waseda university
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A vertical jump optimization strategy for one-legged robot with variable reduction ratio joint00.342021
Crawling and foot trajectory modification control for legged robot on uneven terrain.00.342020
Flow Compensation for Hydraulic Direct-Drive System with a Single-rod Cylinder Applied to Biped Humanoid Robot.00.342020
A Low Cognitive Load and Reduced Motion Sickness Inducing Zoom Method Based on Typical Gaze Movement for Master-Slave Teleoperation Systems with HMD00.342020
Disaster Response Robot'S Autonomous Manipulation Of Valves In Disaster Sites Based On Visual Analyses Of Rgbd Images00.342019
Robotic Ankle Mechanism Capable of Kicking While Jumping and Running and Adaptable to Change in Running Speed00.342019
Experimental Validation Of Hydraulic Interlocking Dive System For Biped Humanoid Robot00.342019
Experimental Validation of High-Efficiency Hydraulic Direct-Drive System for a Biped Humanoid Robot - Comparison with Valve-Based Control System.00.342019
Moving onto High Steps for a Four-limbed Robot with Torso Contact.00.342019
Trajectory Optimization for High-Power Robots with Motor Temperature Constraints.00.342018
Jumping Motion Generation Of A Humanoid Robot Utilizing Human-Like Joint Elasticity00.342018
Error Compensation System with Proximity Sensors for Vertical Ladder Climbing of the Robot “WAREC-1”00.342018
Effects of Biped Humanoid Robot Walking Gaits on Sparse Visual Odometry Algorithms00.342018
Downsizing the Motors of a Biped Robot Using a Hydraulic Direct Drive System00.342018
End-Effector With A Hook And Two Fingers For The Locomotion And Simple Work Of A Four-Limbed Robot00.342018
Automatic Detection of Valves with Disaster Response Robot on Basis of Depth Camera Information00.342018
Trunk motion control during the flight phase while hopping considering angular momentum of a humanoid.00.342018
Head stabilization in a humanoid robot: models and implementations.40.422017
Angular momentum compensation in yaw direction using upper body based on human running.00.342017
SGD for robot motion? The effectiveness of stochastic optimization on a new benchmark for biped locomotion tasks10.352017
Material recognition CNNs and hierarchical planning for biped robot locomotion on slippery terrain60.552017
On stereo confidence measures for global methods: evaluation, new model and integration into occupancy grids10.352016
Footstep Planning for Slippery and Slanted Terrain Using Human-Inspired Models.40.422016
Development of a Humorous Humanoid Robot Capable of Quick-and-Wide Arm Motion.00.342016
Path-time independent trajectory planning of ladder climbing with shortest path length for a four-limbed robot00.342016
Biped Robot Research at Waseda University00.342015
A Torque Limiter For Safe Joint Applied To Humanoid Robots Against Falling Damage00.342015
Utilization of Human-Like Pelvic Rotation for Running Robot30.452015
Intersection of “Tokku” Special Zone, Robots, and the Law: A Case Study on Legal Impacts to Humanoid Robots71.002015
Investigating the Effect of Relative Cultural Distance on the Acceptance of Robots.50.502015
On the formulation, performance and design choices of Cost-Curve Occupancy Grids for stereo-vision based 3D reconstruction10.352014
Uncanny valley, robot and autism: Perception of the uncanniness in an emotional gait10.362014
Bio-inspired falling motion control for a biped humanoid robot20.412014
New Shank Mechanism For Humanoid Robot Mimicking Human-Like Walking In Horizontal And Frontal Plane20.382013
Perception of emotion and emotional intensity in humanoid robots gait50.442013
Human-Humanoid Robot Social Interaction: Laughter30.462013
Shoes-wearable foot mechanism mimicking characteristics of human's foot arch and skin20.382013
Integrating The Whole Cost-Curve Of Stereo Into Occupancy Grids20.382013
Biped walking stabilization based on gait analysis.50.672012
Biped Landing Pattern Modification Method And Walking Experiments In Outdoor Environment00.342008
Swizzle Movement For Biped Walking Robot Having Passive Wheels00.342008
Development Of A Biped Locomotor With The Double Stage Linear Actuator00.342007
Unknown disturbance compensation control for a biped walking vehicle30.552007
Experimental Stiffness Measurement of WL-16RII Biped Walking Vehicle During Walking Operation.00.342007
New Foot System Adaptable to Convex and Concave Surface60.642007
Biped landing pattern modification method with nonlinear compliance control131.132006
New Biped Foot System Adaptable To Uneven Terrain00.342006
A Fall Avoidance Foot Mechanism For A Biped Locomotor20.412006
Development of foot system of biped walking robot capable of maintaining four-point contact30.722005
Support torque reduction mechanism for biped locomotor with parallel mechanism.71.122004