Precoding Scheme in IoT Oriented Cognitive MIMO-OFDM Systems.00.342018
A Basic Phase Diagram of Neuronal Dynamics.00.342018
Optimizing Waiting Room Utilization In High Speed Railway Stations Based On An Information Integration Approach00.342018
Identification of Pedestrians From Confused Planar Objects Using Light Field Imaging.10.352018
Entropy Based Boundary-Eliminated Pseudo-Inverse Linear Discriminant for Speech Emotion Recognition.00.342018
Nonlinear Modeling and Coordinate Optimization of a Semi-Active Energy Regenerative Suspension with an Electro-Hydraulic Actuator.00.342018
Sample Complexity of Stochastic Variance-Reduced Cubic Regularization for Nonconvex Optimization.10.382018
Nested Array Sensor With Grating Lobe Suppression and Arbitrary Transmit-Receive Beampattern Synthesis.00.342018
Vehicle-Based Cloudlet Relaying for Mobile Computation Offloading.20.362018
Analysis of Half-Asleep and Wakeup Strategy in Wireless Mesh/Relay Networks with Double-State Channel.00.342018
Extrinsic Calibration of Lidar and Camera with Polygon00.342018
Crack Damage Detection Method via Multiple Visual Features and Efficient Multi-Task Learning Model.10.372018
ANSYS is Used on Drilling Inner Blind Hole on Deep Hole.00.342018
Teamworking Strategies of Scrum Team: A Multi-Agent based Simulation00.342018
Embedding Virtual Network Functions with Backup for Reliable Large-Scale Edge Computing00.342018
Electrochemical Determination of Nitrite by Au Nanoparticle/Graphene-Chitosan Modified Electrode.00.342018
Cognitive Interference Alignment Schemes for IoT Oriented Heterogeneous Two-Tier Networks.00.342018
Development of a new EMAT for multi-helical SH guided waves based on magnetostrictive effect00.342018
Simulation of heat conduction in fluids on GPU with particle method.00.342017
Integrity-Oriented Content Offloading in Vehicular Sensor Network.10.352017
A half-capacity back-to-back converter interconnecting synchronous AC grids00.342017
Moderating the seductive details effect in multimedia learning with note-taking.10.352017
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