National Taiwan Ocean University, Taiwann, R.O.C.
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Comorbidity Trajectory Network in Heart Failure Patients Based on Prefixspan Algorithm.00.342021
Prediction of chronic kidney disease stages by renal ultrasound imaging00.342020
Prediction of chronic kidney disease stages by renal ultrasound imaging00.342020
Enhanced Functional Pathway Annotations for Differentially Expressed Gene Clusters00.342020
Computing a Weighted Jaccard Index of Electronic Medical Record for Disease Prediction.00.342020
Automatic generation of puzzle tile maps for spatial-temporal data visualization00.342019
A voting mechanism-based linear epitope prediction system for the host-specific Iridoviridae family.00.342019
Functional Simple Sequence Repeat (SSR) Biomarkers for Specific Gene Groups of Oreochromis Niloticus.00.342018
Functional enrichment analysis based on long noncoding RNA associations.00.342018
Indoor localization and navigation using smartphone sensory data.20.432018
Multiple model species selection for transcriptomics analysis of non-model organisms.00.342018
Construction Of A Metadata Schema For Medical Data In Networking Applications00.342017
Data Based Feature Identification of Polymorphic Functional Marker from Transcriptome Comparison.00.342017
Biological Pathway Analysis for De Novo Transcriptomes through Multiple Reference Species Selections00.342016
Gene Ontology Based Clustering Analysis for Functionally Linked Genes and Cross-Species Comparison for SSR Biomarkers00.342016
Proactive Healthcare And An Early Warning Mechanism For Coronary Artery Disease Patients Using Internet-Of-Thing Devices00.342016
A Conformational Epitope Prediction System Based on Sequence and Structural Characteristics.00.342016
Feature Analysis On Heart Failure Classes And Associated Medications00.342016
Exclusive Genomic Pathway Analysis for Groupers Infected by Different Iridovirus00.342015
An automatic structural detection system for alpha-solenoid repeats.00.342015
A prediction system for ankyrin repeat domain family.00.342015
A support vector machine approach for truncated fingerprint image detection from sweeping fingerprint sensors.20.422015
Identifying significant associations of orthologous simple sequence repeats with gene ontologies.00.342014
Transcriptome analysis of Orange-Spotted Grouper between Ranavirus and Megalocytivirus Infections.00.342014
A local average distance descriptor for flexible protein structure comparison.70.482014
Stochastic simulation of notch signaling reveals novel factors that mediate the differentiation of neural stem cells.00.342014
Epitope Prediction Based on Geometric Spiral Features of Neighboring Surface Residues.00.342014
Stage diagnosis for Chronic Kidney Disease based on ultrasonography00.342014
Smartphone Indoor Localization with Accelerometer and Gyroscope40.402014
Transcriptome Data Visualization in Pathways with Application to Zebrafish Embryo Datasets.00.342014
Prediction of conformational epitopes with the use of a knowledge-based energy function and geometrically related neighboring residue characteristics.110.582013
Mining Polymorphic SSRs from Individual Genome Sequences00.342013
Homologous synteny block detection based on suffix tree algorithms.00.342013
Protein crystallization prediction with AdaBoost.10.352013
Discovering Feedback and Coupled Feedback Loops in KEGG Pathways through Cross-Map Identification00.342013
Protein-ligand binding region prediction (PLB-SAVE) based on geometric features and CUDA acceleration.40.462013
Chemoattraction of macrophages by secretory molecules derived from cells expressing the signal peptide of eosinophil cationic protein.10.342012
RNA-seq coverage effects on biological pathways and GO tag clouds00.342012
Ultrasonography Image Analysis for Detection and Classification of Chronic Kidney Disease00.342012
In Silico Prediction and In Vitro Characterization of Unique Function of Human RNase300.342012
Construction of a Taiwan Biodiversity Genetic Database in Cloud Environments00.342012
Molecular Identification of a Unique Heparin Binding Motif Derived from Human RNase300.342012
Poster: Linear B-cell epitope prediction based on Support Vector Machine and propensity scales00.342011
Multiscale SSR Tag Cloud Visualization for Biomarker Discovery20.382011
A Hybrid Method of Propensity Scales and Support Vector Machine in a Linear Epitope Prediction00.342011
Functional pathway mapping analysis for hypoxia-inducible factors.50.352011
Poster: Identification and classification of internal repeats in proteins00.342011
An Atomatic Fundus Image Analysis System for Clinical Diagnosis of Glaucoma110.782011
Using Solid Angles to Detect Protein Docking Regions by CUDA Parallel Algorithms10.412010
Efficient algorithms for identifying orthologous simple sequence repeats of disease genes.20.472010
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