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Ambiguity and Generality in Natural Language Privacy Policies00.342021
Analyzing privacy policies through syntax-driven semantic analysis of information types10.382021
Cree: A Performant Tool for Safety Analysis of Administrative Temporal Role-Based Access Control (ATRBAC) Policies00.342021
Access Control Policy Generation From User Stories Using Machine Learning00.342021
ConDySTA: Context-Aware Dynamic Supplement to Static Taint Analysis10.352021
How does misconfiguration of analytic services compromise mobile privacy?10.362020
Disambiguating Requirements Through Syntax-Driven Semantic Analysis of Information Types.10.352020
Toward Detection of Access Control Models from Source Code via Word Embedding00.342019
Privacy Assurance for Android Augmented Reality Apps00.342019
Toward a reliability measurement framework automated using deep learning00.342019
Taming web views in the detection of Android privacy leaks00.342019
GUILeak: tracing privacy policy claims on user input data for Android applications.40.412018
Inferring Ontology Fragments From Semantic Role Typing Of Lexical Variants10.362018
Extracting Information Types from Android Layout Code Using Sequence to Sequence Learning.10.362018
Provable Enforcement of HIPAA-Compliant Release of Medical Records Using the History Aware Programming Language10.362017
Verifiable Assume-Guarantee Privacy Specifications for Actor Component Architectures10.402017
Lexical Similarity of Information Type Hypernyms, Meronyms and Synonyms in Privacy Policies.00.342016
Sequence Diagram Aided Privacy Policy Specification00.342016
PVDetector: a detector of privacy-policy violations for Android apps.10.412016
Toward a framework for detecting privacy policy violations in android application code.220.772016
Panel Security and Privacy in the Age of Internet of Things: Opportunities and Challenges.00.342016
Mohawk+T: Efficient Analysis of Administrative Temporal Role-Based Access Control (ATRBAC) Policies10.352015
Less is more?: investigating the role of examples in security studies using analogical transfer00.342014
Managing security requirements patterns using feature diagram hierarchies00.342014
Formal verification of security properties in trust management policy00.342014
Privacy promises that can be kept: a policy analysis method with application to the HIPAA privacy rule130.672013
Refinement-based design of a group-centric secure information sharing model10.362012
Monitoring Dense-Time, Continuous-Semantics, Metric Temporal Logic.20.372012
Ensuring authorization privileges for cascading user obligations20.372012
Characterizations and boundaries of security requirements patterns30.452012
Formal Analysis of Sequence Diagram with Combined Fragments.00.342012
On XACML's adequacy to specify and to enforce HIPAA50.452012
GitBAC: Flexible access control for non-modular concerns00.342011
Group-Centric Secure Information-Sharing Models for Isolated Groups150.772011
Deconstructing the semantics of big-step modelling languages120.592010
Group-centric models for secure and agile information sharing50.522010
Semantic Criteria for Choosing a Language for Big-Step Models40.402009
Toward practical analysis for trust management policy50.382009
Foundations for group-centric secure information sharing models261.172009
Towards a framework for group-centric secure collaboration151.082009
A conceptual framework for Group-Centric secure information sharing140.922009
Role-based trust management security policy analysis and correction environment (RT-SPACE)30.422008
Role Based Access Control and OWL.60.562008
Formalize UML 2 Sequence Diagrams40.522008
ROWLBAC: representing role based access control in OWL372.442008
Stale-safe security properties for group-based secure information sharing140.842008
Apply Model Checking to Security Analysis in Trust Management60.512007
Mapping template semantics to SMV70.442004
Understanding and Comparing Model-Based Specification Notations60.602003
Template Semantics for Model-Based Notations311.432003
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