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Flexibility Requirement When Tracking Renewable Power Fluctuation With Peer-to-Peer Energy Sharing00.342022
Experimentally Validated Extended Kalman Filter Approach for Geomagnetically Induced Current Measurement00.342022
Storage and Transmission Capacity Requirements of a Remote Solar Power Generation System00.342022
Closed-Loop Aggregated Baseline Load Estimation Using Contextual Bandit With Policy Gradient00.342022
Extended Kalman Filter-Based Approach for Nodal Pricing in Active Distribution Networks00.342021
Joint Energy And Reserve Scheduling Of A Wind Power Producer In A Peer-To-Peer Mechanism00.342021
Multiobjective Optimal Power Flow Using a Semidefinite Programming-Based Model00.342021
Probabilistic Model For Microgrids Optimal Energy Management Considering Ac Network Constraints00.342020
An optimal home energy management paradigm with an adaptive neuro-fuzzy regulation00.342020
Supplementary Damping Control Design for Large Scale PV Power Plant at Transmission Level Interconnection.00.342020
Security-Constrained Unit Commitment With Natural Gas Pipeline Transient Constraints20.392020
Embedding quasi-static time series within a genetic algorithm for stochastic optimization: the case of reactive power compensation on distribution systems00.342020
Optimal Operation of Electric Vehicle Parking Lots with Rooftop Photovoltaics00.342019
Security-Constrained Unit Commitment Problem With Transmission Switching Reliability and Dynamic Thermal Line Rating10.352019
Comprehensive Review of the Recent Advances in Industrial and Commercial DR10.372019
Hybrid Optimization Algorithm To Solve The Nonconvex Multiarea Economic Dispatch Problem10.362019
Computational Simulation Results in Power Systems Operation to Integrate Reliability in the Security Constrained Optimization Problem00.342019
Purchase' Portfolio Optimization of Power Supply Company with Distributed PV Considering EVs00.342018
Neural Network Based Irradiance Mapping Model of Solar PV Power Forecasting Using Sky Image00.342018
Economic Operation of a Micro-Grid considering Demand Side Flexibility and Common ESS Availability00.342018
Design of Power Supply Service Plan for Electric Company Considering Harmonic Management00.342018
Multi-objective optimization model of source-load-storage synergetic dispatch for building energy system based on TOU price demand response00.342017
Short-Term Scheduling Of Microgrids In The Presence Of Demand Response00.342017
Investigation Of Smart Distribution Network Response To Operation Performance Of Plug-In Hybrid Electric Vehicles00.342017
Experimental low cost reflective type oximeter for wearable health systems.30.352017
Double Synchronous Controller For Integration Of Large-Scale Renewable Energy Sources Into A Low-Inertia Power Grid20.452017
Comparison Of Two Control Strategies In An Autonomous Hybrid Microgrid00.342017
Synchronous Active Proportional Resonant-Based Control Technique For High Penetration Of Distributed Generation Units Into Power Grids20.452017
A Hybrid Anti-islanding Method for Inverter-Based Distributed Generation.00.342017
Reliability Optimization of Automated Distribution Networks With Probability Customer Interruption Cost Model in the Presence of DG Units.10.382017
Optimal Sizing And Siting Of Distributed Generation And Ev Charging Stations In Distribution Systems00.342017
Assessment of Ancillary Service Demand Response and Time of Use in a Market-Based Power System Through a Stochastic Security Constrained Unit Commitment.10.432017
A New DG Planning Approach to Maximize Renewable - Based DG Penetration Level and Minimize Annual Loss.00.342017
Probabilistic Modeling Of Smart Residential Energy Systems00.342017
The Impacts of Demand Response on the Efficiency of Energy Markets in the Presence of Wind Farms.00.342017
Smart Railway Station Energy Management Considering Regenerative Braking And Ess00.342017
Flexibilizing Distribution Network Systems via Dynamic Reconfiguration to Support Large-Scale Integration of Variable Energy Sources Using a Genetic Algorithm.00.342017
A Review of Multi-agent Based Energy Management Systems.50.602017
A robust optimisation framework in composite generation and transmission expansion planning considering inherent uncertainties.10.372017
Implementing an Integer Linear Approach to Multi-objective Phasor Measurement Unit Placement.00.342017
Multi-layer Agent-Based Decision Making Model with Incomplete Information Game Theory to Study the Behavior of Market Participants for Sustainability00.342015
Multi-layer Agent-Based Decision Making Model with Incomplete Information Game Theory to Study the Behavior of Market Participants for Sustainability00.342015
A Heuristic Approach for Economic Dispatch Problem in Insular Power Systems.00.342015
Stochastic Modeling of Multienergy Carriers Dependencies in Smart Local Networks With Distributed Energy Resources20.422015
A Multifunction Control Strategy for the Stable Operation of DG Units in Smart Grids40.552015
Mid-Term Effects of Optimal Wind-Reversible Hydro Offering Strategies in Day-Ahead Electricity Markets00.342015
Influence of Large Renewable Energy Integration on Insular Grid Code Compliance.00.342015
Experimental Wireless Wattmeter for Home Energy Management Systems.00.342015
Assessing Lead-Acid Battery Design Parameters For Energy Storage Applications On Insular Grids: A Case Study Of Crete And Sao Miguel Islands00.342015
New Multi-objective Decision Support Methodology to Solve Problems of Reconfiguration in the Electric Distribution Systems.00.342015
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