City Univ Hong Kong, Dept Elect Engn, Kowloon, Hong Kong, Peoples R China
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Robust Low-Rank Convolution Network for Image Denoising00.342022
Deep Multi-Resolution Mutual Learning for Image Inpainting00.342022
FCL-GAN: A Lightweight and Real-Time Baseline for Unsupervised Blind Image Deblurring00.342022
Deep Color Consistent Network for Low-Light Image Enhancement00.342022
Robust Attention Deraining Network for Synchronous Rain Streaks and Raindrops Removal00.342022
CRNet: Unsupervised Color Retention Network for Blind Motion Deblurring00.342022
Joint clothes image detection and search via anchor free framework00.342022
Efficient Deep Embedded Subspace Clustering00.342022
SGINet: Toward Sufficient Interaction Between Single Image Deraining and Semantic Segmentation00.342022
Fisher-regularized Support Vector Machine with Pinball Loss Function00.342021
A Survey on Concept Factorization: From Shallow to Deep Representation Learning10.352021
Robust Low-rank Deep Feature Recovery in CNNs: Toward Low Information Loss and Fast Convergence00.342021
Twin-Incoherent Self-Expressive Locality-Adaptive Latent Dictionary Pair Learning for Classification40.382021
Triplet Deep Subspace Clustering via Self-Supervised Data Augmentation00.342021
Generalized Incomplete Multiview Clustering With Flexible Locality Structure Diffusion270.642021
Kernelized Multiview Subspace Analysis By Self-Weighted Learning10.342021
Dense Residual Network: Enhancing global dense feature flow for character recognition20.642021
Dual-Constrained Deep Semi-Supervised Coupled Factorization Network with Enriched Prior00.342021
Unified Tensor Framework For Incomplete Multi-View Clustering And Missing-View Inferring00.342021
Discriminative Fisher Embedding Dictionary Learning Algorithm for Object Recognition.190.552020
Joint Subspace Recovery and Enhanced Locality Driven Robust Flexible Discriminative Dictionary Learning50.402020
Discriminative Local Sparse Representation by Robust Adaptive Dictionary Pair Learning80.422020
DIMC-net: Deep Incomplete Multi-view Clustering Network50.382020
WarpClothingOut: A Stepwise Framework for Clothes Translation From the Human Body to Tiled Images10.362020
Zero-Vae-Gan: Generating Unseen Features For Generalized And Transductive Zero-Shot Learning100.492020
FOX: Fast Overlapping Community Detection Algorithm in Big Weighted Networks00.342020
Tilegan: Category-Oriented Attention-Based High-Quality Tiled Clothes Generation From Dressed Person00.342020
DenseNet with Up-Sampling block for recognizing texts in images20.382020
Robust Triple-Matrix-Recovery-Based Auto-Weighted Label Propagation for Classification40.392020
Deep Latent Low-Rank Fusion Network for Progressive Subspace Discovery10.342020
Mutual-manifold regularized robust fast latent LRR for subspace recovery and learning10.342020
Joint Label Prediction Based Semi-Supervised Adaptive Concept Factorization for Robust Data Representation70.412020
Robust Subspace Clustering with Compressed Data.100.442019
ALG: Adaptive low-rank graph regularization for scalable semi-supervised and unsupervised learning.20.362019
A Coarse-to-Fine Multi-stream Hybrid Deraining Network for Single Image Deraining10.352019
Multi-view clustering via spectral embedding fusion.40.422019
Nonpeaked Discriminant Analysis for Data Representation.120.522019
Incremental updating knowledge in neighborhood multigranulation rough sets under dynamic granular structures.50.372019
Semi-supervised local multi-manifold Isomap by linear embedding for feature extraction.190.542018
Fast and Robust Subspace Clustering Using Random Projections.00.342018
Feature clustering based support vector machine recursive feature elimination for gene selection.70.422018
Anchored Projection Based Capped L(2,1)-Norm Regression For Super-Resolution00.342018
Adaptive non-negative projective semi-supervised learning for inductive classification.20.352018
Lie group impression for deep learning.00.342018
Applying 1-norm SVM with squared loss to gene selection for cancer classification.20.392018
Feature weight estimation based on dynamic representation and neighbor sparse reconstruction.10.362018
Sparse Auto-encoder with Smoothed l1 Regularization.00.342018
Robust Locality-Constrained Label Consistent K-Svd By Joint Sparse Embedding00.342018
Robust Adaptive Embedded Label Propagation With Weight Learning for Inductive Classification.80.452018
Rotational Invariant Discriminant Subspace Learning For Image Classification00.342018
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