Faculty of Computer Science, Technion - Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel
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Lower Bounds on Stabilizer Rank00.342022
Robust Sylvester-Gallai Type Theorem for Quadratic Polynomials00.342022
Improved Constructions of Coding Schemes for the Binary Deletion Channel and the Poisson Repeat Channel10.362022
Reed Solomon Codes Against Adversarial Insertions and Deletions00.342022
Explicit and Efficient Constructions of Linear Codes Against Adversarial Insertions and Deletions00.342022
Learnability can be independent of set theory (invited paper)00.342021
Hitting Sets and Reconstruction for Dense Orbits in VP_{e} and ΣΠΣ Circuits.00.342021
Polynomial time deterministic identity testing algorithm for Σ[3]ΠΣΠ[2] circuits via Edelstein–Kelly type theorem for quadratic polynomials00.342021
Reed–Muller Codes: Theory and Algorithms50.462021
On the Performance of Reed-Muller Codes with respect to Random Errors and Erasures.00.342020
Explicit and Efficient Constructions of Coding Schemes for the Binary Deletion Channel10.352020
A generalized Sylvester-Gallai type theorem for quadratic polynomials00.342020
On Some Recent Advances in Algebraic Complexity (Invited Talk).00.342020
Learnability Can Be Undecidable (Vol 1, Pg 44, 2019)00.342019
Sylvester-Gallai type theorems for quadratic polynomials.00.342019
Learnability Can Be Undecidable10.352019
Identity Testing and Lower Bounds for Read-k Oblivious Algebraic Branching Programs.60.422018
Succinct Hitting Sets and Barriers to Proving Lower Bounds for Algebraic Circuits.00.342018
A learning problem that is independent of the set theory ZFC axioms.00.342017
Succinct Hitting Sets and Barriers to Proving Algebraic Circuits Lower Bounds.30.382017
A PSPACE Construction of a Hitting Set for the Closure of Small Algebraic Circuits.10.642017
Proof Complexity Lower Bounds from Algebraic Circuit Complexity.60.432016
Tight lower bounds for linear 2-query LCCs over finite fields.10.352016
Efficiently Decoding Reed–Muller Codes From Random Errors20.422016
Complexity Theory Column 88: Challenges in Polynomial Factorization1.40.392015
Subexponential Size Hitting Sets for Bounded Depth Multilinear Formulas.10.352015
Compressing and Teaching for Low VC-Dimension80.512015
Decoding high rate Reed-Muller codes from random errors in near linear time.00.342015
Read-once polynomial identity testing270.902015
Equivalence of Polynomial Identity Testing and Polynomial Factorization50.452015
Teaching and compressing for low VC-dimension.50.472015
Hitting sets for multilinear read-once algebraic branching programs, in any order200.712014
Testing Equivalence of Polynomials under Shifts.50.442014
Approximate Nonnegative Rank Is Equivalent to the Smooth Rectangle Bound.40.442014
Equivalence of Polynomial Identity Testing and Deterministic Multivariate Polynomial Factorization90.572014
Capacity-Achieving Multiwrite WOM Codes30.492014
On Reconstruction and Testing of Read-Once Formulas.50.452014
Reed-Muller codes for random erasures and errors.50.442014
Explicit Noether Normalization for Simultaneous Conjugation via Polynomial Identity Testing150.612013
Optimal Testing of Multivariate Polynomials over Small Prime Fields.10.372013
Direct sum fails for zero error average communication00.342013
Pseudorandomness for Multilinear Read-Once Algebraic Branching Programs, in any Order.40.402013
Deterministic identity testing of depth-4 multilinear circuits with bounded top fan-in170.632013
Pseudorandom generators for CC0[p] and the Fourier spectrum of low-degree polynomials over finite fields30.412013
Quasipolynomial-Time Identity Testing of Non-commutative and Read-Once Oblivious Algebraic Branching Programs260.822012
Capacity achieving two-write WOM codes50.552012
High Sum-Rate Three-Write and Nonbinary WOM Codes100.682012
Symmetric LDPC Codes are not Necessarily Locally Testable120.532011
New Constructions of WOM Codes Using the Wozencraft Ensemble150.842011
On the minimal fourier degree of symmetric Boolean functions60.562011
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