University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
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Monitoring Pets, Deterring Intruders, and Casually Spying on Neighbors: Everyday Uses of Smart Home Cameras00.342022
Critical-Playful Speculations with Cameras in the Home00.342022
“They don’t always think about that”: Translational Needs in the Design of Personal Health Informatics Applications00.342021
Parenting in a Pandemic: Juggling Multiple Roles and Managing Technology Use in Family Life During COVID-19 in the United States.00.342021
How the Design of YouTube Influences User Sense of Agency10.342021
Yarn: Adding Meaning to Shared Personal Data through Structured Storytelling00.342020
DreamCatcher: Exploring How Parents and School-Age Children can Track and Review Sleep Information Together00.342020
Designing an online sex education resource for gender-diverse youth00.342020
Understanding Participant Needs for Engagement and Attitudes towards Passive Sensing in Remote Digital Health Studies.00.342020
"This just felt to me like the right thing to do": Decision-Making Experiences of Parents of Young Children00.342020
Personal Data and Power Asymmetries in U.S. Collegiate Sports Teams00.342020
From Ancient Contemplative Practice to the App Store: Designing a Digital Container for Mindfulness00.342020
How Patient-Generated Health Data And Patient-Reported Outcomes Affect Patient-Clinician Relationships: A Systematic Review00.342020
Data-Driven Implications for Translating Evidence-Based Psychotherapies into Technology-Delivered Interventions10.372020
Social Technologies for Digital Wellbeing Among Marginalized Communities00.342019
CHI 2019.00.342019
A Translational Science Model for HCI.40.672019
Examining Opportunities for Goal-Directed Self-Tracking to Support Chronic Condition Management20.372019
A Patient-Centered Proposal for Bayesian Analysis of Self-Experiments for Health20.352019
Engaging Teenagers in Asynchronous Online Groups to Design for Stress Management00.342019
Designing for Digital Wellbeing - A Research & Practice Agenda.10.372019
Identifying and Planning for Individualized Change: Patient-Provider Collaboration Using Lightweight Food Diaries in Healthy Eating and Irritable Bowel Syndrome40.412019
Rethinking assumptions in the design of health and wellness tracking tools.20.362018
Values, Identity, and Social Translucence: Neurodiverse Student Teams in Higher Education.10.352018
Uncertainty Displays Using Quantile Dotplots or CDFs Improve Transit Decision-Making220.752018
Crowdsourcing Exercise Plans Aligned with Expert Guidelines and Everyday Constraints10.352018
Understanding pivotal experiences in behavior change for the design of technologies for personal wellbeing.10.372018
Examining Self-Tracking By People With Migraine: Goals, Needs, And Opportunities In A Chronic Health Condition40.382018
Social Issues in Personal Informatics: Design, Data, and Infrastructure.00.342018
Introduction to This Special Issue on the Lived Experience of Personal Informatics10.372017
Design Opportunities for Mental Health Peer Support Technologies.60.432017
Supporting Patient-Provider Collaboration to Identify Individual Triggers using Food and Symptom Journals.160.742017
Lessons from Practice: Designing Tools to Facilitate Individualized Support for Quitting Smoking.10.352017
TummyTrials: A Feasibility Study of Using Self-Experimentation to Detect Individualized Food Triggers.130.542017
When Personal Tracking Becomes Social: Examining the Use of Instagram for Healthy Eating.130.532017
Examining Menstrual Tracking to Inform the Design of Personal Informatics Tools.170.652017
On The Design Of Subly: Instilling Behavior Change During Web Surfing Through Subliminal Priming30.452017
Translational Resources: Reducing the Gap Between Academic Research and HCI Practice.60.412017
From Personal Informatics to Family Informatics: Understanding Family Practices around Health Monitoring.150.622017
Finding the Right Fit: Understanding Health Tracking in Workplace Wellness Programs.40.392017
Value Sensitive Design for Neurodiverse Teams in Higher Education.10.352017
Should you always have a backup? One vs. two goals in games.00.342017
Designing Closeness to Increase Gamers' Performance.60.442016
Reconsidering the device in the drawer: lapses as a design opportunity in personal informatics.130.592016
A framework for self-experimentation in personalized health.210.882016
Exploring the design space of glanceable feedback for physical activity trackers.150.572016
Boundary Negotiating Artifacts in Personal Informatics: Patient-Provider Collaboration with Patient-Generated Data.371.092016
PlanSourcing: Generating Behavior Change Plans with Friends and Crowds.100.712016
When (ish) is My Bus?: User-centered Visualizations of Uncertainty in Everyday, Mobile Predictive Systems.311.142016
Crumbs: Lightweight Daily Food Challenges to Promote Engagement and Mindfulness.110.732016
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