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A Hybrid Intelligent Framework to Combat Sophisticated Threats in Secure Industries00.342022
Adaptive rubber-banding system of dynamic difficulty adjustment in racing games00.342022
PCP: A Pseudonym Change Scheme for Location Privacy Preserving in VANETs00.342022
An Authentication Scheme for Car-Home Connectivity Services in Vehicular Ad-Hoc Networks.00.342021
VANETs Road Condition Warning and Vehicle Incentive Mechanism Based on Blockchain.00.342021
A Hybrid Deep Learning-Driven Sdn Enabled Mechanism For Secure Communication In Internet Of Things (Iot)00.342021
Improved Optimal Reciprocal Collision Avoidance Algorithm in Racing Games.00.342021
Combination of Pseudonym Changing with Blockchain-Based Data Credibility for Verifying Accuracy of Latest Vehicle Information in VANETs.00.342021
A location privacy protection scheme based on random encryption period for VSNs00.342020
An anonymous authentication scheme for edge computing-based car-home connectivity services in vehicular networks00.342020
A Dynamic Scene Recognition Method for Event-Based Social Network.00.342019
AIM: Activation increment minimization strategy for preventing bad information diffusion in OSNs.10.352019
Recommendation System Based on Deep Learning00.342019
Real-Time Ray Tracing Algorithm for Dynamic Scene.00.342019
Emotion Recognition Scheme via EEG Signal Analysis.00.342019
APPAS:A Privacy-Preserving Authentication Scheme Based on Pseudonym Ring in VSNs00.342019
Enemy Attack Management Algorithm for Action Role-Playing Games00.342019
A Brief Survey: 3D Face Reconstruction00.342019
Monocular Camera Tracking Curve Optimization Algorithm in Augmented Reality00.342018
Independent Mix Zone for Location Privacy in Vehicular Networks.20.372018
PAAS: PMIPv6 Access Authentication Scheme Based on Identity-Based Signature in VANETs.10.362018
A Pseudonym Ring Building Scheme for Anonymous Authentication in VANETs00.342018
Improve Memory for Alzheimer Patient by Employing Mind Wave on Virtual Reality with Deep Learning00.342018
An Anonymous Access Authentication Scheme for VANETs Based on ID-Based Group Signature00.342018
An Anonymous Authentication Scheme based on PMIPv6 for VANETs.10.342018
Location Privacy Protection Scheme Based on Random Encryption Period in VANETs.00.342018
SAAS - A Secure Anonymous Authentication Scheme for PMIPv6.00.342017
An Anonymous Access Authentication Scheme Based on Proxy Ring Signature for CPS-WMNs.00.342017
Random oracle-based anonymous credential system for efficient attributes proof on smart devices.10.362016
Access Authentication Schemes For Pmipv6: A Survey00.342016
An Access Authentication Scheme Based On Hierarchical Ibs For Proxy Mobile Ipv6 Network20.452016
Anonymous authentication scheme based on identity-based proxy group signature for wireless mesh network.10.352016
Indicator-Based Multi-objective Bacterial Foraging Algorithm with Adaptive Searching Mechanism.00.342016
A Novel Hybrid Algorithm Based On Hill Matrix And Haar Domain Sequence00.342016
Privacy-preserving and efficient attributes proof based on selective aggregate CL-signature scheme10.372016
An Emergency Communication System Based on UAV-assisted Self-Organizing Network00.342016
Anonymous Authentication Scheme Based on Proxy Group Signature for Wireless MESH Network10.372014
PPS: A privacy-preserving security scheme for multi-operator wireless mesh networks with enhanced user experience.00.342014
Privacy-Preserving Predicate Proof of Attributes with CL-Anonymous Credential.00.342014
LEAS: Localized efficient authentication scheme for multi-operator wireless mesh network with identity-based proxy signature.00.342013
Anonymity Scheme with Unlinkability Property in Wireless Mesh Networks00.342013
A hybrid approach to secure hierarchical mobile IPv6 networks.10.362013
Delegation-Based Mutual Authentication Scheme for Multi-operator Wireless Mesh Network40.452012
BPVrfy: Hybrid Cryptographic Scheme Based -- Federate Identity Attributes Verification Model for Business Processes00.342012
Aggregated Privacy-Preserving Identity Verification for Composite Web Services10.352011
A Distributed Security MIPv6 Model Based on Dynamic Policies00.342009
A Comprehensive Six-Dimensional Quality of Web Services Assessment Model10.372008
Policy-Based Distributed Security Management Scheme in MIPv600.342008
Distributed and scalable event correlation based on causality graph00.342007
Self-adapting mobile IPv6 model based on MAP00.342004
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